Blogpaws Holiday Pampered Pets Infographic & ASPCA Giveaway
When I posted this week about big holiday spending on pets and the influence of bloggers I wasn’t kidding. The shocking true stats can now be revealed with new infographic from BlogPaws. I must confess I’m one of the 62% that signs holiday card (okay, most cards) by my cats and I’m one of the 69% who takes photos of my cats in holiday attire i.e. in yesterday’s post on how to make your cat happy during the holidays.
I’m all for giving our pets gifts but what they really want is our time and love. One kind of win win shopping is when it gives back shopping online at the ASPCA store.Scroll down to enter our ASPCA GIVEAWAY and get some DIY pet gift suggestions too!
The ASPCA has fun gift ideas for pets and pet lovers alike, including these fun Do-It-Yourself gifts for cats and dogs, which are perfect for DIY enthusiasts or just those trying to cut back on costs:
- For dogs, braid together two strips of an old t-shirt for a fun chew toy – photo with directions here.
- For cats, use a t-shirt and a few easy-to-find household items to create this cozy cat tent – photo with directions here.
- Since cats love tuna, this quick and easy treat will keep them occupied during holiday dinner – photo with directions here.
- For a tasty reward, make pumpkin pie cookies (perfect for cats and dogs) with this simple recipe – photo with directions here.
These pet gift ideas, which also give back to animal welfare through the ASPCA online store:
- Catnip Toy 6 Pack
- Dog 10-Piece Gift Set
- Taj Ma Hound Doggy Donuts
- Cat Play Ball
- ENTER to WIN an ASPCA HOLIDAY GIFT PACK. Leave a comment before 11:59 pm ET Dec.12, 2014. For extra chances to win, social media share this post and leave a separate comment telling us where you shared. Good luck and happy shopping!
- Join the ASPCA for a #SantaPaws Holiday Twitter party and giveaway extravaganza, which will be on Thursday, December 18th from 7-8pm EST.

Dana Swensson
i dont know how you keep up with a blog i really want to start one of my own just seems like hard work seo service in fairfield ca
Judi Daly
I am the one who does use cat blogs to learn of new and fun things for my cat. I know they are cat tested by the best cats around.
Sharon Smith
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Sharon Smith
My furbabes are getting treats; this would be quite a bonus for them. TY!
Sharon El-Saadi
Pets are family members and deserve lots of presents, no matter if they’re naughty or nice!
Sheila K.
I shared this giveaway on Google+!
Sheila K.
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Sheila K.
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Sheila K.
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Sheila K.
My kitty-boy would love these goodies!
Skeeter and Izzy
Yet another wonderful way to help animals in need!!! Hooray for the ASPCA!!
We would love to win a giftty pack fur sure!! Lots of stuff for sharing.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Sue Brandes
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Sue Brandes
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Sue Brandes
Great giveaway. Love the DIY gift ideas.
The Swiss Cats
We sent our cards, but Mum and Dad are not even ready with theirs ! Lovely gifts ideas ! Purrs
Amy Orvin
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Amy Orvin
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Amy Orvin
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Amy Orvin
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Amy Orvin
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Wow, I’d love to win this prize.
Cary Hillman
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Cary Hillman
What a great giveaway
da tabbies o trout towne
toona treetz !!!! ??? we R ther !!
heerz two a channel bass kinda week oh end ♥♥
Say – there are some good ideas/suggestions here Miss Layla! Thanks for that. We were the lucky recipients of an ASPCA gift box last year and it was full of FABULOUS stuff so of course we’d love to be in the giveaway again!
Hugs, Sammy
Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
Truffles doesn’t know it yet, but before the holiday season is over she is going to dress as an elf 🙂 And she will definitely be getting more cards than me this year!
And by the way, I’ve been having the same issue that The Island Cats mentioned as well.
The Island Cats
We send out cards, not the mom and dad-guy! We get more cards than they do too! What a great giveaway.
We wanna mention something that’s been happening lately. When we type a comment and then hit “post comment,” we get taken to a “Page Not Found” 404 error. We have to go all the way back to the post, type our comment again and then when we hit “post comment,” the comment posts. Very strange…this has happened the last couple of times we have tried to comment.
easy rider
I totally like the mice…. they are great for dogs too… and I can find out the secret of catnip :o)
Holly E
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Holly E
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Holly E
Very nice giveaway!
Senior duo
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Senior duo
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Senior duo
I will be checking out the DIY holiday pet gift ideas.
Thanks for the gift suggestions.
Stephanie Lehr