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Dark Secrets and Friday The 13th Black Cat Luck

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

You’ll feel lucky after reading this. We’re celebrating Friday the 13th with black cat luck and sharing a big, dark secret.

Black _cat_wishbone

On the last Friday the 13th, in May 2016, we announced our upcoming Black Cats Tell All project. Someone might say it was unlucky to do so given what happened. A hell of a lot of awful things happened last year and I don’t mean the election. Most of which I have not blogged about, but not once did I think black cats were to blame. If anything, I feel blessed by a small but hugely supportive pocket of the black cat community and my own black Cat Clyde in ways that make every obstacle surmountable and holy Bast, it has not been easy.

Nothing could have prepared me for the toughest year of my life.

I doubt I’d have launched the Black Cat project if I knew in advance what a mammoth job it would be to complete two grueling crowdfunding campaigns last summer. Then to orchestrate the production of a book and calendar, maintaining two blog and social media schedule with three email accounts, three Instagram, three Facebook, two Twitter, one Pinterest, G+ accounts and partridge in a pear, while battling a serious illness. Not to mention making radical lifestyle and dietary changes while learning how to get blood samples daily from a diabetic black cat. It’s felt like herding cats on acid; wrangling over 80 amazing cats and their photos or stories, daily troubleshooting tech and other issues, but not once did I consider myself unlucky.

  • The Black Cats Tell calendar is almost sold out (VERY last chance to enter our giveaway or snag one here)
  • We donated a bunch for a fundraiser and one very generous contributor purchased another bunch. Other sales dribbled in slower than anticipated but it’s okay.
  • I’m back on track to complete the book and just saw the preliminary layout. The designer did such a stunning job; I’d cry but I’m too exhausted.
  • I refuse to make any more promises but the book will be beautiful and published sooner than later.
  • After some promotion, the book will have a life of its own to succeed or fail.
  • I’m very fatalistic these days. Unattached and Zen because I’m ready for my new life. I don’t know what it looks like yet but it will be very different from this one.
  • It’s coming full circle. I began blogging in 2008 to build a platform as writer. Along the way I’ve helped many writers see their books published while mine sat in my head or drawer. I’ve enjoyed wonderful achievements but I lost my way and original purpose. It’s taken a layer cake of loss on top of loss, death and near death for me to wake up.
  • Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way during this journey. Thank you to everyone who didn’t help. It’s all karma and guiding me to where I need to go next. For someone who likes to know the future ( I am a tarot reader) I don’t like not knowing the precise coordinates of direction but I’m cracked wide open. Much hinges on my health. I might need to disappear and retire, take a very long break or if I feel stronger, I might start a new business, do more advocacy, write a memoir, dust off a novel, who knows? I won’t know until after Black Cats Tell All: True Tales and Inspiring Images is published. Anything is possible and until then, I’m listening for signs, dipping my baby toe into new waters and waiting for rebirth in spring.
  • .I rarely share my problems on Facebook because it’s time-consuming to field questions and thank people for their concern, be annoyed by platitudes or the ones leaving a comment just because it’s PC and worry if I”liked” every comment and wonder if I have the energy to return the favor. My close friends know how I am. Why does something bad have to happen to bring people out of the woodwork? Where are the friendly comments when things are really good or so so? The only place I do spend time on Facebook are in private groups learning or mentoring and my own under-nourished Black Cats Tell All community.
  • That’s it for the personal stuff and now on to regular blogging.

Have a very lucky and happy Friday the 13th. If you already have a black cat, you already know you’re lucky đŸ™‚

lucky friday the 13th

We’re doing a fun experiment with bibliomancy (telling the future with sentences from books) on @BlackCatofIG Join us there for further instructions or leave us a comment here. If you don’t have any books at arm’s length, pick one up at random from a book shelf. They can be on any topic but cat books are on point. This is a bad screenshot but good enough to play and forget all about Friday the 13th!

black _cat_magic_2017


From our Friday The 13th post on May 13, 2016 which started it all.

