Cat Behavior 101,  Cat Saturday,  Holidays

a Creature was Stirring & it wasn’t a Mouse.

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

tis the season-formerly feral-cat-humor- cat wisdom 101

Cat Saturday News & Mews

What a week! We’ve enjoyed a mild December north of NYC but the nights are getting nippy and the cats are happy to spend more time indoors. The exception being Odin, who needs his “King of the World” or “On a Clear Day I Can See Forever” fix daily.

on a clear day-quote-cat-catwisdom 101

The last place I wanted Domino to be was sleeping outdoors, but he insisted on spending several nights on the porch until I picked him up on Tuesday, and limp in my arms, agreed to come indoors. He’s been indoors since and on antibiotics for a flesh wound. This is a corner of his new world.

Domino-feral indoors- cat wisdom 101domino-ex-feral-cat bed-cat wisdom 101

He’s figured out how to squeeze into his bed and like the added blanket wall.

This was taken in the dark, late Tuesday evening.xmas-cats-friends-cat wisdom 101

Domino shown lying on a bedroom chair with his hurt leg extended. Odin came to kiss it better. Gris Gris looked on concerned. Animals know when another is injured or ill and the compassion I’ve seen is astounding. Everyone pussyfooted around him. Odin knew not to jump on him or engage him in play until ready. New research has shown that rats are able to express joy and compassion for their fellow rats. It’s just as well that our cats have scared all rodents away.

Domino has made no move towards the door and the great outdoors. Perhaps he remembers an earlier winter when he’d tramp through the snow to do his business. He would trudge with stoic calm but his eyes convey the truth: it’s no fun being feral.

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Meanwhile, we’re hoping he will join us in the big bed where Merlin and Gris Gris are dreaming of Santa. Merlin is an under cover cat and Gris Gris isn’t . This is how they compromise.

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Huge thanks for your healing purrs and wishes which must have worked because he bounced back yesterday, literally. He and Odin wrestled and bounced about last night disturbing my sleep with their wild elephant thumping but it was music to my ears. Resuming play was a good sign as was coming out of hiding. Earlier, I checked in on him and couldn’t find him anywhere. There he was, for the first time, in bed on my pillow. He had this deadpan la de da expression, So lady, ya gonna make a federal case?

This morning hubby said he was all purrs and wet kisses again but Dom is not 100% okay,just yet. He’s still leery of fast-moving human legs and has a defensive posture, but everything in good time… and it is the season of miracles…

In proper cat lady fashion, our stockings are placed by the chimney with care.

What are you doing to get ready for the holidays?xmas-cat-stocking-cat wisdom101-christmas

xmas-cat lady-stockings- cat wisdom 101


  • Lee County Clowder

    As you said Beanmom, all in good time. Domino has spent several years learning to run from hoomans and most other things. He’s gonna be a little skittish for a while, maybe always.

    So glad to learn he is feeling better, and starting to act like he belongs.

  • Marg

    Oh Dom, it is so great to get some good news in this present world of sadness. Glad you are getting better and are learning to like it inside. You are so lucky to have such good care takers that will let you inside. Take care and get all the way better.

  • Pam Kimmell

    Oh so good to hear Dom continues to get better….he looks mighty cozy in his bed! You ask what we’re doing to get ready for the holiday but you know – WE’RE ALREADY READY!! Bring it on!!

    Kitty Hugs and Kisses

  • Carolyn

    It is lovely to get some good news in the CB this week 🙂 That Domino is a miracle for sure. Let’s hope it’s all good from now on. It’s wonderful to see the cats interacting. Fascinating to watch. Wish I was able to have more!

  • Kathy Thompson

    Hey, all of us cats and our peeps know the love and compassion that we have in our very hearts and souls we just have to enlighten the rest of the world and sometimes ya just gotta turn to science to do so!
    We’re soooo happy to hear that Dom is feeling better! We know that he likes the indoors but like all things feline the transition will happen on Dom’s schedule and no one elses! I think his very “tough guy” appearence but with a soft gentle heart and wisdom and past experiences is probably why Merlin has chosen him to mentor. Those beautiful ice blue eyes say so much yet still keep so many secrets. Much love and all the purrs and kisses we can share! luv Skeeter and Izzy >^..^<

  • Katnip Lounge

    I am so happy Domino is getting better, and kitties certainly do know when their housemates are ill, in fact a couple of times I’ve been clued in to an illness from OTHER cat’s reaction to the sick one. And everyone was very gentle with Felix after his knee surgery. Not that his ornery disposition had ANYthing to do with it…

  • Ingrid King

    I can never get enough of photos of Domino on Mr. Layla’s lap. He doesn’t even look like the same cat, compared to the photo from last winter. Everything about him looks softer now, especially his face.

    And the photo of Gris Gris and Merlin in bed – just precious!

    I’m amazed the stockings are still hanging. Is Odin falling down on the job?

    • boomermuse

      Ingrid, so true about everything being softer about Domino (even his fur!). Odin only jumped up once that mantle and gave up getting your stocking. Maybe he’s being a good boy for a change?

  • Kathryn

    Oh Dom Dom is sooo much better. And looks so adorable in his bed. Yes, it is no fun being feral. The Siamese I had growing up were always under the cover cats, too; they were the only under cats I did have. I’d find them under the bedspread after I’d made the bed. I know Dom is not all the way better, but at least he’s safe and sound.

    Here’s hoping to many good things this week!

    • boomermuse

      Kathryn, thanks he’s on the mend and safe. Many meezers tend to be undercover cats but not all. My first one slept on the covers at my feet. I’ll second that about good things this week!

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