Mondays With Merlin:The Art Of Feline Nine
Good day or evening dear ones. This a quick mini Mondays With Merlin and the art of feline nine.
Did you get the news bulletin about how humans have the attention span of gnats? Who has time to read my usual wordy words of wisdom? The online world has gone mad over visuals and moving visuals and not your usual YouTube videos but mini-videos type apps like Boomerang.
My mom, Layla loves Instagram and even Boomerang but now they have something called Instagram Stories. They aren’t real stories with words but a quick video in real time like Snapchat. For the hell of it she did one one for a preview of a book review. The only good thing is it disappears after 24 hours.
I say too much already! It’s not enough that we have to Facebook, Tweet, Pin and post, share but now we have to document our lives in moments that disappear?
What’s disappearing is our ability to enjoy, embody and be in the moment without thinking, planning, pressing, clicking…
At least with art, we can look and feel, respond to the art work. How do you feel about nine ways of seeing me? I call it the Feline Nine. Which number is your favorite? Mine is of course #5.
We’re having fun with a new app called Prisma. If you want play with your pics like Picasso, have fun but beware. Many of these apps may use your creations without your knowledge if you save them. The TOS (terms of service) “you hereby grant to Prisma a non-exclusive, fully paid and royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use the Content that you stylize on or through the Service”
A safer bet is to make the art and make a screenshot. They may have your image in their cloud but at least not what you created.
Oh, fiddlesticks. I ended up writing way more than I wanted. Look for our review of I Could Pee On This Too later today. And we are not happy or remotely amused with the direction of our new blog design so it will disappear too. Sigh, until next time… on the cloud on the ground or wherever you are…

Beautiful and artsy collage Merlin – you have always had that “wise meezer” look about you and while the patterns are interesting it’s “ALL IN THE EYES” – and you are there! Sending hugs across the boundless atmosphere…..
Merlin, we love this collage of you. Thanks for the wisdom you continue to impart on all of us. 🙂
The Island Cats
Oh Merlin! You are a work of art…in so many ways.
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Merlin is so hadsome, no matter what style artwork!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, about bills disappearing!
The Swiss Cats
Great collage, we love your artwork ! Purrs
skeeter and Izzy
we love the art! We are still very much grounded in the sound of the human voice, in the tangible book that we can hold in our hand in the real things that we can touch,see ,hear,smell and taste vs the fast internet world.
The inspiration for the blog look will come when it is time.
skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, cats are all about experiencing the tangible world using all the senses!xoxox
Merlin we love your art and thank you for warning us about Prisma. These places are annoying with all of their subtle tricks. Our Mom says to say thank you for the kind words you’ve written to us on our blog & FB. It is greatly appreciated. We know your Mom understands about the topic of loss that our Mom writes her heart out about from time to time. Thank you so much for showing us such kindness.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I have not crossed path with dearest Abby in the great beyond yet but know all is well in our world.
I like the images a lot! That’s a cool app, but my human’s been reluctant to use it since she’s not sure who actually owns the altered images.
Layla Morgan Wilde
The TOS says that they own the altered images but if they don’t have them in the system how can they prove it?
Sue Brandes
Those are pretty. Have a great week.
Good afternoon Merlin. I like 1-6the others a bit abstract for my taste. They distract from your natural handsomeness.
Don’t get me started on social media… OK you talked me into it, a mini rant you might say. So many are looking down, they have no time to look up and around. They are preserving moments they are only seeing through a device, not really in the moment.
I am glad most times I am low tech. A call phone camera would be nice, but I dont use one, the apps are for the birds.
caren gittleman
I LOVE the artwork that you created “great minds!!” I really don’t care if Prisma uses the photos I make, I won’t use them all of the time and certainly not for reviews and such. If I am using it to just be “artsy” occasionally, I don’t care.
I agree with you about people needing to savor moments without always “clicking” to “share”, it’s sad. Everything is soooo contrived in these times in which we live!
Bev Green
In the moment Merlin is the way to go..and art draws you into it’s own personal moment…i love you 9 ways..or 5 .but 9 it is 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx
easy rider
I like that app! and I’m with you… we make memories for life and they shouldn’t disappear after 24 hours…. oh wait… I have an idea… I could post all bills and annoying reminders there… and in 24 hours that stuff is furgotten :o)