Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Holidays

Spicy Vintage Black Cat Art and Poetry: Part 2

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Our Black Cat Awareness Month celebration continues. If you haven’t seen Part 1, check out 1920s black cat art and illustration

The theme for this curated and edited collection is vintage black cat art duos with a few silly matching limericks or kitty quotes because it’s Caturday.

Two black cats on a cliff with a view,

Hatched a plan, mischief they’d pursue.

With tails all a-wag, They’d swipe a flag,

And wave it at birds as they flew!


Well, you know what they say or meow about two’s company and three is a crowd.


In the night, black cats gathered, no doubt,

Two’s company, but three had to sort it out.

A love triangle tangled and sly,

Whiskers crossed, they wondered why,

Meow melodrama, secrets ready to tout!


I found a stunning but tattered greeting card which inspired a makeover.


Two black cats danced, tails all aflow,

“It takes two to tango,” they’d glow.

With grace, they’d prance, in a perfect dance,

A feline duo in sync, stealing the show!


I couldn’t think of anything to write about these duo and a kitten except to ask for a caption.



Two black cats, sly as can be,

In the night, they set hearts free.

With a wink and a purr,

They’d gently confer,

The smile that you gave to me is pure ecstasy!


This is the crazy math when you don’t spay and neuter.


A black cat, sleek and chic,

Found his favorite girl, so unique.

By her side, he’d snuggle and snore,

Luck and love, forevermore,

Their bond, a treasure, hearts and more.


Two black cats, like night and day,

In true love’s wild antics, they’d frolic and sway.

With tails tangled, they’d roam,

In their hearts, true love found its home,

A purrfect pair, making everyone’s day!


For more sweet black cat love, see my recent post Meow Magic Wearables For Black Cat Awareness Month


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