Vintage Cat Buttons Are The Cat’s Meow
It’s your Mancat Monday host Clyde here with an old-fashioned romp from distant cat relatives to wild antique cat buttons. Vintage Cat Buttons Are The Cat’s Meow.
Yes, pop culture kitties go way back to the weird, quirky and meowvelous. Long before Buzzfeed and viral cat videos, we had photos. Not Instagram photos but real ones like this one of my relatives in the U.K. Poor chap being made to earn his supper but just like me not being cooperative. I will never do tricks and goodness knows I’m never ready and available for my close-up. How do you like my new photo? Layla says I look cute as a button.
Anyway, the photo dates from about the time our featured buttons were created. It just goes to show you feline adoration and feline snubbing is nothing new.
Can you believe this work of art is a button?
Layla collects vintage kitty ephemera and has always been obsessed with buttons. They don’t make them like they used to and I wish someone would make updated versions. Collecting antique buttons from Victorian and Edwardian eras to vintage mid century is an affordable way to start a collection. Many cat buttons are under $20 but rare ones can cost hundreds. If you’re interested in buttons, a valuable resource is the National Button Society
Like to find your own purrfect collectible buttons? Here are a few resources to purrchase EBay for vintage buttons. If you’re in the mood for shopping bargains EBay Daily Deals is our suggestion.
Please note this website uses affliate links. Should you make a purchase, we would receive a small commission to help pay for our ongoing pricey vet and cat care.
My favorite collectible isn’t a button but a coin. Imagine how ahead their time they were in 1896! I have no idea what position the cat was running for but I’d vote for him, wouldn’t you?
I’ve been busy perusing a few new cat books and shared a fun video thingy (on Instagram and Facebook)about the new Cativity book from the Punderful World of Cats illustrator Katie Ruby. I’m supposed to be helping Layla with the endless revisions of our book but that would be far too much work. I’m miffed that she’s actually added more cats and hasn’t added me yet! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she does or else.

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Seville at Nerissa's Life
Oh my mouses those are cute! Peep #1 would not be a good button collecter, though. She’s more of a button loser, if you know what I mean. Can’t TELL you how many times she has lost a button a jacket or whatever and no, she did it all without any help from me. Hehehe… PURRS.
Layla Morgan Wilde
All the more reason to collect where they can’t be lost xo
Clyde, we ALWAYS thought you were as cute as a button. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Purrs to you dear friends xoxo
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Wow, there’s a lot of really fine detail fit into such a small surface on some of those! Like so many things in life, if you don’t stop and look closely, you would miss something amazing.
Layla Morgan Wilde
good point. We’re so busy at the speed of life, it’s good to slow down and observe xo
love them… and we even have one ;o) it’s just a little bit vintage, but we love it. it shows felix the cat and we wore it to honor Felix the cat of my bff…
Layla Morgan Wilde
love those Felix buttons!
Cynthia Southern
I love all of these cat buttons, especially the cat and the cornucopia button. The presidential one is cool too. I would vote for a cat for President any day. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Especially these days, eh? xo
Very cool buttons. I like the one in the second row on the end- nice one! I know several ‘button’ ladies as I am a quilter and our paths have crossed many times. I do not think I have even seen any vintage cat buttons. Perhaps it is time to ask about them.
Clyde you are dapper as always!
Layla Morgan Wilde
That’s a great idea! Niche collecting is small so it’s rare to come across cat buttons generally. Thanks dear Ellen xoxo
Wow those buttons are beautiful. So much detail! Yes you are cute as a button, Clyde 🙂 Love that coin. Kitty would make a great president, no doubt!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Tamago! Good to know I’m still cute as a button 🙂 xoxo
The Island Cats
Those buttons are pawsome!
Layla Morgan Wilde
What fun designs. Cats inspire artists in every possible media!
Thanks for sharing your collection.
Layla Morgan Wilde
They sure do. It’s amazing how contemporary some of these designs are.
Those buttons are furry pawsome indeed!
And the coin, OMC!!! Go figure:)
Have a great week! And try doing some tricks, Clyde, it makes the peeps smile…a lot!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh, so that’s what I have to do get peeps to smile? Oops, epic fail 😉
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…what a awesum post two day…thanx for sharin…we like de button middle top; that kitteh haz cat a tood !!!! hope everee onez doin soooper grate ! 🙂 ♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hi Tabbies nice to see you guys. We’re hanging in there, thanks xoxo
Wow. Love those buttons.
And yeah, I’d DEFINITELY vote for a cat for Prez.
I mean, they already are. Prez, King, Queen, Prince and Princess.
Mao is the king and Cheddar is …well, he’s a girlie boy.
Caren Gittleman
those are charming, darling and so cool!
Layla Morgan Wilde
thanks Miss Caren darling xoxo
Skeeter And Izzy
Luv, Luv the buttons! Everything Kitty is so cool! We will have to start looking for these at flea markets etc.
Clyde we absolutely adore you in the Pince- Nez glasses! You look so Avant-garde my dear. So sophisticated and dashing!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang +Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Why thank you my dear. You think avant-garde and not retro? It’s a huge compliment to be called sophisticated and dashing xoxo
I’m surprised my human never considered collecting kitty buttons – these look really awesome, and she loves vintage things.
BTW, I actually enjoy doing tricks and posing for the camera! You should try it sometime!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I think your human would enjoy collecting. Thanks but posing and doing tricks is not in the cards 😉