Mondays With Merlin: Cats Smile For Sugar The Dog
It’s Merlin here for an extra sweet Monday. You want to know who likes dogs? I do. Just because we don’t have any chez Cat Wisdom 101, doesn’t mean we don’t like them. I’ve always been friendly to dogs especially in my younger days. When we lived in Canada, there was a black lab I quite fancied. Anyway, we’re big advocates for senior pet adoption and a senior doggie pal of ours, Sugar is turning 14 today! Sugar the Golden Retriever has an awesome blog and I have to admit I was impressed with her surfing skills. I may have to wait for my next life to try those moves. Meanwhile, we’re joining her SMILE Pawty Blog Hop to celebrate her birthday. Cats and dogs don’t smile like humans do but we smile in our own way. Cats smile more quietly with a purr and dogs smile more loudly with their tails.
Do you believe smiles are the universal language of love?
My mom, Layla has met Sugar and her mom a number of times including at the PetSafe Summit last year where this shot was taken. She loved actually spent more time hanging with the dog bloggers than the cat bloggers. One of them, our friend Gina of Oz the Terrier claims, Layla has a lot of dog in her because of her honesty and has no patience for cattiness. Well, vive la difference as the French say, all four-legged friends are our friends. Happy Birthday dear Sugar! May it be Golden.
Most cats have a different kind of humor than dogs. The cats I know have a droll sense of humor with a hint of snark. This is our modern version of an early turn of the century LOL cat our Odin always chuckles over. I say, vive la difference as my French doggie friend Easy would say. All four-legged friends are welcome here as long as you don’t pee on the rug.

Elaine Hutzelman
Hi Layla and fur kids,
Just to thank you again and let you know that my book arrived over the weekend-The Power of Meow. My mom is fostering 2 kittens-one is about 6 weeks and the other about 4- feeding milk replacer from a syringe as the bottle isn’t working out. We already have 2 cats that live here and they are not happy campers with these newcomers taking up the living room with 2 crates. I thought I could put them together, but the big one overpowers the smaller one who can’t quite hold her own. Both are orphans who were not taught not to bite when playing or any other time. so we are working at redirecting that. behavior, When we leave our foster home, maybe our mom will have time to read her new book! Thanks again. Trinity and Cocoa Hutzelman
Layla Morgan Wilde
Goodness, you have your hands full in the best way. Enjoy the book when you can and thank-you for fostering!
Sweet Purrfections
Happy Birthday to Sugar! Mom Paula grew up with dogs and she really likes them, but she’s become a cat person now.
We’re late, but we sure hope Sugar had a very happy birthday. With your special greeting, we bet she did. 🙂
Austin Towers
Happy Birthday to Sugar!! I don’t like dogs, but The Staff does and she said she dreamt she had a West Highland Terrier last night!!! I feel a bit insecure now!! 😉
Happy Monday Mr Merlin, and a Happy Birthday to your friend Sugar who looks like a very nice dog indeed!
Golden Woofs: Sugar
Oh the PetSafe Summit 🙂 I see Merlin smiling 🙂 Lots of Golden Thanks and MEOWS!
Cynthia Southern
Happy Birthday Sugar and Happy Monday Merlin!
Happy Birthday to Sugar!
Caren Gittleman
What an incredibly thoughtful kitty you are to wish Sugar a Happy Barkday!! Dakota did but Cody was too busy being self-absorbed xoxoxo
Brian Frum
Yes, we’ve met Sugar several times too and such a nice girl and so patient with everyone. Happy Birthday Sugar! Howdy Merlin!!!
Skeeter And Izzy
We love all animals!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^^..^<~
Wishing Sugar a very happy birthday!
Happy birthday to your friend Sugar! She does surfing? Wow, I gotta check out her blog!
The Swiss Cats
Happy Birthday to your buddy Sugar ! Purrs
da tabbies o trout towne
best wishes… dawg bizcuit dishes…..& salmon fishes two ewe sugar…happee day two ewe…heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥
Ellen Pilch
Merlin, you are very sweet. I will go wish your friend a Happy Birthday!
The Island Cats
The mom met Sugar at one of the BlogPaws she attended and said Sugar was as sweet as her name. 🙂 Happy Birthday to her!
easy rider
I’m sure it is the language of love… efurrybuddy smiles back… even Grumpy (maybe) :o)
Sometimes Cats Herd You
The head peep met Sugar at BlogPaws, and she says that Sugar was one of the politest dogs there. She didn’t want to say Sugar was the sweetest because that would be trite. Happy birthday to Sugar!
My human met Sugar a couple of years ago at BlogPaws, and she was really excited! She’s not a dog person at all (although she is not “catty,” in the human sense of the word either), but there are just some celebrity blogging dogs she thinks are really cool, and Sugar is one of them.