Allergic to Cats? NasalGuard Natural Allergy Relief Giveaway
After five years and testing hundreds of cat products, I’m thrilled to share a review about product that helps those allergic to cats. Plus we have a NasalGuard Natural Allergy Relief Giveaway.
There is nothing more heartbreaking than having to surrender a cat because of allergies. In my work as a cat adoption advocate and behaviorist, I’ve seen every scenario possible over the past twenty years: People wanting to adopt a kitten for their child but can’t or couples finding out after they’re married, one is allergic.
Personally, I’ve walked away from marrying a wonderful man because I had cats and he was severely allergic. Fortunately, I ending up marrying someone who loves cats and is not allergic. But not everyone is so lucky.

According to The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, an estimated 50 million Americans are allergic to cats. The treatment options are limited to immunotherapy, or allergy shots and pharmaceuticals pills or sprays.
The thought of having to take drugs forever is a common deterrent to not having cats. Now there is another solution. NasalGuard is a natural drug-free gel to combat ALL air-borne allergens including dust, seasonal allergies and cat dander.
Seasonal allergies, plus my dust allergy hit me hard this year. I hate taking allergy meds. Even the non-drowsy formulas makes me weirdly sluggish and antsy at the same time. I prefer to suffer or take the meds as a last resort. Allergy rates are increasing so, when the nice folks from NasalGuard (based in New Jersey) contacted me, I jumped at the chance to try their products.
When the tiny tubes arrived, I was curious how applying a gel outside my nostrils and upper lip would feel like and what would happen. Like all good ideas, the idea behind NasalGuard is simple.
Why not treat an allergy by preventing it?
But How Does it Work?
NasalGuard® gel uses patented technology that works on a simple principle of electrostatic charges: opposite charges attract each other. NasalGuard gel has a slightly positive charge which attracts negatively charged allergens. Allergens like pollen, ragweed, dust mites, pet dander and house dust all carry a slightly negative charge. All air-borne allergies are symptomatic only when the allergen is breathed in. By applying a barrier with the gel, the breakthrough patented technology prevents against outside and indoor allergens. Brilliant!
There are several scent choices available.
- NasalGuard Regular (Unscented)
- NasalGuard Cool – Menthol
- NasalGuard Kids – Aloe
- NasalGuard Pet Lovers – Citrus
- NasalGuard Healthy Lifestyle – Honey-Oatmeal
For more info about NasalGuard and pet allergies, visit NasalGuard
My experience
The first time I applied 2 drops of the Cool (menthol-scented) gel as directed around my nostrils and upper lip. The minty scent is very subtle and in flash the invisible shield was invisible like a SuperPower. But it’s not magic. It must be applied 4 or 5 times a day and it takes a few days for the filtering effect to kick in. I noticed something on the first day, a subtle shift. I’d been sneezing a lot and whatever the trigger was, it calmed down after a few days. I like that you can put in on over or under make-up. It’s discrete and easy to apply anywhere, anytime, indoors, outdoors and even in public.
The tubes are small and will fit in the smallest pocket. The one-use sachet are even tinier, handy to take anywhere. But here’s the rub: it won’t work, if you don’t use it. Like sunscreen to work, you have to reapply it if it gets washed off.
Like most people, I’m very busy and using NasalGuard is a commitment like brushing your teeth, taking your vitamins and any other healthcare regime.
My tip: If you’re forgetful like me, I’d suggest keeping tubes and/or sachets in multiple locations. I keep one on my night stand for morning and bedtime applications, one tube in the kitchen, one in the bathroom and sachets in the car plus my handbag.
- If you have seasonal allergies only, I’d start using NasalGuard at least a week before the sneezing season.
- It’s safe to use every day. It’s not a drug so it’s non-habituating.
- Non-drowsy and has no side effects.
- It’s safe for everyone including pregnant women, nursing mothers, kids of any age and seniors.
- When used as directed, NasalGuard Gel prevents allergy symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, runny and itchy nose.
- Good value. One tube lasts about a month.
Order direct from NasalGuard which includes FREE shipping. U.K. cat lovers, you’re in luck. Check out NasalGuard across the pond! They are available online and at select retail locations in the U.K.
NasalGuard is sold in Europe and Japan under other names. The parent company, Trutek Corp. is based in the U.S. and founded in 2005 but just getting into social media. Let’s show them some love.
To stay current with all their news, promotions or giveaways follow them on Twitter @NASALGUARD or their Facebook page
NasalGuard Natural Allergy Relief GIVEAWAY Rules
This is a short and sweet giveaway. We’re going to make it very easy to enter. No Rafflecopter. Simply leave a comment at this post, anytime until June 6, 2016 at 11:59 PM EST.
