Cat Wisdom 101 12th Anniversary + Cats’ Birthdays: Kittenish Seniors!
Cat Wisdom 101 Cats’ Birthdays: Kittenish Seniors by Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh my whiskers, how did this happen? I got a Facebook memory this week from 2011! It’s our 12th anniversary or blogoversary. Whatever you call it, it’s a milestone of love, purrs, sweat and perseverance.
So many feelings. Back then the original fab four included the Patriarch, Merlin, the still feral Domino, the semi-feral former basement mouser Gris Gris and the young Odin who had had recent surgery to remove his eye. Odin is the only remaining member still alive and he turned 12 this week!
Odin has seen it all and grown from a mischievous kitten to a kittenish senior. He’s been our hard-working cat product tester for 12 year and semi-retired now. It’s remarkable how he remains his athletic form. He goes out adventuring with his GPS collar every day, winter or summer.
Just yesterday, he scaled a huge old oak in three seconds flat. That was after is brought a screaming baby bunny into the house, the third one this week. He never kills them and lets me catch them to return them home. It’s a thrilling game for him. Now, it’s another story for mice. They have a 50/50 chance of being a snack.
I don’t think he forgave me for making him wear a birthday hat last year.
I brought out the birthday hat and didn’t bother luring him. He is after all the King of Bacon Hill. The only change in appearance is his crumpled cauliflower ear or aural hematoma. His vet thought it wasn’t worth draining. Last year Nou Nou had one and it was drained twice and it’s still crumpled. So now the Gemini birthday cats both have one eye and one crumpled ear each.
For all the latest videos, I post at least two or three weekly on Instagram @CatWisdom101
Ditto my personal stuff like a recent family bridal shower, spiritual quotes, nature etc. at @BoomerMuse
It’s hard to believe it’s likely Nou Nou’s last birthday. At least that’s what her vet says.
Maybe it’s end of life rallying as cats often do, but she’s never been more loving, engaged, curious and happy. She often wants to go out into garden for brief supervised forays, but this week, she found a cozy spot under the blooming honeysuckle and stayed for hours. Her appetite is good. She’s pampered and doted on, fed on demand. She’s losing weight as all CKD cats do but more slowly. All rugs are removed. Plastic covers whatever she likes to pee on which is almost everything. We’re doing lots of laundry but that’s palliative care life. As long as she’s happy, it’s all good.
Birthday hats? No thank-you. This is a still from the cats’ birthday video this week on Instagram.
Cat Wisdom 101 started in 2011 on a whim.
Everyone seemed to be blogging. Remember this was before Instagram and TikTok and it felt like a fun hobby. Little did I know it would change my life. I’m not going to dwell on the history but every year I wonder will it be my last. 10 Years of Blogging Wisdom From Cat Wisdom 101 is worth reading or from 2019 Cat Blog Hiatus or Farewell Is In The Stars
Oh dear, in 2018 Why Award-winning New York Cat Expert Layla Morgan Wilde is Celebrating 7 years of blogging With A Rant
And so many more. Poke around and you might find a gem.
The worst thing about having a very big, old blog.
There are loads of creepy sites that steal my content daily (content scraping). I know who many of them are but they make it near impossible to fight with copyright infringement notices. It’s not worth the trouble but I do send out DCMA notices when I can. Bot visits have quadrupled in the past year and they slow down my site and impact my traffic. It’s tiresome and when I do eventually retire, I need to decide to keep it up or take it down.
I always felt that I would keep blogging as long as I had even one cat left. I’m not so sure now. What I do know is: I miss the innocent days of blogging, and more than ever I appreciate the connection of like-minded souls like you! Stay tuned for BIG news later this month!
Until we meet again,
Layla, Odin, Nou Nou and the ever present Angel kitties

Memories of Eric and Flynn
Happy birthday Odin and NouNou, and happy blogoversary to all of you!
I may not have new content but I still enjoy bringing memories of my boys to whoever wants to enjoy them too. It is hard to believe it will be 16 years next month!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I love that you’ve kept it up and wow, for 16 years! You’re an inspiration xox
Happy Blogaversary Layla and Happy Birthday to Odin! And a big awww to Nou Nou, I adore those sweet older kitties! I’ve had lots of pictures taken off my blog and used and misused, as well as having posts reblogged to inappropriate sites. Some were bots and scrapers … It really is a nuisance. I’ve had to stop blogging anyway since last October due to a health crisis I may or may not get past. I try to comment when I can but I can’t get around to everyone.
Marjorie Dawson
Blogging is a strange beast. Some people who write about desperate things like ‘finance’ or ‘lifestyle’ can make a fortune but most people don’tbut they still enjoy themselves which is great.
Bots are a PITA but with a decent host they should not bite you too hard so I hope you do OK.
