Scratch This Not That: Advice From A Cat Behaviorist
Scratch This Not That: Advice From A Cat Behaviorist by Layla Morgan Wilde (updated May 2020).
Cats need to scratch surfaces to keep their nails sharp and in good condition. It’s nature’s way of helping cats shed their claw’s older, outer layers, but scratching is also good exercise and feels good. Scratching acts as a vital means of communication. Every time a cat scratches a piece of carpet, furniture, tree trunk or scratching post, they leave scent messages from scent glands located between the pads of their feet. These messages leave visible clues from scratches but most messages are invisible to us. They are usually saying, “This is mine. I was here. Stay away or hello.”
One of the common problems I’ve seen as a behaviorist is destructive behavior resulting in damaged or ruined furniture, carpet, kitchen cabinet corners or doors, plants and window coverings. The cat has done nothing wrong. They aren’t “bad” cats, they simply haven’t been given scratching posts or surfaces of their own that they like.
It’s a dream come true. Odin loves climbing this tree with vines.
I take my cues from observing what cats do naturally outdoors and apply it to cats indoors. I’m often asked what is the best scratching pots. My answer is, “The one your cat will use.” Outdoors, cats generally like to scratch vertically at a height making it easy for other cats to sniff as they pass by.
Many cat prefer scratching horizontally but if given a choice most will choose having an option of directions.
Texture is very important to a cat. If a cat loves shredding the carpet on your stairs, a scratching post with similar carpet will appeal. If your cat is a cardboard box lover, they’ll enjoy cardboard style scratchers which come in gazillion styles these days. They’re great but not as long lasting as the more natural and stronger sisal which is made from rope (usually hemp).
Design and color choices mean nothing to a cat. You can choice what suits your eyes and decor because cats don’t see colors as we do. They tend to see everything more muted and gray. Red, orange, rusty or brown tones are seen as gray. They perceive blue and yellow colors the most vibrantly. With so many choices on the market these days, there are scratching posts/trees etc. for every taste and budget.
The most important things to a cat are: location of their food, cat litter, scratching post, toys and bed/napping spots. Encouraging use of a new scratching post/toy is contingent on location, location, location. Cat like variety. A scratching object to a cat is as important as your favorite chair or sofa. To encourage its use and NOT your sofa, I suggest these tips:
1) Place in scratching posts in multiple locations. Place smaller ones near current scratching places. Place a larger one or kitty condo scratching combo away from heavy traffic areas or noisy locations. Placement near windows where they can have a view is usually good. Sociable kitties who like being near humans will enjoy having it near a TV viewing area or home office computer.
2) Scent transfer your cat scent by wiping an unscented rag over your cat head, paws and wiping it on the new scratching post. Never throw away an old scratching post before a new one is “broken in”. If possible, cut bits of the old heavily used (super scented) carpet/sisal and place onto the new one.
3) For cats who like catnip, sprinkle some on the new scratching post. Use a wand type toy and dangle it near the post to encourage play. Include all the different scratching posts and pads as part of regular play sessions until it becomes their new habit.
4) Reward a cat’s successful use of their new post with with praise and treats.
5) The correct vertical height is high enough that kitty can stand up on their haunches and extend their legs and claws fully.
6) If you decide to try a natural tree stump or branch, make sure it’s dead with no bugs. Do not use fresh evergreen trees. Their sap is toxic.
What is your cat’s favorite place to scratch?
Hairless Cat
Hi Layla,
Nice comprehensive post about cat scratchers.
We’ve got a ton of them scattered throughout the house and in a lot of different styles.
We’ve got everything from the Bergan Turbo Scratcher to horizontal cardboard only to the curvy S shaped scratcher to sisal rope vertical to six foot cat trees.
Our cats seem to like them all as they make their daily scratching rounds.
I think it’s great to have a variety of them in multiple locations. It’s a good idea to have one near the sofa to spare it from getting shredded.
=^-^= Hairless Cat Girl =^-^=
Wonderful advice! As soon as my computers figure out their internet connections I’ll share this for sure.
Have you ever tried a real tree branch or section of a trunk inside? I have two and they use them the most.
We actually have a 10 foot log in the house for that purpose ;-0
We have several different types of scratchers and both my boys love the tall one by the window. One of them used to scratch a chair but he stopped after we coveried it with blanket and placed scratcher besides it 🙂
I have multiple scratching surfaces all over the house and they still want to scratch the rug in the dining room.
I.m a very good cat, I’s only scratch outsides…Sorry weee’s not been over weeee lost yooo’s..Weves subscribed nows 🙂
hugs Mollie and alfie form the UK…Weee’s got Hots!! xx
We love our scratching posts…and the chair!
You make a good point. I have no issue with cats having a ratty old dedicated scratching chair if they leave the rest of the decor alone.
Still learning new things! Thank you. Austin scratches the carlet to gain my attention as he knows I will react!! xx
We talked to a man who built scratching posts because Gemini will not use one (preferring the mattress or a chair sitting next to the post) and he mentioned that as kittens if you make the sound of scratching on the post it will attract them–I guess that’s how they learn that this is a good place to shed their nails/mark. However, adult cats don’t always listen to that. Look at all those little cat behavior issues–that were worse before Ichiro, ironically–but what can you do but work with her as much as possible?
For cats like Gemini, I would sacrifice one chair if it works.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Our housing is a scratching delight for cats filled with a variety of heights and materials! Our boy Rolz had a particular cubby in one of our older scratching condos – Dan made him a brand new one with a bigger cubby to snuggle in… he prefered his old, smaller one… so, we kept it and incorporated it with all the other scratching posts!
CarenOsrinGittleman (@CatChatCaren)
I thought I knew everything about scratching posts and what to do but the rubbing a clean unscented rag on your cat’s head and rubbing it on the scratching post was a new one, I like that!!!
OMG! Good dreams Odin!
Fuzzy Tales
We have a variety of scratching posts and pads, vertical, inclined, horizontal, all through the house. It’s especially fun to watch the human trip over some of them, if she’s wandering around in the dark. Heh heh.
Any day I see photos of a cat is a great day. Ched uses the scratching post; Mao does not.