A Time For Love: Giveaway Contest
Odin always has time for love since he met the love of his life, Mystery Miss. It was unusually balmy yesterday and guess who showed up? Mystery Miss!
If you don’t want late for love, you’ll want to enter our Hello Kitty Contest. We’re holding a giveaway of our favorite Hello Kitty watch. We wear an identical one. It has a genuine leather strap and bezel set crystals. The winner will be announced on Valentine’s Day. It’s easy to enter. Just leave a comment any time between Feb. 7 and midnight Feb. 14. For extra chances to win: like this post and share on Facebook, Tweet it , Google+. Winner announced on
Feb.14, 2012. Don’t miss any of our regular giveaways, subscribe to Cat Wisdom 101.
Time is ticking for the Readers Choice Award nominations from About.com. Only seven days left to nominate us for a Best Cat Website award. The nomination form is here. Thank-you for loving cats! Update: this contest is over.
What a neat giveaway. We love Hello Kitty, and we love your blog, too! 🙂
Love the website and love the Hello Kitty Watch!
The Florida Furkids
That would look really nice on our Mom’s wrist. We hope we win!!
The Florida Furkids
Can’t believe I missed this post the other day. I’d love to win that watch… Hello Kitty… for hh. It would be a pawsome present to give her.
pawhugs, Max
Mekah's Mom
Do you have to tweet ? I don’t have a celery phone.
Mystery Miss and Odin make a great Valentine couple !!
What a cute watch!
Laura and Taffy
Oh, Hello, Kitty for sure!
Laila and Minchie
That watch is just so cute! We would love to win it for our mom for Valentine’s Day!
Artemisia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla
That would be the purrfect watch for our Mommy (Alasandra).
Emma's Daddy
Hello Kitty is right for any occasion! Even James Bond could wear a Hello Kitty watch, but with a few special features…
Our mommy loves Hello Kitty! We hopes we can win it for our special mommy!
Shannon Thompson
o my daughter would love this..
Snoopy 'n Meowm
LOVE this watch! Hope I winz it for my Meowm!
so cute; i’d love this, thanks
Kathy Thompson
Love Hello Kitty almost as much as I love Garfield!
I knew all along that Odin would win our fair lady’s heart….really,who could resist such a mysterious and handsome guy?
Purrs and Kitty Kisses
Skeeter and Izzy >^..^<
Love Love your blog and Love Love Hello Kitty! It is a win win! So happy the email subscription stuff got worked out! 🙂
Andrea Julian
I love Hello Kitty!
angelina jolie
Yeay for Mystery Miss… I imagine Odin saying this to MM: “Hello, Kitty. Surely, that’s your name? Kitty?” Well, if you’re mailing to Malaysia, we’d like to be entered. Mama will treasure it, just like her Hello Kitty credit card. har har har *evil laughs*
Until now I love hello kitty stuff..I have some collection of this thanks for sharing..
Sorry if I posted twice (think I did something wrong the first time). Thank you for the opportunity to win this sweet watch!
Hello Kitty!!! Cute stuff for sure! I have Hello Kitty fuzzy pj pants that I live in! Your Odin is O-dorable!
MOM loves Hello Kitty!
we just tweeted out your post!!!
And we adore how Odin has his MM!!
Odin. Brilliant. And the watch would make a GREAT Valentine’s present for me. Keep up the great posts!!
Donna Bell
would love to have a hello kitty watch to wear to work to promote the rescuing of cats/kitties which I love to foster!!!
Love the story ! Keep it up!
Sheila K.
I Google+’ed this post!
Sheila K.
I “liked” this post and shared it on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=370667969610930&id=1263039920
Sheila K.
My extremely ferocious king of the jungle, A.K.A. Joey, would love to see his mama (me) win this on her (my) Valentine’s Day birthday!
<3 Hello Kitty! Watch is so adorable!
Go Odin!! 🙂
I have a friend who saved a dumpster kitty who ended up losing an eye because of infection and named him Odin! He was all black & very handsome as well! 🙂
SO adorable! <3 Hello Kitty!
So adorable, there’s nothing like kitty love!
I love watching my boys groom each other, and snuggle. <3
Also: what a cute watch! 🙂
Kitty love is the cutest love of all!
This whole post is too cute for words! I have a soft spot for Hello Kitty and kitties nuzzling in particular. 😉
Colleen Gilleran
I liked, I shared, I tweeted (Ashadowdncr)…I WANT! lol Love the watch!
Liz pagan
Pleaseeeeeee pleaseeeeeee pick me <3 pweasssse pweaseeeeeee pwetttyyyy pweaseeeeeeeeeee
Aww I love the Kitty’s they are so cute!
would love to win this awesome watch 🙂 thanks, ingrid!
Linda A
Thought I had posted but never saw. Was just saying that all the kitties are adorable.
Linda A
I love the kitties in the pictures. So pretty!
Love is in the air fur sure!
Hugh O'Flynn
They look very happy in their surroundings.
lex g
I love cats 😀
This is like watching a kitty soap opera – Days of Our Lives with Cat Wisdom101 because love is universal i’m tuning in from England and I can imagine you have people tuning in from all over the world! And just in time for a big Valentines Day episode. Love it :). Hmmm so is Oden shopping or buying. Is this a fling or true love – only time will tell! – Speaking of time he he LOVE the Hello Kitty watches – great contest Layla!
Odin looks so happy. My interview should be up on Wednesday with Chey (which will be Chatting with Chey and Merlin this week).
Yay, Chey. Can’t wait!!!
Yenta Mary
Caren told me to come visit, so visit I did! The watch is so cute – I’m a sparkly kinda cat lady myself … 🙂
Sandpiper cat blog - Rachel Shubin
We love Hello Kitty and this watch! We will Facebook share and tweet this post!
Just who is that pretty girl?
Amy Palmer
I love the watch! Caren & Cody told me about the contest!
Caren Gittleman
Aha!!!! She returned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY for Odin!!! Go get her Tiger!!!
I am soooo happy that our subscription is BACK!! I actually received this via email today! 🙂
You don’t have to enter me in the contest though, DON’T HATE ME…but I don’t like “Hello Kitty”…..it is way too sweet for my curmudgeonly personality 🙂 Good luck to all of the NICE people who enter though! xoxoxo
Caren, thanks for the feedback. And you are not a curmudgeon!
I hope the mystery of MM will be solved before too long? lol Though it could be that the gloss will wear off for Odin once all is revealed!
I love Hello Kitty. I have a camera case with the logo on :))
Ingrid King
I love the big smile on Odin’s face in the second photo! Looks like Mystery Miss is warming up to the lovestruck boy.
Ingrid, Odin is such a goof ball with her.