Black Cat Appreciation Day is Priceless
Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day but I hope one day we won’t have to designate a day for less adoptable colors of cats. Black, white and black and white cats are less likely to be adopted than other cats. It makes no sense to me but it’s a fact. With awareness we can change the luck or destiny of these less popular cats which ironically are highly desirable outside the U.S.
Look at and share these feline masterpieces. Most are available for adoption at the north of NYC. Some have been waiting a long time for their luck to change. Maybe today will be their lucky day. [Tweet “It’s Black Cat Appreciation Day & 50% off adoption fees #NYC area #cats #AdorableAdoptables”]

Kitties Blue
We knew black cats were less adoptable but didn’t know this about white and tuxie cats. Our family has had all, and our mom loves them all. Mom was sorry that she didn’t find out about Black Cat Appreciation Day until the end of that day. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Athena and Marie
We agree, every cat is a masterpiece!
Bev Green
Black cats are different in anything other than furs 🙂 Cleo is the 5th Black cat we have adopted…and all the little black fosters i have ever had had personality plus…thankyou for sharing Cleos post on Black kitties..she sends loud house panther purrs 🙂 hugs Fozziemum x
Cathy Keisha
I don’t get it. TW is thinking and realizes that both times she’s adopted from CAP, they didn;t even bring any black cats to the adoption event. Pop LOVES black cats. Mitzi was the closest to a black cat they had and we took her. Turns out her previous owner wanted her back.
The Island Cats
I was adopted because I was black! ~Ernie
Golden Woofs: Sugar
All our friends have black cats and they have such beautiful eyes. They are all adopted too. Sugar’s favorite is Maynard. Golden Happy you joined Black n White hop. Golden Woofs
Nerissa's Life
Peep #2 says that in Scotland, black cats are LUCKY. Guess peeps in Scotland are smarter than other peeps ’cause really, the privilege of bein’ loved by ANY colour of cat is pretty darned lucky, if you know what I mean.
Nissy #Niss4Senate – tell the PM, today.
Katnip Lounge
I’ve never had an all black kitty…Angel Kitty Spooky had a tiny white bib and bikini, but he was a fab cat nonetheless.
We think black cats are very, very special.
The Swiss Cats
We agree, it makes no sense that some colors are more adoptable than others ! We hope that featuring black and white cats helps a lot of them to find a forever home ! Purrs
Angel AbbyGrace
We hope this is a very successful venture for the Shelter.
Ellen Pilch
I am a proud to say we have 4 black cats and they are all great!
Great to hear!
Skeeter and Izzy
Black is timeless and beautiful! We adore black cats and they are usually the first ones to catch our eye. Every cat is unique and beautiful no matter color,pattern etc. The beauty is in the soul not the package that it is wrapped in.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Black cats are where it’s at.
I agree, every cat is a masterpiece, no matter what the color is!
I hope it will be really a special day for a lot of panther and tuxedo kitties. Black is always beautiful and to share your heart and your crib with such a small panther is the best!
Black panther kitties are so gorgeous…..sleek, shiny, beautiful and their eyes shine like stars in the night sky. We hope a lot of them are adopted today and EVERY day!
Hugs, Sammy and Mom
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
My mom-person thinks that Black cats and Tixedos are awsome and can´t understand that they and Tuxedo´s have to ve on sale to get adopted ??!!
Asking questions are in fact nice thing if you are not understanding something entirely,
but this paragraph offers nice understanding even.
I think black cats are awesome! And so does my human.