black cat luck
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Black Cat Halloween Luck, Contest, Vintage Cards

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)
Happy Caturday dear cat lover friends. We have oodles of black cat Halloween luck, a contest and vintage Halloween cards.
We’re so thrilled to share our unique art, we’re joining the cat art blog hop at AthenaCatGoddess today.

In our quest to reframe black cats as adoptable as any other color, all the vintage art from 100+ years ago has been re-designed with a positive look. You will not find hideous hags and evil black cats on these pages.

FIrst up, how about some good luck? All cats need pet parents who keep their cats safe on Halloween. Here are our practical Halloween Safety Tips. and bonus shareable Halloween graphics.

halloween black cat luck

black cat luck

lucky black cat luck


Do you feel lucky? Please share any of our artwork.

Would you like to a chance to win a custom portrait of your cat?

Well, it’s your lucky day. One of our Black Cats Tell All book contributors, Kayla has two lovely mini-panthers, Momo and Nova and she’s offering the custom portrait. This graphic is a sample and features Nova and Momo.

black cat luck

One of the wonderful things about working on the book project is deepening my connection with both the cats and their humans. Most of the cats are on Instagram and the kindness and generosity of the IG cat community is astounding. There are fundraisers for sick cats, contests and goofy pawtys like Caturday Night Derp-off, just because and endless private messages. From the U.S. Canada, U.K. Finland, Hungary, Russia, Japan, Australia + we feel united because of cats!

Kayla just opened a new website for Pet Portraits at She is a digital painter who has worked in the video game industry as a 3D artist on many popular games including Batman. Visit her website to see examples and her process. She takes two or three days to complete one. Take advantage of the super low prices. I’m not sure how long they will last.

Contest Rules. Since you’re reading this, we’ll make it easy. A comment at this post = 1 entry. For bonus entries and to show support to our IG friends,

Share the contest graphic from this post, from our Instagram account or from our Facebook page Black Cats Tell All. PLEASE include the hashtag #blackcatstellall so we can track the entries. On Instagram, follow us @catwisdom101, @mini_house_panthers

Good luck! The contest ends 9 pm ET on Oct.30 and the winner will be announced across social on Halloween, Oct. 31. There will be other surprise prizes, so don’t miss out.

If you’d like to see more pet art, hop on down to the blog hop.


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