Feline Funnies

Olympics Feline Style: MeowOlympics + Vintage Funnies

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

The Summer Olympic Games are on in Rio but if you prefer cats and avoiding the Zika virus, we have the MeowOlympics and our weekly vintage feline funnies.

The Olympic Games, originated 12 centuries ago but held in modern times since 1896. Cats have played Olympic sports or some variation for over hundreds if not thousands of years as our vintage images demonstate. Have a fire under your butt? Scroll down to view.

More recently, cats of all stripes have gone for the gold. Check out our good friends and fellow CatAthletes from Furball Fables. The multi-talented Buddha will be making a literary appearance in Black Cats Tell All.

These are our favorite Olympic sports. Which ones are yours?

The most exciting thing about the games is element of surprise. No matter how hard an athlete trains, the competition is fierce. A win or lose is a wrong move or millisecond away.


Our boys love wrestling and I think Odin and Domino could easily win gold in the MeowOlympics.


In most of the vintage illustrations of cats with dogs, the cats are in a superior position. We had to play with that notion here.


Some days are golden when the gods are smiling, while others days…


fates conspire against you.



That’s life! Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose but we keep trying our best. We have two winners for last week’s caption contest. The kitty day at the beach was no picnic displaying bad kitty parenting skills. I’d like to send a tuna to Nellie for “Tuna” and responsible kitty pawrent badge for Sammy Hey kids, be careful at the beach especially if playing PokemonGo.


Our new vintage kitty caption contest is another beachy theme. This doesn’t look like any Olympic diving we’ve ever seen. More bad kitty parenting? Bizarre feline hero worship? Fun cameraderie or what?

Go for the gold. Tell us what you think is going on in a comment.



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