I got so fed up with the negative Friday the 13th and other superstition about black cats, why not do a 180 and turn black to white, a negative to a positive? Most people don’t even know the origins surrounding the number 13 anyway. Some think it stems from the betrayal of Judas the 13th disciple of Jesus but long before Christianity, Norse mythology had a similar dinner guest, the Norse god Loki. If you want to explore the negative and positive qualities of the number, enjoy 13 is also a mystical and magical number in mythology, the occult, mysteries and ancient history.

It goes to show there is no end to sources of superstitions so I say, let’s turn Friday the 13th into Lucky Black Cat Day. Black shelter cats who get adopted today will feel very lucky indeed.


  • Kathryn

    I love Friday the 13th. I think Mao, the tux, also does. We had a great black cat, Kemal, once upon a time, long ago.

  • MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko

    I had to be at my work that day…and well, I am not a 13 hater at all…in fact I am born on a 13, my mother was too…the exact 13 years earlier by the way…my hubby is a thirteen, a lot of my friends and good acquaintances are…my mother in law was a 26 which is 2×13, so is Pipo!

    13 is a great number!! I love it! Now for a black kitty?? I did see one while driving out in the countryside today…Pipo is a sealpoint…so he has really dark ‘socks and mask, does that count?? MOL!

    Nope I am not superstious, and I don’t think I could ever be…all days are gifts of God to mankind and He holds all under His control…and we will learn from all that happens be it the good the bad or the ugly…and yes, I have experienced more than my share of the bad and ugly in my own life.

    Stage 3b Cancer, multiple surgeries, arthritis, family deaths, deaths of close friends, sudden loss of pets, etc. Threat of husband going blind…
    I go to my work in the nursing home and see all kinds of more bad and ugly…but I try to spread cheer and goodwill and many smiles as I go about my arduous duties.

    And I enjoy blogging and reading all about kitties and pups and what they are doing! It is one of my stress relievers!

    I hope that God will allow me and my family and friends to continue this way for as long as possible…and politics and the worlds dongs will not affect my spirit negatively but give me strength to see through it all…

    Oh-Oh! I have ranted here, sorry…..I do enjoy reading your blog too…and I hope Clyde has a wonderful birthday catabration.
    I have to work that day…now mostly I never work Wednesdays, go figure, MOL!

  • Cynthia Southern

    I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do in 2017. I enjoy reading your blog posts daily and look forward to the new Black Cats book. Your cats and you are an inspiration to me Layla. đŸ™‚

  • Tamago

    Love the top image. I guess everyone wins đŸ™‚ I had a bit of health issue myself in 2016 but I manage with lots of vitamins. I wish you a good health, and lots of good things coming your way!

  • meowmeowmans

    Please do whatever you need to do to take care of you, Layla. We are sorry things have been so tough, but surely 2017 holds good and wondrous things…

    “But yet, something brought these unlikely animals together every day.”

  • Kathryn

    Sorry I am so late to visit this post. I wish you well in 2017. I feel certain good and healthy and loving things will come your way in 2017. You are always so giving — like a cat — that I’m sure it is your time — way past due you — to have the love come back to you.

    Our two boyz, and especially our black and white one, give you all their love, too.


  • The Daily Pip

    Rosie and I are hoping and purring for a year of healing and rebirth for you. We feel so fortunate to be part of this amazing project and to have met you in the process! XOXO

    Here’s our sentence: “But if she could bend her paws that way, she should be patting herself on the back about how much she helped us and how far we have come.”

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    The circle comes round again and we start anew.
    We purr and pray that all that are in need of rebirth may find the path to it and all those that have a need may find the answer for it.
    We will find our way again. We don’t get into the social media frenzy, we simply don’t have the time and not much desire to.
    We would love to check out more cat pages and sites but we have too many of our own to take care of so we simply cannot do it.
    Luvs and hope, health and happiness to all,
    Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~

  • easy rider

    I wish a black cat would be on my side to bring some good luck… we lost the coffee machine and the boiler yesterday, so it wasn’t a black friday it was a cold one… but as long as we have each other we can pull through… hugs to you and all the best

  • Sometimes Cats Herd You

    You have had your hands full this year! It has been wonderful to see your black cat community blossoming. Best thoughts for you as you “herd cats on acid.” If anyone I know can do that while juggling chainsaws, it’s you, Layla. Hang in there.

