#AdorableAdoptables & Shelter Stories,  Cats,  Shelter Cats

What’s 100% Purrfect? #AdorableAdoptable Radish

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Meet Radish, an older ginger red tabby who lives up to his name. A little sweet, a little spicy with a touch of bitter. Who knows why he landed in a shelter cage after 8 years of having a home but he’s a recent arrival at New Rochelle Humane Society and boy is he not happy being caged. He’s in the cage on top of where our foster gal Nou Nou lived for many months.

The cats are usually quiet in that room but Radish voiced his displeasure loudly and I couldn’t wait the open the door. He gave me a withering look like lady, what took you so long and let me out of here NOW. These accommodations will not do! He may be considered a senior boy at @8 years of age but he did a swan dive down like a kitten. Did I mention he has eyes which bore into your soul and personality to spare?

He explored every nook and crevice of the small windowless room as if it were the Taj Mahal. With about 50 caged cats in the current population, there simply isn’t time to exercise every cat one at a time, but Radish insisted and he stayed out for a rare, full hour. He’s ready, willing and able to be adopted immediately if not sooner. Yesterday would not be soon enough for him. Let’s share, tweet, Pin his graphic or this post so he won’t have to wait long for the pampering he richly deserves.

Radish shelter cat


Another ginger and cream boy, Joe Hardy, with a very different story got adopted again. He was the original hoarding rescue cagemate of dear Gray Boy, may he rest in peace.

shelter cat museJoe hardy-cat adoption psa


Since June of last year, Joe was rescued from a horrific hoarding incident, moved several times to different cages at the shelter, fostered for a few weeks, returned to the shelter and moved to the large cage-free room, adopted but returned recently to the cage-free area and then adopted again last week. That’s a hell of a lot for any cat to go through in under a year. There were many times he looked depressed and dejected but his will to live and love transcended his rocky year.

When I saw him last week, he ran up to me as if to say, I won’t be seeing you again and as much as I adore him, I hope that is the case. This my last ( I hope) shot of him.

For anyone thinking of adopting a cat: whether you know their history or not, please give them a chance to adjust in their own time and their own unique way.

oe Hardy shelter cat-newrochelle humane society


  • Skeeter and Izzy

    We send our PURRS and Prayers for a great FUREVER home for dear Radish and Joe Hardy. I just could not imagine “returning” a cat after I had adopted. We just hope both of them and qall others find their PURRFECT home.

    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    radish…de best oh fishes two ewe dood…

    we hope ya get de hellz outta ther two !! 🙂

    N joe…all de veree veree best
    that thiz time…..
    IZ yur for evers home time ♥♥♥♥

  • Kathryn

    Ginger boys, you know how I love them.

    I feel that a person (without kids) who has the patience to work with a cat who has been through a lot can make it work with any cat – except a biter or scratcher – but I think all cats really want to relax and settle down to a loving environment.

    A few times strays came to the house and then we placed ads so the owners could come get them. One cat was very fearful, but he grew to trust me within a week. His owner came one day while I was out. She saw the black and white magic marker drawing I had made of her Tux and knew it was hers.

    One cat was ill – had an infection, so we took her to the vet. The woman and daughter who answered the ad for a found cat (ill) loved the cat – cone and all – because it looked a lot like a cat they had had a few years before.

    Another cat my parents got from my dad’s lab had been in a cage for his entire three years. He adapted quickly to the house and was a very nice, all black boy, Kemal. It took three years for him to brave going outside, but once in the closed backyard, he loved that, too. He had a nice life of 12 years, total. Not that long, but a nice life.

  • Tamago

    Sounds like Radish is very curious and playful! I hope he’ll find forever home soon! And congratulations to Joe! That’s really a lot he’s gone through. I hope he will have a long happy life in his forever home!

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