Keep Calm and Purr On
Spring has sprung in our neck of the woods. Odin must be getting older and wiser. He’s learning to rest and recharge after going full throttle (as seen here)
He thanks everyone who voted for him for Next Top Cat at AmazeCats but alas did not make it to the next leg. He’s a winner to us and remains a legend in his own mind 😉
The magnolias and cherry blossoms will peak soon.
I caught Merlin in a purrfect yoga stretch flanked by his buddy Gris Gris. We’re loving going for long walks and lounging on the porch.
The theme for Saturday Photo Hunt is “withered”
Domino hiding in the withered vines after rolling in the dirt, clearly not happy that I’ve found his hiding place.
Are you doing anything special with your cats this weekend?

Cynthia Southern
What cute pictures. It appears as if Odin, Merlin and Domino are enjoying Spring. 🙂
Odin, we love you, and voted for you. Your mom’s right. You are always a winner to all of us! 🙂
We like that picture of Merlin and Gris Gris, and Domino’s withered interpretation is tops, too. 🙂
Hugs to you all!
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie
We love Merlin’s stretch – and laughed at Domino’s grumpy look (Tard, look out, you may have competition!).
And Odin’s always a winner in our book!
Our magnolias are on their way out, but the cherries have yet to make an appearance here either!
Odin we think you’re a winner too!
We think you are amazing all the time Odin!!! Y’all are looking mighty fine today!
Cherry City Kitties
Dex was going out for a walk this afternoon, but he’s busy right now… snoozing in a long awaited sunpuddle!
Andrea and the Celestial Kitties
We’re trying to keep calm and WAIT for spring.. it’s taking it’s good ol’ time. Only a day or two of nice then back to cold, sigh. Glad you all are enjoying it though!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
It’s been the same spotty weather but it won’t be long now!
Well you already know what our guys were up to! mol Merlin doing his Egyptian cat yoga pose is brilliant!!
feeling beach
words to live by!
Z-Girl and Squeedunk Cats
Beautiful kitties! A great Caturday, indeed!
Odin is always a star! So good to see the boys enjoying spring, especially Merlin.
The Island Cats
Spring is taking its sweet ol’ time getting here on the island. We woke up and saw a little snow on the ground. Yuk! Odin, we’re sorry you didn’t win this leg of the contest…but you’ll always be a winner to us!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Comment Luv is back.
Odin IS a winner! And mes LOVES the pictures of all the other cats! Especially Merlin! He is looking especially Kingly!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oooh Nellie Odin and Merlin will be happy to hear that!
Your vibrant kitties amoung withered plants – very nice photos for this week’s theme. I did a cat theme too, but with a completely different take.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Love the picture of Domino! We have no plans other than to give the kitties as much love and spoiling as we can!
Skeeter and Izzy
Beautiful pics of beautiful boys! We’re just doing our usual spring things but its soooooooooo windy and cool after the storms and rain went thru on Friday but the sun is out today so we will play outside for a while! Luvs Skeeter and Izzy >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s windy here too and unsettled. Purrs to Skeeter and Izzy!
Aw man, your Withered is SO much more artistic than mine!
They’re so pretty.