Pro Plan #CatsTrueNature GoPro Camera/Coupons Giveaway
We’re wild about our latest giveaway, via the #CatsTrueNature campaign from Purina Pro Plan not only because of its dollar value but because it offers a way for cat lovers to understand cats on a deeper level. Cats communicate volumes with their body cues and photography and video allow documentation we can use to observe, rewind, zoom in and focus on specific areas. For years I’ve blogged about how we can learn about cats from observation i.e.Hardwired To Hunt in 6 Steps. Cats are wild at heart and to make their running, stalking, pouncing action easier to capture, one lucky Cat Wisdom 101 reader will win a GoPro camera and coupon of Purina ProPlan coupons.
Imagine how thrilling it would be if we could observe our cats’ magnificence in slow motion? And learn how to take better images. Now we can. Purina partnered with filmmaker Darren Dyk from YouTube’s BeyondSlowMotion and Adam Hartman, creative mind behind Instagram’s super-popular Pouncey (@professor_pouncey) the stunning Bengal and they’resharing their easy to follow photo/video tips here
Darren will wow you with his highspeed slow motion video of the extraordinary nature of cats. Click, view here and be prepared for dropped jaws and new appreciation for the awesomeness of cats!
The Pro Plan® True Nature™ dry formulas are made with 45% protein and are optimized for lean muscle, strength and energy with meat as the first ingredient i.e. turkey is the first ingredient in the chicken formula.
Last year when the appetite of our 20 year-old Merlin with CKD, waned, we tried a variety of brands and ProPlan chicken got him back on track. He’s fed an variety of wet cat food but on fussy days, he gets a sprinkle of dry to jumpstart his appetite. Find out how ProPlan is making a difference in pet food and the pet lover community.
How to enter our #CatsTrueNature giveaway
To enter, leave a comment at this post telling us why you’d like to win a GoPro camera plus Pro Plan® True Nature™.This giveaway is on until 11:59 pm ET May 17, 2015 and open to residents of the U.S. The winner will be announced on our Mancat Monday post May 18, 2015. For extra chances to win, social media share this post and leave another comments telling us where you shared.
FTC disclaimer. This is a sponsored post. We were paid a fee and received a GoPro camera which in no way influenced our views. As always, we only share giveaways we feel are of value to our readers.

Jenna D
I would love the Gopro to take pictures and videos of my cat, much better quality than my iPhone.
Thomas Murphy
Thomas Murphy
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Thomas Murphy
Thomas Murphy
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Thomas Murphy
I would love to win so I could film my cat and dogs adventures!
I shared the giveaway on Pinterest. (@polishedgirl)
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I shared the giveaway on Twitter (@ThatTuxedoCat)
I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
I’d like to win a GoPro camera to see what my cats do when I’m not around and the plus Pro Plan® True Nature coupons, because I have a picky new rescue and would introduce him to this food.
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I shared on twitter: https://twitter.com/PrettyHotPink6/status/600087138793730048
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I would like to win the GoPro camera plus food coupons so I can take amazing videos of my cat (and dog too!) and get some great food for my cat. I am always open to trying kinds I haven’t tried before & the Pro Plan line is new to me.
Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
I definitely need to invest in a new camera to catch all of Truffles adorable-ness and this sounds like the purr-fect choice!
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I want to win to make videos of my cats
The Florida Furkids
Wow…we would LOVE to win this. Mom would love to have Raz photograph his crazypants runs!!
We’re sharing on Facebook, Pinterest and are tweeting too.
The Florida Furkids
I’d love to win the coupons to get some cat food and the camera would be amazing to film my cats being cats aka adorable.
Miami Riverfront Cats
Would love to win this for our nonprofit to document community cats!! So little is known about their behavior and adventures compared to indoor cats.
One of my crazy ideas or brilliant one (depending how you look at it) this year is to sleep outside with the colony cats! I’m not kidding. Ok so it would be more glamping than camping. Winning a GoPro cameria would be IDEAL to best capture the cats as they come alive at night–roam, hunt, play, etc.
~~ Christine Michaels
Would love to win this for our nonprofit to document community cats!! So little is known about their behavior an adventures compared to indoor cats.
One of my crazy ideas or brilliant one (depending how you look at it) this year is to sleep outside with the colony cats! I’m not kidding. Ok so it would be more glamping than camping. Winning a GoPro cameria would IDEAL to best capture the cats as they come alive at night–roam, hunt, play, etc.
