cat photo quotes,  Cats,  Feline Fine Art

The Art of Lucky Black Cats

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Black cat luck

Do you think black cats are lucky? If you don’t, we hope to change your mind over the next six weeks. Think of October as Black Cat Awareness Month. Starting this Wednesday until Halloween, Cat Wisdom 101 will feature a curated collection of black cat art from antique advertising to wacky vintage sculpture. We’ll be sharing tidbits of black cat lore and feature real black cats who need a home. We’ll also be sharing my black cat art like “Black is the new Black” one a several new pieces I created recently. During this campaign, 100% of proceeds of black cat art will be donated to the A.S.P.C.A.

black cat-

It’s hard to believe but not everyone thinks black cats are beautiful or desirable. The truth is black cats in North America are the least favored for adoption. Why? For no good reason. These sleek, smart house panthers are mired in superstitions dating back to the Middle Ages when all cats but especially black cats were wrongly associated with witchcraft. The witch hunt, sanctioned by the Roman Catholic church raged on for 300 years, killing millions innocent women and cats. With the cat population decimated, vermin with fleas carrying Y.pestis spread bubonic plague killing over 25 million Europeans. But hello, aren’t we in the 21st Century? Isn’t it time we put this old myth to rest?

Ironically, black cat grew to be considered lucky in England, Scotland and Ireland. This collection of vintage of “lucky black cat” souvenirs are from the U.K.

lucky black cat souvenirs.bmp

Meet Mercedes. A sweet black beauty

She had a beautiful little family of three kittens and was a very good mother. She nursed them, taught them good kitty manners, and they were all adopted right away. That was in November of 2008. She’s been at the PAWS shelter for five long years and still waiting for a forever home. She’s shy and quiet and would do best in a quiet home without kids or dogs. Enjoys the company of other cats, and likes to be gently brushed. She is about 6 years-old and  is spayed, current on all her vaccinations, micro-chipped and has tested negative for FIV and FeLV. If you’d like to learn more about her, visit or Apply to adopt Mercedes

Thank you for loving black cats!


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