Feline Fine Art,  Man Cat Mondays,  Mondays With Merlin

Mondays With Merlin: Breaking Mews!

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Mondays With Merlin: Breaking Mews! Bad things happen in threes. What a wild weekend. If you get to be an old cat like me nothing phases me. Thank goodness I have my friend Domino to keep things in perspective. The only good news is Domino sleeps every night now beside our cat daddy. Domino gives me and daddy a soppy-tongued bath nightly. Layla says the smell is meh.


1) Odin destroyed the package and ate my senior vitamins. Gris Gris and I love them because they taste good. Odin will do anything for treats. Bad cat daddy left the cupboard open. Odin fortunately vomited the lot up. He had an unusual amount of energy the next morning.

pet naturals-senior vitamins

2) Mr and Mrs Duck visit twice a year on their way north. Odin decided to pay them a visit in the pond. They flew the coop and Odin lost his collar and FurCode.


3) Mystery Miss finally showed up looking disfigured with a crumpled ear. More about her later in the week.odin-Mystery miss-tree

I tell you, I’m getting too old for TV reality show type drama! What is this, Desperate Cats Lives of New York? How is your week shaping up?


  • Kathy Thompson

    Poor Merlin! Poor Odin! Poor MM! Just glad to know that it all worked out ok! Sometimes we have to test that nine lives theory. Hugs and kitty kisses to all the family! Skeeter and Izzy >^xx^< our bad luck be gone eyes

  • Ingrid King

    I’m so glad Odin is okay. So many people don’t realize that an overdose of certain vitamins can be toxic. Although I have to say, I can’t quite imagine him with even more energy than normal!

    Sounds like he needs an “extra tough guy” version of a cat collar – how about black leather with metal studs :-)!

  • Pam Kimmell

    There’s never a dull moment at your house Merlin….we older guys like things to run nice and smoothly though don’t we….tough to ask that of a household that has an “Odin” in it though isn’t it?!?! Well, here’s hoping you get some rest and relaxation – hopefully in a sun puddle – this week while Odin recovers from his….ahem….overdose!!


  • Caren Gittleman

    Ohhhh nooooooo!! What a weekend! thank goodness Odin is ok! I had to laugh at the teeth marks though, that looked like the handywork of Cody!

    Hope things ease up for you, you know what? There was a full moon, THAT’S why everything happened!

    • boomermuse

      Full moon madness indeed!
      @Brian, true, it could be worse.
      @Pam,it keeps the old boys on their toes đŸ˜‰ Odin is fine.
      @Chey, so far so good đŸ™‚

    • boomermuse

      Yes, never a dull moment but all is well at our house. Thanks for letting us know. I’ll change the URL at our blog roll for you.

    • boomermuse

      Caro, Odin, like the baby in most families(for better or worse) is the center of attention. MM is okay but she’ll never look the same again.
      @Mr. Puddy, he’s naughty like you.
      @Sparkle, Binga dares steal food from you?
      @Kathryn, no worries, all is well.

  • Sparkle

    The only bad thing that generally happens around here is Binga trying to steal everyone’s food, including the humans and the dog. But that is bad enough!

  • Kathryn

    God, what a week. When I read Bad Mews, I was reawwy worwwied.

    MM and Odin look so coot together. They are in the same post.

    Cat vitamins. What a great idea.

    (I’ve been here all day. Can you tell?) Looked through 3,000 Montreal photos.

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