Cat Saturday,  Cats,  Feline Fine Art

Keep Calm and Purr On

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Spring has sprung in our neck of the woods. Odin must be getting older and wiser. He’s learning to rest and recharge after going full throttle (as seen here)

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He thanks everyone who voted for him for Next Top Cat at AmazeCats but alas did not make it to the next leg. He’s a winner to us and remains a legend in his own mind đŸ˜‰







The magnolias and cherry blossoms will peak soon.

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I caught Merlin in a purrfect yoga stretch flanked by his buddy Gris Gris. We’re loving going for long walks and lounging on the porch.


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The theme for Saturday Photo Hunt is “withered”


Domino hiding in the withered vines after rolling in the dirt, clearly not happy that I’ve found his hiding place.


Are you doing anything special with your cats this weekend?





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