Mondays With Merlin: Autumn Miracle and Cat Psychic
Well, well, well, guess what? I pulled another rabbit out of my hat and cheated the grim reaper. Last week things were so dire, Layla sobbed while rooting in the garden looking for a spot to bury me. It’s true I wasn’t eating and feeling as delicate as a soap bubble but then a miracle happened. Lots of people (maybe you?) banded together with purrs and prayers, send positive thoughts and energy healing. I sat in the garden, facing west to follow the sun and soaked it all up. Thank-you.
Something shifted and I started eating again and haven’t stopped. I guess it’s not my time to go. Consider it a dress rehearsal but none of us can cheat death. When it’s time, it’s time. Cats of course don’t keep time or watch time. That’s a human construct. Cats will watch the sun or moon and feel ancient rhythms more meaningful than say 10: 53 PM.
Today we bid sayonara to summer and welcome a new season with the Autumn Equinox, one of only two days in the year when daytime and nighttime are equal and in perfect balance. It’s a good time to pause and give thanks and meditate on how you can maintain balance in your live.
I’m purring again but for how long is anyone’s guess. One of the lessons from this recent brush with death is about trusting one’s instincts. Even veterinarians can be wrong. When I was rushed to the emergency vet seven months ago, the vet was not optimistic and thought I had a couple months left to live. Right. You see, no one knows for sure and miracles do happen.
Now, that doesn’t mean I’m going to live until I’m the World’s Oldest Cat but I feel I’ve been given a gift, a reprieve, an Autumn miracle. That’s good enough for me.
My crystal ball is as foggy as my eyesight but my inner vision is pretty sharp. When things looked bleak, I had a talk with Layla. She’s always going on about letting her know how I feel and whether I want to go naturally or with assistance. Then she asked me again if I’d return or reincarnate as another cat. We’ve gone down that road a few times as soulmates do. I said I would come back and she stupidly said, “How will I know it’s you?”
Cats don’t roll their eyes like humans do but it was a duh moment. The eyes. You’ll know by the eyes. We’re only been together for 19 years. You’d think she’d know by now. Before I turned blind we used to have deep conversations with our eyes. But now it’s with our inner eyes. It’s how psychics operate. For fun, our friend Alana from Cat In The Fridge asked the pet psychic a question about me and sent her a photo. Being naturally skeptical of parlor tricks, I presumed it wouldn’t take much to do a Google search and find me. I mean I wasn’t born yesterday. The reading was boilerplate but the uncanny thing is the psychic did not know our my recent talk with Layla about coming back. You can read the whole story today at Cat In Fridge. Tell me what you think.
See you again here next Monday I hope. Happy Autumn Equinox!

Our Church Cat Family
Merlin, dear, we just had to come and visit. You’re right, it’s all about life’s rhythms and how we listen and are guided by them. You sweet mancat, autumn is a gentle time for kitties as we look forward to cozy fires and times when our humans curl up as much as we do!
Connie Marie
Oh Merlin, what wonderful news!!!
You keep up that pulling off miracles thing you do as long as catly possible! ! Such a bright bit of needed news!! Keep eating! !
PS. Now it may be I’ve forgotten, but I haven’t received emails from Cat Wisdom, I have from Boomer Muse, cause I was wondering if you weren’t posting because something happened. Which I found out on Google +, the wonderful news.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Merlin sends his thanks. My blog host is having issues.
We are so glad to hear you are doing better, dear Merlin. We know you and Layla are savoring each day as we enter Autumn. Hugs, purrs and prayers to you.
So wonderful that Merlin has been given more time to share with you. Trust that he will tell you- in some way- if he’s in pain and his quality of life is too poor to go on. Something about the sun and cats produce magic at times.
Sending our love, Elaine and Trinity
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Merlin, we’re so glad to hear you’re feeling better and enjoying some autumn sunshine. Savor every day, and every day together.
We are as much as possible.
Katnip Lounge
Merlin we are pleased you pulled a fast one on Death once again, and are here for while longer. You are quite the amazing being.
