
CATastrophes Cat T-shirt and Tote Giveaway

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

CATastrophes web series giveaway

If you haven’t seen the funny, feel good and do good web series CATastrophes, you’re in for a treat. Plus we have an exclusive giveaway for a super cool t-shirt and tote bag! CATastrophes is part of the family of web content at What’s different about CATastophes is their entertaining look at the human animal bond and the importance of shelter adoption. The series stars Chicago-based filmmaker/writer/actor blogger and sometime cat sitter for Lil BUB, Alana Grelyak and comedian/actor Kris Flanagan. The webisodes are artfully filmed and directed by Grelyak’s husband Michael Gabriele.

CATastrophes -lil bub- giveaway

Their latest webisode, Lucy The Cat Uses 100% Of Her Brain (Lucy Movie Parody) is about Lucy a cat and her beleaguered owners who are shocked when she develops unusual powers. It ends with a cliffhanger. Viewers can suggest endings for the follow-up video. It stars Alana Grelyak’s cat Crepes, the special needs catvocate and blogger at Cat in the Fridge


CATastrophes -lil bub- giveawayCATastrophes Giveaway

One lucky winner will win a long-sleeved baseball t-shirt and canvas tote bag with the Catastrophes cat logo.

This giveaway is on until 11:59 PM, ET, Sept. 22, 2014 and open to residents in the U.S. 18 years and over.

To enter simply leave a comment. We’d love to hear what you think happened to the couple and the cat in the video. For extra chances to win social media share and leave a separate comment telling us where you shared.



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