There will be 3 winners. Each winner can select any two NasalGuard products. The names of the 3 winners will be notified via email and announced next Tuesday.
For additional chances to win, 1)Share this post on Twitter, G+, Facebook or Pinterest, telling us in your comment where you shared. Each share = one extra chance to win. 2) Tag us @catwisdom101 with the hashtag #nasalguard anywhere on social for a chance to win 3) Follow NasalGuard on Facebook or Twitter (links above giveaway graphic). Good luck!
FTC disclaimer: This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own. Cat Wisdom 101 only shares reviews we feel are of value to our readers.

Stephanie LeAnne
Nice post! I’m off to get sinus surgery soon. There are chances I will still have some congestion or runny/city nose so looking for anything natural to help! The medications have made me weak and tired. Looking forward to trying! Will be sharing on my fb page:
I don’t have pet allergies but I do have seasonal allergies!!
(And I shared this post on Twitter: https://twitter.com/liachang126/status/738552428006543360)
Great post!
I’d love to try this product and be a sponsor too!
Thanks so much!
Ellen Pilch
I don’t think I am allergic to my cats, but I sure am allergic to something outside.
Fur Everywhere
Hi Layla! This sounds really cool, and I’d love the opportunity to try it. I am allergic to my kitties and take allergy medication daily. When the seasonal allergies hit me, I’m just miserable! Having a natural way to relieve those allergies is very appealing.
I tweeted your post.
I am also following NaturalGuard now on Twitter and Facebook.
Wow, that stuff sounds great, Layla. I have allergies (and am allergic to some cats – ha!), so I’d love to try NasalGuard. 🙂
Your Nellie Bellie
What a great product! I am going to have to look for that! I have been hit particularly hard this year. I’m not sure if it was the extra warm spring and everything pollinating at once, or pollen I am not used to having come from an area with much different trees. And I can’t take antihistamines! It has been a totally miserable experience some days!
Thanks for the review!
This is fascinating. Ever since I moved down to DC my spring and fall allergies have hit harder and harder. Thankfully, I’m not allergic to cats, but my siblings and mom all are so maybe this would help them not feel miserable at my place.
The Island Cats
This stuff looks great! And we love that it’s all natural.
Deziz World
Ooooooh Dat sounds amazing. Mommy has horrific allergies. We shared via twitter, facebook and pinterest all unner DezizWorld. Oh well guess facebook is still unner sis Lexis name, but you know.
Luv ya’
That is an interesting solution to an age old problem.
My human went through a whole series of allergy shots for years when she was a kid, so she doesn’t get seasonal allergies very much at all. But this sounds like an awesome product! Very occasionally she does get sneezy, and this would be really useful.
The Swiss Cats
Great review ! That sounds like a good product. Purrs
skeeter and Izzy
Thanks for sharing this. I am allergic to basically everything that lives including mold and dust mites so my allergies are 24/7, 365. I am also allergic to the protein in cat saliva but that doesn’t stop me from having 7 at this time, 3 indoors. Rabbit fur is my most powerful allergen!
I am willing to try something new for relief and would love to win this giveaway.
thank you Layla for more wonderful info!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Thank you for the information! My husband is allergic to cats besides other things. He began allergy shots after Goro came to live with us. I forwarded the link to this post to him 🙂
Cary Hillman
I retreated and shared on Facebook. Thanks for the info, Layla
MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko
The petcretary had heard about this a while back but nevfur tried it herself…she has seasonal allergies, and kitties too, but fur some reason we (Meezers) do not bother her. We must have diffurent dander than others, MOL!
Thanks fur a chance to win some of this product.
We do not do twitter, etc…sigh…
Cathy Keisha
Very inneresting post and product. TW is allergic to cats and other stuff. She refused the shots and for years took antihistimines but they dry her out too much. Now she’s just dealing with her allergies without any western medications. She knows that you wouldn’t use something unless it was safe so she’s willing to try it although she’ll prolly never remember it.
Amy Orvin
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Amy Orvin
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Amy Orvin
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/amyorvin/status/737682834954027008
Constance Sohodski
I really like the idea of this product. I’m not allergic to cats, but I do get seasonal allergies. I will try this. Thanks for letting people know about it.
Amy Orvin
My mom would really benefit from this. She has allergies and I have 4 cats. She loves me and them so much she just deals with it the best she can. I would love to surprise her with this! Thank You!!
easy rider
this gives a lot of hope to all who have a hard spring and summer with allergies… to prevent it is much better than to treat it. Thanks for a great review!!!