From Fat To Fabulous: The Happy #Hillspet
We love our pets to death and want them to live as long as possible but did you know that overweight pets live on average two years less? Many pet owners simply don’t know their pets are overweight. According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention 50% of pets in the U.S. are overweight and yet 82% of pet owners think their pets aren’t fat. One quick tip is to look for an hourglass shape (As you can see in this old photo of Merlin and Gris Gris). While stroking the rib cage we should be able to feel the ribs.
But there are exceptions to every rule. You’d think my former feral cat Domino looks overweight but he’s muscular and has a very thick coat. Our vet says he’s borderline and could lose a pound but he’s not fat.
This is our second post in a four-part series about Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution the clinically proven nutrition that naturally activates metabolism to burn calories and regulate appetite.
it can be confusing and the ONLY way to know for sure if your pet is overweight is to see a veterinarian.
The safest way for your pet to lose weight effectively is under your vet’s guidance..
That usually means A prescription Diet like Hill’s®Prescription Diet® pet food can help reduce body fat by as much as 22% in 8 weeks in dogs and 20% in 3 months in cats. Safely and easily. They even have treats!
Check out these excellent tips how to spot weight gain and an interactive slider to help visualize what it look like at the Hill’s website. While you’re there, poke around for some other great educational info. I especially iike this list of question to ask your vet to be informed BEFORE visiting the vet. Often we’re so busy or worried getting to the vet, once we’re there we may forget the ask the informed questions. Be prepared.
They say a picture tells a 1000 words and we couldn’t agree more. Look at Norman, another Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution success story! Norman lost three pounds within 5 months. That’s almost 20% of his body weight. Imagine if you weighed 150 lbs, it would be like losing 30 lbs. down to 120. Norman’s vet says Norman is “more energetic, looks and seems to feel great.”
Pictures are great but videos can be even better. I love a happy ending and you’ll love to see how Bear transformed body and soul from a fat, unhappy dog to who he is today.
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Food, but Cat Wisdom 101 only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

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Yes, Domino is a round-type cat much like a Manx or American Shorthair so he may look fat but if you feel him he is probably very much muscle.
My own Miss Misty Meadow (14 years old) is on this diet now and has lost 1 pound so far. It is a slow, steady loss that I am happy about. She really likes it too.
My Three Moggies
We have great trouble with Archie as he is not an active cat and gets stress so easily. We have to constantly monitor him. Good post x
Flynn has always been between 14lbs in the summer and 16lbs in the winter and never been particularly overweight. I would say his ideal weight is in the middle, but as he is getting older he has dropped to 12lbs. We are monitoring his weight monthly and his blood tests are all good apart from thyroid which is in the higher range of normal. If he loses more weight he will be retested for thyroid function.
Eric was always overweight and it was very difficult to get it off him. I gradually changed their diet from 50/50 wet and dry food to all wet food and over time he got down from 23lbs at his heaviest to 19lbs. That was a good weight for him as he was a very big (tall and long) cat.
I knew Amelia was overweight. My friends would go “ugh” when she jumped on their laps. She was slower and tired quickly. Last year the vet said not to let her gain anymore weight but not that I should work on a diet for her. I put her on a diet anyways. At this year’s check-up, I did exactly as you have suggested and was prepared for an actual conversation about her weight. What is her ideal weight? How do we know? What if she “looks fine” (which is what my vet said this year) but I can tell she is slower and unhappy?
Rascal and Rocco
I like the visual of the cat hourglass figure you used. We’re on the campaign, too and it’s great to make people aware, since most simply don’t know their pets are overweight. Thanks for sharing on the Pet Parade!
Famous SpokesGoat Pricilla
It’s a shame that some humans let their pets get too plump. I think it’s wonderful that there are foods for cats and dogs. I keep my goatish figure because I never know when those paparazzi will be around to snap a picture when I am not ready.
Thanks for this post, Layla. Pet obesity is such a rampant problem, and it’s good to see awareness being raised…
Brian Frum
That was sure good stuff. Now I’m hungry!
Sue Brandes
I love to hear all views about many cat foods. My oldest kitty tends to be a bit overweight. Think I will go on Hills site and look around. Thanks for the info.
Angel AbbyGrace
Our only weighty cat is Mr Jinx. I hope I never have to put him on a diet as he’ll be miserable. Everyone else is either normal or on the slim side.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Most diets can be as you say, miserable but that’s not the case here. Pets don’t go hungry and there are treats.
Cathy Keisha
Whoa! I’m glad I’m not overweight but if I was TW would get me that Hills Diet. I do have a tendency to gain if I’m not active for a day or two like I was last week. The past 2 days I’ve been running and jumping again.
Skeeter and Izzy
We are all for healthy, happy kitties. We purrsonally try to eat a variety of types,brands and flavors, note that we don’t do drastic rapid changes, but only feeding one brand,type,flavor could lead to a deficiency in the diet if the company has any issues. It can also be BORING for us!
Happy Good Friday to all!
Happy early Easter!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Happy Good Friday! I agree, the main thing is to avoid drastic or rapid changes with cats and their diet. Slow and gradual works best.
We all lost weight on the raw diet – well, I never had any extra weight because I’ve been on raw all my life, but the rest of the chunkers over here are now svelte because of it. I love the hour glass figures drawn onto your kitties! Definitely a great thing to watch out for. We appreciate that knowledge! Super helpful.
The Island Cats
We’re fortunate that we all are at a pretty good weight, so we don’t need this food. But it does look very helpful for those kitties that need it.
Deztinee High
Meez dusn’t like Hill’s foods and neevew dus meez mommy. Der ingwedients leav a lot tu be desiwed and it dusn’t appeal tu most cats. Also meez vet sez dat vets get kickbacks and bonuses fur sellin’ da food in der clinics. We’s agwee dat a healfy kitty shuldn’t be ovew weight, but dey shuld eat bettew and healfiew food. Havin’ wead uddew of you’s posts we’s didn’t expect tu see an ad fur hill’s here. We’s not spammews and we’s usually luv you’s blog so ifin you’s wanna block or hide our comment we’s unnewstand. Hope you’s hav a Pawsum day!!
Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 😀
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
We never block comments except from spammers and welcome all views.The topic of pet food is a hot one with many differing opinions. We like to share with our readers a broad range of choices from raw, holistic, prescription diet etc. Not all vets will select Hills but I do recommend taking the advice of a vet you trust.
We use Royal Canin, as it was prescribed by the vet for Cheddar’s cyrstals. They haven’t lost weight, but at 12, they’re still doing well.
Funny that it doesn’t recognize me as Kathryn. I don’t see a place to sign in. I had to take my computer to the Geek last week and my sign ins were canceled.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
K, you may need to make the changes or pick new gravatars at gravatar.com
Cary Hillman
Good advice and something to think about. Thank you Layla. I love reading your posts. I’ve learned a little something about a lot of things from you 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Cary, thank-you for being a loyal readers. It’s cat lovers like you who make the hard work worth it!