Yule and Winter Solstice Cat Odin Tells All
We’re sending Yuletide greetings of the furry kind. Odin here, the Yule, winter solstice cat reporting on behalf of Merlin with a fireside chat. Why me? Apparently my namesake the Norse god Odin is the original Father Christmas. Sit down and warm yourself by the fire and I’ll tell you all about it.
This isn’t quite the Lil BUB Yule Log, but let’s pretend.
Yup, thousands of year before Jesus, my Nordic ancestors would dress up someone to represent Old Man Winter aka the god Odin, during the solstice to welcome the slow return to light. Winters were brutally long and dark up north and they didn’t have cat videos to amuse folks. Dressed in hooded fur coat and sporting a long white beard, Odin flew around on giant white horse Sleipnir with eight legs. When the Vikings invaded Britain and most of Europe in the 8th and 9th centuries, Odin eventually morphed into Father Christmas. And the 8-legged horse turned into a sleigh with eight very Nordic reindeer. The European Father Christmas used to be more skinny and Odin-like. He didn’t turn into a jolly, fat red-suited Santa until an ad campaign for Coca Cola in the ’30s by Haddon Sundblom, a Finnish Illustrator and his now iconic imagery. So there you have it. Happy winter solstice and Yule!
Today marks the first day of winter, the longest night and shortest day of the year. All I care about is celebrating the longer days ahead. It’s been dark by late afternoon making it a snore for everyone around here. I always get extra restless and bored at this time of the year since I can’t go outdoors as much. Domino is getting older and preferring to keep Merlin company than our wrestling matches. Nou Nou and I play early in the morning, but she likes sleeping when I don’t. What I need is a frisky young kitty I can play full tilt with. It’s the usual hornet’s nest of activity around here and I doubt Santa will be giving me a kitten for Christmas. Bah humbug!
Did you know the winter solstice occurs at the same time everywhere on Earth?
In the United States, it’s tonight at 11:48 p.m. ET Monday (or 10:48 p.m. CT, 9:48 p.m. MT and 8:48 p.m. PT). In Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia the solstice actually comes on Tuesday.
And because you humans like to complicate things, our good friends down under in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite! Dec. 21 marks the longest day of the year and the beginning of astronomical summer.
Wait, I’m not alone! Drats, even the blonde lady is here. Actually, we’re all here to wish you a happy solstice, Yule, first day of winter or summer.
Love, your one-eyed wizard Odin.

Deziz World
Well Merry Christmas Odin to you and all yous furmily.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Happy Solstice and Yuletide Felicitations!! 😉
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh, I like that: felicitations. Very British 🙂
Skeeter and Izzy
Happy belated Solstice!!!!
Thank you for sharing such a great story and vid with us! We are wishing everyone a very HAPPY whatever you celebrate!!!! We celebrate just being alive!
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo and the Angels
Layla Morgan Wilde
That’s exactly what we put in our holiday card! Happy Everything 🙂
Great job reporting, Odin. As it’s been rather warm, it doesn’t feel like winter so much, but the day is definitely getting shorter.
Happy winter solstice and Merry Christmas!
Ellen Pilch
Very interesting, I learned something from you wise Odin.
The Island Cats
Happy Soltice to all of you!
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Happy solstice to all of you!
Happy Winter Solstice to all of you. We wait for this day knowing the days will once again grows longer. My mum finds winter depressing. I find it boring because I can’t go outdoors as much.
Wishing all of you a warm and bright Solstice with longer happy days to come!
Kisses to Merlin.
The Swiss Cats
Happy solstice to you too ! We’re glad, because it means that days are “growing up” again ! Purrs
A very happy Solstice to you Odin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank mew
Happy Solstice Odin! Agreed, this early night makes everyone well a bit stir crazy. Everyone is somewhat confused and around here they sleep more, except for the youngest Angus who plays with the dog (who happens to also be an Odin) the rest curl up in furry balls keeping warm.
The upside is the days will get longer,,,,
Give the old boy Merlin a snuggle!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’m snuggling Merlin right now and hello to another Odin!
Happy Solstice!
L’il Bub is so cute.
Odin, be happy!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy Solstice to you and the kids!
This has always been my favorite day, the knowledge that things will get progressively better from here. Happy Solistice Odin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and here’s to lighter days ahead!
Brian Frum
That was a wonderful post Odin! Hugs to Merlin from all of us.
easy rider
I wish you would come to visit me Odin and not the red guy :o) I would offer you honey beer and a steak and we could celebrate a fab boys christmas :o)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh, steak? You’re my kind of furrriend!
Sue Brandes
Happy winter solstice. Have a great week.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much Sue. Happy Holidays to you!
Happy solstice, Odin!