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    The ebb and flow of life truly does run the gambit – from being scary, to exhausting, to exhilarating and everything in-between. I wish you a year and beyond filled with good health, peace, and contentment. I’m sure the book will be a winner – it’s a subject matter that is close to the hearts of many.

  • Sweet Purrfections

    Life can really be tough at times. I’m so sorry to hear of your bad year this past year. I’m always the eternal optimist and believe that things are going to be better, but I, too, wonder how much more I can handle. I will have a new life this year due to an unexpected retirement, but I’m going to believe better things are coming. I pray for this for you too.

  • Lola

    My book was next to me. “But they can find the kitty a home, can’t they?”

    I’m sending purrs and prayers for you. Can’t wait to review you book.

  • Aimable Cats

    I had heard somewhere that Friday the 13th is not necessarily bad luck — Friday is good luck, 13 is bad luck. So Friday the 13th is confusing luck.

    Similarly, cats are good luck, black is bad luck, so black cats could go either way.

    The Italians are more scared of 17 than 13 (17 = XVII = VIXI = I lived = I am no longer living), and both February and March have a Friday the 17th.

  • ellen

    I am hoping whatever heathwise that is happening resolves itself or you find some relief. I do hope you dont go, but if you have to that it brings you back renewed and rejuvenated.
    I guess I am being a bit clingy, I would miss you, I would miss Clyde and I would miss Merlin.
    Your readers will be here when you return. If you need anything within my power, pucker up and whistle.
    Peace be with you during these changes.

  • Caren Gittleman

    Great. The book I opened that was near me is a book I have to review. The third sentence on page 53 is “Tara she called” now THAT was insightful lol!! We received our calendar in the mail today!! THANK YOU! Haven’t opened it yet, but will later!!! Excited! xoxo

  • Mitsubachicats

    “I thought you’d be in South America by now.” Cat-A-Lyst by Alan Dean Foster
    By the way, I have 7 black cats, long hair and short hair in the outdoor clowder of cats and kindle of kittens at this time. đŸ˜‰ love each and every one of them.
    Like Jans said, no need to like but read.
    Hoping the health issues get under control.
    And I also do not comment much, only when led to do so.
    Love always,

  • Connie Marie

    Please take care of yourself, 1st and foremost of importance. Very interesting reading about 13. Isn’t it also called a Bakers Dozen.
    Black cats have always been my favorite. ( my other kitties don’t know this).

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    guyz…we due knot haza face book a count N iz thanx full for it đŸ™‚ sew we R knot familiar with all that like stuff…

    N clyde; we iz sneekin round frum de food servizz gurlz place oh employ sew therz noe book close bye til we get home sew we will give thiz a triez later on

    heerz two a lemon tetra kinda week oh end two all ♥♥♥

  • Erin the cat Princess

    Hmm I think I need you to read my cards sometime as I oft wonder about the path that the last year of my life has lead me too. Not sure if the journey is a key or just a path, and if the destination is just an excuse or another opportunity? Black Cats book is going to be one hell of a book, come what may, as you have written with passion and life… Here’s to what the future holds, which I’m sure will have a black cat or two…

  • jansfunnyfarm

    We’re not superstitious and Jan loves black cats as much as any other. You have had a rough year! So hope things are turning around for you, particularly your health problems. We don’t always get to leave a comment and you don’t need to “like” ours – just read it. đŸ™‚ Be well and happy in 2017.

  • Katalin Ivan

    I hope everything will turn out the best possible way for you. I know it’s hard to make such big changes but who knows what good things might come. Concentrate on yourself for a while (and your cats of course), take all the time you need. Let the worries leave you and enjoy life. đŸ™‚

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