Cathy Keisha
We would love to win! TW needs to new camera to help her capture my stunningness. Maybe she’ll be able to focus it.
As the World Purrs
I would love to capture my foster kittens on camera!
Amanda Sakovitz
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Amanda Sakovitz
Amanda Sakovitz
Amanda Sakovitz
I would love to win so I could catch my cat doing crazy things
pinterest share – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/458804280765994457/
twitter share – https://twitter.com/GreenButtrfly/status/599585463763148800
I would love to win this camera to take amazing videos of my cats!
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
My gang of seven, with assistance from my talented fiance, Dan, would love to win this purr-fect prize!
nicole dziedzic
Shared on Google+ here: https://plus.google.com/105895879978956017638/posts/5P137ZRAqtY
nicole dziedzic
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nicole dziedzic
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nicole dziedzic
Tweeted here: https://twitter.com/lil_lady_dz/status/598344100773892097
nicole dziedzic
I would love to win this camera so I capture my kitties when they are leaping around and chasing each other playfully. They also love to pounce on stuff, it is really funny.
tweeted too
I’d like to win the coupons so my two kiddies (kitties) can try pro plan. I’d like to use the gopro camera for my upcoming trip to macchu picchu!
Lyn S.
Shared on Twitter and Pinterest. Thanks for the opportunity!
Lyn S.
My cat loves to run around outside so it’d be great to see it from his point of view!
Margot C
When I walk my dog Mike y cat Leonardo follows us. He goes through the bushes and up the trees all along the route. He’s a jealous guy. I’d love to film this. fortunately ike is very old so we don’t go far.
Michelle Washburn
I shared the giveaway on Twitter https://twitter.com/tweeteeface/status/597694959085551616
Michelle Washburn
I would love to have a Go Pro to catch my pets in action and Pro Plan has products I trust to feed my pet.
This looks great! Thanks for the great photo shots posted and your write up. Would be awesome to win. Thanks and good luck all. :)Purrs to all!
Linda Knight
shared on FB, Twitter & Pinterest-Thank you
Linda Knight
It would be awesome to go where every cat goes and I could with a GoPro. Sharing!
Wow, I would love to win this! I could film the cats chasing lizards and stalking the dogs. The dogs are terrified of their cat companions. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Connie Marie
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Connie Marie
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(Constance Marie)
Connie Marie
I’d love to have a real camera, I’m getting better with my phone, but I need a better phone too! lol
Definitely going to check out Purina’s new line of food.
Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
I shared on Pinterest on the Pet Giveaways and Contests boards.
Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
I would lover to win this camera to see what my cats do in my apartment when I am gone, How cool would that be?
Cathy Keisha
I am stunning and TW could use a GoPro to take stunning movies of me. Also I wouldn’t mind trying the Food.
We walk our cats at night so we would love to film them chasing the crickets they encounter. Plus I’m a man so it seems appropriate to win a Mancat Monday award. Shared on facebook.
Danielle S
I’d like to win because I’d love to use the GoPro to take videos of my cat’s adventures!
Email: dhsauers(at)gmail.com
Bev Green
What lovely pics..i agree by taking these shots and looking we can also spot any health changes..spots..or things we may not see in a super active kitty ..i wish all kitties the best of luck with this super give away 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxxx
FB share : Raine Dawson
Tweeted @buzzyngabe
Pinned : Jo
I think it would be amazing to see my cats mire in depth, I have seniors, adults and two new kittens. The kittens are crazy, I never get a great shot/video when they’re playing. This is very exciting!
ellen beck
Ha! I am almost afraid to see what some of my cats do on camera 🙂 I have 6 all either socialized ferals or cats who had ‘too much wrong’ that others didnt want them. I can only imagine what some of them do. I would likely put this on Angus because he thinks he is a dog. When he was being socialized he followed the dog everywhere and wags is tail and growls like a dog. He races trough the house at breakneck speed! He is a wonderful boy who’s people didnt want him after he was old enough (they dont know what they missed!)
We are a Purina hosehold- both for those inside and the colony of ferals I feed.
Brandon B.
I think a Gopro would be a great way to see eye-to-eye with my cats, and view life from their point of view.
Ellen Pilch
Great photos! I would love to win this camera to improve the quality of photos on my blog and the food sounds healthy for my kitties.
Pawesome Cats
Great photos – thinking how fun it would be to see the world through a cat’s eyes.
Peaches and Paprika
We wish to get really healthy eating Pro Plan while helping our owner Carol take award winning photos of our finer moments instead of those boring old still photos she insists on doing. Help us climb to great healthy and artistic heights!
