Cat Astrology,  Feline Fine Art,  Merlin,  Mondays With Merlin

Astro Kitty Merlin, the Libra Cat

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Astro kitty libra

It’s Mondays with Merlin and we’re kicking off my 19th birthday week! I was born on October 2, 1994 and I’m a true blue Libra, beautiful, charming and a lover of peace and harmony. We’ll let you know when our in depth Astro Kitty Libra will be posted on The sun sign, in this case Libra shows only one piece of the pie. With astrology, if you know your time of birth, more detailed information can be revealed. I’m lucky Layla has my exact time of birth because I’m a pedigreed cat and it’s noted in my papers. Scroll down take a look at what a real astrological chart looks like.

The Libra cat is born between September 23 and October 23 and they are charmers of the zodiac. All cats are beautiful but Libra cats are ruled by Venus the planet of love and beauty, giving them an extra sparkle. Their element is air giving them an airy fairy indecisiveness at time.. Do they want to go in or out? Up or down? Never mind, they already changed their mind. They know they’re beautiful and carry themselves with a diva grace. Vanity is their middle name. They won’t turn up their pretty noses at monogrammed cat collars and purrsonalized cat food bowls or beds.

These elegant felines can be manipulative, batting their paw at your sleeve and giving you a look no one can resist. A little more fishy flakes? Oh alright, just a little more. They’ll reward you with a melodious purr, meow and head bonk. Don’t forget to say how beautiful they are while you stroke their silky fur. Not just beautiful, but that they are the most beautiful cat in the world. They can be fussy about their food. The worst thing you can do is try one variety of food after another trying to please them.

They get a bad rap for being lazy. They aren’t. They just prefer lounging about looking divine.These cats like attention and enjoy both human and feline companions. If you’re having a party, don’t be surprised if your Libra cat saunters into the room looking to be the center of attention and lap hops from guest to guest. They are fastidious about grooming which you can help with regular brushing and claw trimming to make them picture purrfect for the camera.

For you astrology buffs, check out my chart. It shows how complicated this science is. You’ll see I have a lot of Scorpio in my chart making me as my old vet used to say, “Very sexy”.

Do you know any Libra cats?

astrology chart cat


  • Penelope the Cat From Hell

    Oh Merlin! Mes does not knows too many cats that’s is older than mes! This makes mes wants to sings!!!!
    *•.¸¸Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*
    ¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear Merlin!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸

  • Susan M

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Merlin! What a fine chart you have! It looks so harmonious! And of course, you are the most beautiful cat in the whole wide world.

  • Ms. Phoebe

    MEWYAY it’s CELEBRATE MERLIN WEEK! Happy 19th year my sexy senior mancat furiend, mew still turn the heads of lovely ladycats every where. This week I will think of mewz many fine Libra mancat qualities and feel blessed to know mew.

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    How wonderful!!! We get to celebrate our dear,dear friend Merlin all week!!!! We do think that you are the supreme example of a Libra feline. We are sooooooooooooooo excited about your 19th Birthday,,,,,,,HOOOOOOOOORAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, HOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY for Merlin!!!!!!
    All our Luvs and Purrs dearest friend
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<

  • Tamago

    I don’t know Libra kitties. Niko’s estimated birthday is Oct 25 so it’s pretty close. But description of Libra kitties doesn’t sound like him…so maybe not. Merlin sure is gorgeous and sexy! Wow he will be 19 very soon. Happy early birthday and enjoy the birthday week!!

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    dood…we dunno any libra cats but we due noe bout 67 bazillion catz who like ta lay round lookin dee vine !!! đŸ™‚

  • Coccolino

    Merlin you sure are a beautiful cat and 19 years to perfect your look! Happy Birthday to you buddy! Have a wonderful day đŸ™‚ We will think of you even if we don’t make it over.

  • Fuzzy Tales

    What a gorgeous photo/graphic of Merlin, really stunning.

    We had to chuckle over Libras supposedly being lovers of peace and harmony, because Nicki is a Libra and he’s aggressive and territorial, a fighter not a lover. LOL.

    Anyway, happy birthday week to Merlin!

  • Sam and Pam

    Merlin, you have always been my inspiration since I very first met you and you STILL are……Happy 19th birthday this week. You are still loving life along with your brothers thanks to your Mom and Dad and I think that’s super wonderful. Even though you can no longer see with your eyes, you can “see” with your heart and know that your days will continue to be filled with love and safety – what’s better than that??

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  • Maggie

    Merlin is gorgeous.
    Tommie and Mickey Mouser were both born outdoors after the long New England Winter was over. Their mothers and fathers were celebrating the arrival of Spring. We can only guess at the real birth dates.

  • Andrea

    Twygal was probably a Libra. I recognized Oct. 1, 1994 as her birthday only because she was a tiny girl when I found her and just estimated back from that day. While she may have been a Libra those characteristics were tempered by the fact that she also had “tortitude” She did not like other cats. She loved me but I had to be very sensitive to her desires because she didn’t always want attention. We did grow to understand each other very well.

    I miss my little Chubs very much but I feel her quirkiness around me from time to time.

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