Cat Saturday,  Cats,  Feline Fine Art

Caturday Cheshire Grin + Winners

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)


The theme for this week’s Saturday Photo Hunt is “grin” and two vintage examples fit the bill.


cheshire cat-quote we're all mad.bmp



















Do you sometimes feel a bit mad rushing about these days? Have you ever noticed cats don’t do that? They wait before they pounce and in between they nap in a cloud of serenity. Even the hyper-active Odin after catching a rabbit this week knows how to relax 100% (seen here channeling his inner bunny with Merlin). There will be no hunting as the stormy weather continues this weekend. Hurricane season has begun and we can breathe a little easier if we are prepared. Feel free to print out this poster courtesy of and stay safe my friends.

AND we have winners of the five prizes for our birthday celebration last week. Congrats to all our winner.

Look from an email from Layla and Cat Wisdom 101. If there is no response after three days, a SUBSTITUTE winner will be chosen

1) The winner of a t-shirt and tote bag from World’s Best Cat Litter is Crepes.

2) The winner of two new (not yet published) cat books is Catmom21.

3) The winner of a signed, and numbered limited edition cat print from Layla Morgan Wilde is Katz.

4) The winner of a large container of natural litter attractant Litter Getter is Karen Lynch

5) The winner of a prize pack of cat toys, treats, books and more is Sue Brandes

cats-napping-black and white-cute









And a gentle reminder to nominate us for a Pettie Award….. CLICK HERE TO NOMINATEpettie awards 2013-cat wisdom 101

Our URL is for Best Cat Blog,

Best Overall Blog or Best Designed Blog.

If you’re selecting Best Blog Post category,

may we suggest our post on senior pet care



  • China Cat

    Oh, you two are so cute and I love that Cheshire Cat grin! I have caught a chipmunk before but never a bunny. The first of the Cats That Came Before caught a bunny.

  • Sweet Purrfections

    Congratulations to all of the winners! Thanks for the advice for pets with hurricanes. We’ve been very lucky the past two decades in SC with the hurricanes but we know we could be in a direct path.

  • Caren Gittleman

    Concatulations to the lucky winners!
    Have seen that Cheshire cat artwork before but can’t place where it came from, love it.
    The Cheshire Cat is one of my faves…..hence the quote that has lived under my blog banner for “furever” đŸ™‚

  • Sue Brandes

    Oh my gosh I see that I won! This is awesome! Thank you for all the cool giveaways. Congrats to the other winners. Love the photo right under the winners names. And the canary one reminds me of my Tubby who is always staring at mine trying to figure out to get him. So far the human has out smarted him. LOL.

  • Sparky Spitfire

    no bunny hunting?! what a pity…come on over boyz – the mole hunting is fine. also, I have a belated birfday gift for Odin – saved a fev’ver of a birdie that got away, just for him.
    xo and headbonk.

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Concats to the winners! Lve the pic of Merlin and Odin. I read a quote somewhere that said…”Dogs are man’s best friends. Cats are man’s adorable little serial killers.”
    We had our rain Thursday and Friday and this morning, now the sun is out in all of it’s glory and we hope it stays that way a few days. Thank you for the information and reminder about being prepared for emergencies with a pet. Hope everyone stays safe! Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and The Feral Gang >^..^<

  • Marg

    Those are great smiling pictures. Oh Odin, that cuddle picture of you and Merlin is just the best. Preparation for hurricanes is so important. We have been or actually run from three of them. Not fun.

  • Sam and Pam

    Congratulations to winners all ! Love the posters but the dearest display on today’s blog is that sweet photo of Merlin and his brother Odin cuddled up. Is there anything more soothing than a sleeping kitty? I think not! The storm passed by us for the most part – just a bit of rain and a breeze – hopefully all the others (and this year there will be many) will be as easily handled as “Andrea” ! You all stay safe and enjoy your weekend.

    Hugs, Pam and Sam

  • Kathryn

    Oh, the poor bunny. I’ve seen what kitties do to them. Not a pretty sight. Boys will be boys; cats will be cats and boyz catz will be boyz catz.

    Odin and Merlin = so adorable together.

    Mao has not beaten up his bro in weeks. Wonder why. We can’t figure it out. The only time he stopped before was the two weeks when Ched was near death’s door and when Ched was recuperating. Maybe it’s that Mao gets more love now?Ched’s naked belly has grown back with fur. Now that I’ve been giving Ched belly rubs, the psychological treatment for his brother’s abuse. I think it is that my husband adores Mao now that I stole Ched from him. Mao misses his mommy, our daughter, and my husband misses our daughter and Ched and settles with Mao. Does this make sense. I think so.

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