It’s Raining Funny Cats
It’s Raining Funny Cats
and funny cats caption writers. We had some great entries last week but the caption that captured our funny bone was: “It’s easy, just don’t look down!” from the clever cats at Island Cats. Visit their blog and follow them on Facebook
If you’d like to exercise your funny bone, this week’s Cat Cartoon Contest is from the “One of us is not like the others” theme. Leave your caption in the comments and maybe you’ll be the lucky winner next week. If you win and would like us to share your blog or website URL or Facebook or social media page please include (up to two links) in the caption.
If you know any friends who like writing captions, share this post. And if you like the wining cat cartoon winner, share or pin it on Pinterest. We scour the interwebs for fun, obscure copyright-free art. It’s hard to believe but this modern-looking image was taken over a 100 years ago. Wouldn’t you love to know the real story? For now, let’s make one up and join us next Wednesday for more funny cats.

916395 165806I was looking for this. Really refreshing take on the information. Thanks a lot. 895591
Your Nellie Bellie
Look what happens when yous picks up a kitten by its ears!!!
Tee!!! Hee!!!
That’s a terrific caption by the Island Cats! 🙂
Cynthia Southern
Correction: It’s fluffly but doesn’t look or smell like us. Its ears are also too long. 🙂
Cynthia Southern
It’s fluffly but doesn’t look for smell like us. It’s ears are also too long. 🙂
The Island Cats
OMC! We’re so thrilled you chose our caption!
Ellen Pilch
Good job Island Cats! We want to enter for this one: Sorry kids, my dinner just arrived.
da tabbies o trout towne
conga rats two ewe ernie wally & zoey ….thatz a total lee awesum capshunz !!!! grate job !! ♥♥♥
The Swiss Cats
What a cute caption from The Island Cats ! Purrs
Nerissa's Life
That rabbit thinks I didn’t notice her there but let me tell you, I NOTICED!
Nerissa's Life
I LOVE that caption the Island Cats wrote!
That picture was taken that long ago? MO– — USES!
”It’s easy, don’t look down.”
Like much of life!
Trade ya my carrot for a bunneh hug?
Lonely bunny seeks kitteh love.
It’s Raining Funny Cats – Cat Wisdom 101 https://catwisdom101.com/raining-funny-cats/ via @catwisdom101
Congratulations to Island Cats! That’s a great caption!
I can’t think of good caption for the new image now but it’s so adorable!
Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to the Island Cats!!!
We are always too slow to think of the good ones LOL
Wishing everyone a happy humpday!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
easy rider
The momma said It’s Raining Cats is a much better title for a song than It’s Raining Men… we should drop the Weather Girls a line… cats are cute… men are … well different lol
As usual, I don’t have any good ideas, but I want to say, that photo made me MOL!
Hannah and Lucy
What big ears you have Mr. Bunny thank goodness we don’t have them.