CATastrophes Cat T-shirt and Tote Giveaway
If you haven’t seen the funny, feel good and do good web series CATastrophes, you’re in for a treat. Plus we have an exclusive giveaway for a super cool t-shirt and tote bag! CATastrophes is part of the family of web content at Animalist.com What’s different about CATastophes is their entertaining look at the human animal bond and the importance of shelter adoption. The series stars Chicago-based filmmaker/writer/actor blogger and sometime cat sitter for Lil BUB, Alana Grelyak and comedian/actor Kris Flanagan. The webisodes are artfully filmed and directed by Grelyak’s husband Michael Gabriele.
Their latest webisode, Lucy The Cat Uses 100% Of Her Brain (Lucy Movie Parody) is about Lucy a cat and her beleaguered owners who are shocked when she develops unusual powers. It ends with a cliffhanger. Viewers can suggest endings for the follow-up video. It stars Alana Grelyak’s cat Crepes, the special needs catvocate and blogger at Cat in the Fridge
CATastrophes Giveaway
One lucky winner will win a long-sleeved baseball t-shirt and canvas tote bag with the Catastrophes cat logo.
This giveaway is on until 11:59 PM, ET, Sept. 22, 2014 and open to residents in the U.S. 18 years and over.
To enter simply leave a comment. We’d love to hear what you think happened to the couple and the cat in the video. For extra chances to win social media share and leave a separate comment telling us where you shared.

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I think they were sent to a factory to make more kitty treats.
Savannah's Paw Tracks
ummm those bipeds…they have been transported to Far Away USA and now the cat, rightly so, owns that town home
Savannah's Paw Tracks
Love everything you do…you know that and would be proud to wear some of your logo gear!
Love all of your videos. Maybe the humans from Lucy are with the humans sent Back in Time Petting Lil Bub. Are Lil Bub and Crepes secretly planning to take over the world?
After the giveaway if you decide to sell t shirts and totes I will definitely buy one. With part of the proceeds to a rescue .Thanks!
Alesha ol
Alesha ol
Did they get lost? We hope not
Skeeter and Izzy
Loved the video,no sound but love Crepes!!! I’ll have to try again so I can dream up a scenerio for where the couple are.
We adore the Catastrophes shirt and tote and would absolutely love to win. We dig Lil Bub!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Deztinee High
Aaaaw me just luvs Crepes. And meez finks da video be cute. We wuld luv to win da shirt fur mommy and da tote fur us to cawwy ow stuff in. Specially me when me goes out wiff mommy on da job. Me kuld cawwy wound sum tweats and a bottle of water and a foo nip mousys and so on. 🙂
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
They were poofed into a dog park surrounded by dogs and kitty had apartment to himself. Enjoying a nice meal
Kitties Blue
We loved this new video when we saw it on Alana and Crepe’s blog. Sure would love to win these items. Mom is still trying to figure out what happened to the couple. They are probably in the future somewhere. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Lucy is amazing! Can I borrow her?
Sometimes Cats Herd You
We love the Lucy video. When Lucy speaks, it cracks us up every time!
Sue Brandes
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Sue Brandes
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Sue Brandes
Always love their videos. Hmm maybe sent them to get more treats and toys at the store. LOL. Thanks for the giveaway.
I bet the people are still in the apartment. Did they look in the litter box?
Cat probably teleported to Catalina Island to go fishing.
Angel AbbyGrace
Shared on Twitter — believe me I get NO looks at all on FB.
Angel AbbyGrace
We loved their videos!!
Great video and giveaway.
The Island Cats
We love the Catastrophes videos!
Scylla, Socks, Tuiren & Fenris
We thinks the humans were teleported to the planet Whiskers where cat’s rule and humans are pets.
Tammy McAuley
With her super powers, Lucy transported the couple to cat nirvana an alternate reality that is filled with mice, toys, catnip and servants that produce gourmet cat food all day long and the cats never get fat. Alas, the couple were doomed to be servants for the rest of their now non-mortal lives.
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We have no clue. Sure would like to see the update to find out.
Love the video. I think Lucy transported everyone to an alternate universe where cats rule.
that’s the perfect shirt for my mom… her name is CATherine and it totally fits to her hahahaha
Laila and Minchie
Great video! Especially love Crepes running out of the bathroom. Boy, we have no idea where they could possibly have gone!
I want one so bad!!!
Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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da tabbies o trout towne
alana N kris…..????? they tranzported bak ta 2009 🙂
RATZ !!! 🙂
N crepes N bub iz ona beech chillaxin hopin ta meet sum cat doodz
Melissa & Truffles
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Kaitlyn Bendt
I feel Lucy teleported the couple to a vacation spot in either Florida or Hawaii because lucy wanted alone time without the pesky humans.
Melissa & Truffles
Ohhh…want, want, want!!!
As impossible as it seems, each Catastrophes just gets better than the last!!!
Judi Daly
I watched the video, but I am at work, so I did it without sound. It was still cute. I think Lucy teleported to another dimension. She might pop up anywhere. Maybe she is going to visit Henri. I will watch with sound at lunch.
Julie Atherton
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Julie Atherton
Oh, they’re in an alternate cat universe!
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Facebook share: Raine Dawson
The video wouldn’t play properly but it sounded great, I can’t guess what happened but I want to find out. I have to watch these videos, I keep forgetting- in definitely making time now. Really fun giveaway , thank you.
The CATastrophes videos are awesome! I love the new one lots.
Very cute video, 🙂
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Holly Carr
LOVE the video, and we love Lil’ Bub!
Cary Hillman
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Cary Hillman
I loved the video…so funny