Mommy knew the second she saw Rupert that, although he wasn’t Dusty (who passed prematurely and suddenly) he HAD been sent by him…they are temperamentally as alike as two peas in a pod, down to the smallest mannerism. It’s uncanny.
Thank-you. It’s funny how we know and they rarely look alike but as you say temperament and mannerisms are the tip off.
I am very glad to hear you are feeling a lot better, and I hope your good days continue until you decide it is your time.
Thanks dearest Flynn.
Skeeter and Izzy
Merlin our dear dear friend , we are glad to hear that you are feeling better for now. We know how hard it is to watch and wait when someone we love is in need. We wish for you as many days as you want. We have always thought that if we could pick our time of departure it would be on a warm sunny fall day after the leaves have changed and the sky is blue like no other time of year. The smell of rich warm earth and sunshine in our noses and the glory of a changing mother earth around us, that is the time that we would chose if we could We love you brother cat and we purr and pray for you.
Luvs fur now and fur always
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
We did not receive either Saturday's or Sunday's post in our email.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much and yes, it is a fine time to join Mother Earth. Coco died at this time on a beautiful September day. Re: emails. It looked like you clicked but didn’t open on Sept. 20. Email me with more details.
So sorry we missed this Layla. What a miracle indeed and hope that you can cheat it for much longer. Autumn is crisp and refreshing and hope you can enjoy it. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and loving words to help me get through this hard time. xo
Thanks and thinking of you during your time of loss.
Angel AbbyGrace
Merlin I understand completely about time. On Aug 3,2013 I asked and begged God for more time and for Abby to come home. Abby gave me one more week. She was home with me the entire time. We spent 24/7 with each other. Her last day I knew something had changed and she imparted to me everything she could to let me I’d be alright and so would she. I didn’t believe that for a very long time, the part about me being alright. I still have my doubts, but I do know my wishes were granted. I am glad you are here to enjoy one more autumn. Each day is a blessing, no each moment is a blessing. I know Layla is not missing a single one. We are all purring deeply for you. Because even to this day, this moment I know the intimately the heartache of the loss of a soul cat. I hope you share many more days and nights. Purrs
Thanks, you know more about soul cats than most.
Heather and Ellie Mae
Sure glad you got your autumn miracle. Purrs 🙂
Purrs of thanks.
Merlin, veterinarians always forget how easily cats can change their minds… ;).
Ha, how true!
Brian Frum
We know you will not depart until you are darn good and ready Merlin. Hugs to you my dear friend.
Merlin I’m so glad you are still there, I’ve got leaky eyes while reading. It’s so great that we can enjoy this fall now, with all the colors and the gorgeous smells.
Aw, thanks dear friends.
So happy to hear!
Sally Swanson
Happy Fall days for you, Merlin! It is good to see you today! Purrs and hugs to Layla too!
Thanks dear Sally.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….bak in me days oh youth de vet said I wood knot live past 7..
with out goin inta de whys N wear forz….eye said in me minds eye at de time… two hell with ewe….eye proved em wrong as eye sell a brated me 14th…this past may ♥♥♥
{ St Francis coulda told yur mom…. huh }
butter lover boomer o cat
LOL I’ll pass on the message.
Cherry City Kitties
I read this wonderful news watching the sun come up across this chilly fall morning, hoping you’ll continue to find all the best sun puddles to soak in as long as you wish. Continuing to send you love and light… and thanks for letting Crepes post that great reading… much insight and wisdom there. Blessings to you wise, old man…
Merlin extends his paw of grattude towards all you’ll given us.
Austin Towers
Merlin you are a miracle for sure! After 19 years I guess you have realised that humans are just a bit thick!! Enjoy your week, buddy xox
Thick as a brick as you Brits say ;-0
I too was impressed by the coming back part. That wowed me.
Now, we’ll have to wait and see.
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Hi Merlin !
Sure glad you have enjoyed the sunshine outside and hope you will enjoy many many moore !
Over here have the autumn arrived too with yellow and red leaves on the tree´s , it´s pretty 🙂
You have fall foliage already?!