Jessibeth Vicenty
Awesome Giveaway, we would love a Go Pro since it would be fun to see all the adventures that Robin is going to have camping and on daily basis.
The Island Cats
The mom has been wanting to get us one of the Go Pro cameras so we would love to win it!
Sheila K.
Facebook share: https://www.facebook.com/sheila.korman/posts/10206233985469568
Sheila K.
I would like to win the camera because my kitty-boy is getting on in years and I want to preserve everything that makes him who he is!
steve weber
Wow, what a giveaway!!
I would love to put a GoPro camera on a cat in the wild and see how it goes back to its wild roots and instincts.
I think now that Manna is being leash trained, it would be fun to see things from her perspective. We could chronicle her journey as a walking kitty (and perhaps someday as a therapy kitty).
Alesha ol
My 5 meow sons do the funniest things I would love to catch on camera
Dezi and Lexi
OMC We wuld luv to win da Go Pro Camera. Mommy uses a small cheap camewa, but wuld luv sumfin like dat to capture da memories specially of sis Lexi afur we have nuffin’ to capture anymore. Actually there’ll be me to capture and mommy’s gwatefull fur day, but 16 years todegger and not nearly enuff fotos to show fur it. Mommy didn’t have da munny to get many 35mm fotos and weez only had a digital since joinin’ social media. As fur Purina, well there’s always sumfin’ of theirs in our house. Weez tweetin’,, facebookin’ and all da rest too. Weez weally wanna win this.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
The Swiss Cats
That’s a great giveaway ! Good luck to our US friends ! Purrs
Patricia Bondor
Motor is a natural on camera…he needs a GoPro with the pet-cam mount so we can get even better video of him wrestling with his little dog…the videos will show up on TV. Public Access, sure, but also on YouTube…
Skeeter And Izzy
WOW!!!! We would LOVE to win a GOPRO and thePurina ProPlan coupons!!!!!
Fantastic giveaway!! Thank you Layla!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
We would love to put a go pro camera on some of the cats at the shelter. How fascinating it would be to see their interactions, from their point of view!
I would use it to record my pup and I running together while I train for a marathon!
We don’t know much about the GoPro although some friends do have one – I’d love to be able to take videos of Sammy though as I’m often asked about that and have no way to do it. What an amazing giveaway! We also want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day…….with hugs.
Love, Sam and Pam
Maria Appleby
I’d love to have a nice camera to take photos of my pets! Thank you for hosting this contest! Good luck everyone!
Wow we got a funny message, we just said we tweeted and used “tweeted” and the message we got from WP was that was too short of a comment!
I love photography, especially cat photograhpy and I’d love to let them do some of their own photography! We love Dr Pouncey … oh his human is excellent in photography too.
Gosh! Mes wishes we still had a US address. Wes been usting after a Go Pro camera for a year now! And mes has to agrees with yous on the Purina Pro Plan foods Merlin. It has helped mes eats too!
Mes sure looking forward to seeing yous next week.
I don’t know if this counts for an extra entry, but I had to pin your photograph of Odin in the vines. Beautiful.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yup, it sure counts.
I would love to win this! Last night at the PAWS shelter there was a volunteer meeting where they encouraged us to take short videos of the cats. They said that not only do videos show the personality of the cat better than a still shot, but also people looking at the website or Facebook tend to click on a video far more often. The videos can help get cats adopted!
Love your photos! And the video is incredible!
Quinn and Mommy Carol
I eat Purina Beyond Rice and Salmon. Shoot. Good luck to all the kitties out there, though. Mommy would have loved a new camera, but she can’t even figure out how to get hers on the computer, anyway!
Rebecca C.
I’d love to win the gopro to find out just where my kitty goes everyday and night. I think it would be interesting to find out just what he does.
Layla Morgan Wilde
this is a camera and not GPS locator.
Lauren E.
I think it would be great to use the go pro during our family adventures!
Ramona Hensrude
If I won, I’d donate it to Community Cat Coalition, an organization that teaches how to Trap, Neuter, Release.
Sue Brandes
Shared on Facebook.
Sue Brandes
I think it would be fun to explore with the Go Pro camera. Thanks for the chance.
Judi Daly
I’ve seen some really neat things that can be done with a Go Pro with horses. I never thought of the possibilities with cats. How awesome.
easy rider
Good luck to all kitties, I bet it’s pleasure to learn more about the feline world :o)
easy rider