It is good to see Odin and Nou Nou. It may b her last birthday but what a life and so much love. How lucky they are.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Marjorie, I love that “Blogging is a strange beast”. My host, Godaddy does little to combat security beyond Securi. I’ve taken more action so paws crossed. There is such a sweetness with Nou Nou, I’m savoring every moment xoxo
Skeeter and Izzy
Happiest of All Happies to you and the Gang!!!!
First Birthday or last each one is special and meaningful and to be celebrated with all that there is to give!
Each day is one of a kind, each moment is somthing special and unique and worth celebrating if only with a smile.
Celebrate and Party in your own way but realize that we only get that moment in time once and if we miss it it is gone forever and we don’t want to ever have regrets for that.
Luvs and Purrs of Pure Happiness for the Blogoversary and the Birthday of Odin and the one that will be celebrated for our dear Nou Nou no matter what may come!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang and all of my sweet Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hugs and purrs of gratitude. Nou Nou is purring in my ear as I write this. Odin got most of the attention but it all comes out in the wash. Yes, no regrets xoxo
Happy blogoversary! And happy birthday, Odin! Blogging is not for the faint of heart… but really, it never has been.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yup, not for the feint of heart but you’re the ultimate trooper 🙂
Cathy Keisha
Happy Blogoversary/Birthday! What a great achievement but not as great as raising some independent kitties.
We keep wondering which will be our last. TW is on her way out and Pop has no creativity/interest in continuing it.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much. We are living in unpredictable times. There is much to mourn for and yet celebrate our time left. ((( hugs to your mom)))
Happy blogoversary, Laya! And happy birthday, Odin!
We probably fit into the old guard of bloggers, too. We are so glad you’re still here blogging, and so thankful for your friendship.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, you are and thank you. The world of cats is better for your volunteer efforts xoxo
Little Miss Titch
Happy Birthday to Odin and Nou Nou! I have restisted Tictok so far what with instagram and twitter, FB as well as the blog I can’t be bothered with more social media. Not that I do as much now.
I’m just about enjoying things with Titch and posting when we feel like it. I’m sure you get that too. Give both Odin and Nou Nou some cuddles from me xx Rachel
Little Miss Titch
P.S I forgot to say HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY TO YOU ALL TOO! xx Rachel
Thanks so much Rachel! I’d love to see Titch on TikTok and I’m probably going to try it for the hell of it!
Happy birthday,dear Odin. Happy to hear you are a sassy senior and still going strong and having a great life. Sending wishes to Nou Nou to be as pain free and comfortable as possible with old age health issues that so many have. Thankfully you have a compassionate and caring catgiver watching over you. Remembering all those who are now angels.
Thanks so much Elaine! Life is good and always better with cats no matter what xoxo
Happy Birthday, Odin!
Happy Birthday, NouNou!
Happy Blogoversary, Layla!
Congrats to all!!
(I am just a blogging youngster, from 2016…)
Ingrid, I’d consider you an old timer by now! Thanks for being a loyal supporter xox
Happy Birthday, Happy blogoversary and happy Friday as Deb said! I don’t think it’s any secret that I gave up on blogging. Too much time spent on that. I haven’t taken it down yet though. I need to do that sometime soon. Anyway, Happy Day, Layla!
Andrea, there are lots of inactive blogs that still offer good resources so don’t let it go. Hugs to you and I hope the summer brings happier days xo
Ellen J Pilch
Happy Birthday Odin! And Happy Blogoversary!! XO
Thanks, Ellen! Stay tuned for big news xo
Brian Frum
Happy Blogoversary Layla and Happy Birthday Odin. We’re really glad you are still blogging, it’s nice to keep track of friends.
It’s always a joy to hear from old blogger pals and I appreciate you holding down the fort at catblogosphere xox
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Such a trip down memory lane. I remember the vibrancy and innocence of years past and really miss those days. But in fairness, I don’t have the time or resources to be the me I once was, but I do revel in remembering the fun we had, and Cat Wisdom 101 was a huge part of it. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Friday, or just plain, be happy. Love and purrs from Deb, angel Zee, and the Zee/Zoey gang.
Oh Deb, I’m so glad you stopped by. After all these years, I’m appreciating my old cat blogger friends more than ever! Thing will never be the same but that’s life.xox
I’m sorry you have issues with bot and thieves. So sad.
Happy birthday and happy anniversary.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend. ♥
Thanks Sandee. Sadly I’m not alone. Any blog with high value content is scraped.
Joe sucher
Thanks for the memories!
Layla Morgan Wilde
So many memories, eh xox
Sue Brandes
Happy Birthday Odin sweet boy. And Happy Anniversary.
Thanks so much Sue! It’s the end of this journey soon!
Congrats on hanging in there (from another oldie, doing the same, with the same complaints, concerns and wondering ’bout things) … Odin remains as handsome as ever, and sure
seems as healthy and happy … Nou Nou a blessing. You … of course, happy/healthy/wise … keep on keepin’ on. Give it your best.