The World is Your Litter Box Book Review and Giveaway
UPDATE: The author is giving away four copies! The new deluxe edition of The World is Your Litter Box book review and giveaway arrived at our door. The cats immediately tired to keep it away from my prying eyes. Clearly there were cat secrets in it they didn’t want us humans to see. Merlin begrudgingly tore him himself away from it and let me read it. There are tips and tricks cats know like: 20 Ways Cats are Smarter Than Humans but don’t willingly share or the cat would be out of the bag. One fearless cat, Quasi reveals all with the help of his hapless human, Steve Fisher. It’s funny and true. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.To learn more about their funny wisdom visit
Like to win a copy? Sure you do. To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment anytime before 11:59 PM ET,July 13, 2013. For extra chances to win please social media share and mention in comment where you shared. This giveaway is open to residents of Canada and the U.S. Good luck! The 4 winners will be announced next Sunday.
The winners of last week’s book giveaway for the latest Hello Kitty book Hello Summer are Ester and Congratulations! Please look for an email from Layla.
Disclosure:We RECEIVED a complimentary copy from the author which did not INFLUENCE out review in any way.
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Elizablest Munroz
Looks like I’m the last one to squeeze in for the deadline. Sure hoping last is not least. Looks like it will be a great read.
I love cats and I love to read! One entry please! Thanks! Meow!!
Ah, yes, the litterbox . . .
Mary Prevost
I have 6 kitties and could REALLY use the insight from the book as they play their mischievous tricks on me all the time…IF they’d let me read it that is…LOL Shared on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest too 🙂
Stephanie Lehr
Yes please
Cathy Keisha
I’ve read a couple of reviews of this book and it sounds like it’s as funny as my blog. I’d love to enter. Do you know July 13 is TW’s birthday and this would make a nice gift for her.
Hazel Marie
I’d REALLY like to win this book!! I’ve pinned every picture on the blog, under Important for Animal Lovers. Created a new board
Info for cat lovers, they should all be posted to Face Book.
Also am sharing blog on Facebook.
Don’t you wish they picked a name for blogging that didn’t include the word blog. Just had to add that!
Kitties Blue
We’d like to win that book for Mom. It sounds very interesting. Thanks for telling us about it. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Kathleen Bruner
This looks like a fun book to read & share with my cat! 🙂
Kathleen Bruner
Sorry for the double-post. I thought the first one didn’t go through.
Kathleen Bruner
Sounds like a fun book to read and share with my cat!
This sounds like a fun book to read and keep under my glass coffee table for others to look at when they visit. Cats are just like humans, they like where they go to be clean. 🙂
Judi Daly
Sounds like my kind of book!
Wendy Panaro
With 8 cats, be have some “litter box” issues. They are making my house out to be their litter box and we do everything right (lots of boxes on each floor, different kinds of litter, scoop them all the time).
That sounds like a great book, and we’d love to be entered to win it!
We just voted for you, and will keep on doings so!
Chris Kinniery
Since my cats always seem to have the upper hand (er paw) Any inside information would be great. ALSO shared on Facebook!!
Ms. Phoebe
My Mom would love to read this book, but I don’t know about the kitty secrets in it. If I were to win it I would have to review and darken those passages with a Sharpie first, as we cannot allow humans access to all of our divine knowledge. Purrrrrr.
Ms. Phoebe
I tweeted and posted about it on Facebook too.
Happy Cat Family
yey!! That looks really funny and a great book to entertain mom while on the road! Will keep fingers and toes crossed 😀
Julia Williams
Why yes … of course I would love to win!! Thanks.
Amy Jarratt
I love cats & books. Thanks for this great giveaway
kitty secrets revealed ! awesome! ched and mao looked at me and said, they told????
Katnip Lounge
We own this book and it’s GREAT!
Don’t tell our Mommy…
thank you for the opportunity to win.
Nerissa's Life
Hmmm… the world is my litterbox. I LIKE IT!
Christine Sutor
Shared giveaway on Pinterest!
Christine Sutor
This sound like a fun read perfect for light summer reading, thanks for the book idea!
Sue Brandes
I would love to read this book. I shared on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for the giveaway.
Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to the last winners!
This sounds verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting and we would love to win a copy!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
That box sounds like it covers it all and we would enjoy it too!
The Island Cats
Now that would be a great book for our mom to read. Please enter us.
Matt - Brisbane Photographer
Ha! A cat than can read – who would have thunk!
easy rider
I agree – sometimes it feels so :o)
Sam and Pam
Sounds like a grand book! I’m sure Sam and I would enjoy reading it…..he’s always thought the world was his litterbox……hee hee
Cynthia Southern
Wow, my cats said I have to enter this contest as they want to read this too. 🙂 It looks wonderful and would be quite funny to read. I have also shared on Facebook, Pinterest on the Cats board and on Google +.
For another chance to win I shared this contest on Facebook. Thanks!
I love cat books! One more, please! Thanks, meow!!
Nancy Blue Moon
I would love to read this..if I can keep it away from my 6
I love your book reviews. If I didn’t follow them here I might never know about some of these books!
Thank you for this adorable website. I do appreciate the wisdom and giveaways too. Keep up the great work!