ManCat Wisdom With Passover Purrs
ManCat Wisdom With Passover Purrs
Happy ManCat Monday and since Odin is our only Jewish member of the tribe, we’ll let him lead today.
Odin, that’s all very well but anyone who isn’t Jewish may not understand what you mean. I mean, this all new to me. As an old cat with Scottish roots, I’m not Jewish. This brilliant infographic by Mike Wirth Art explains it all. Our cat dad is Jewish but Layla is not. Our cat tribe is mostly Zen and my mentor, Merlin would always say his religion was kindness. I agree.
Domino, who is tree-hugging Druid can be a ball buster especially with Odin.
Well, most of the time my religion is love, compassion and kindness but I’m a cat. We’re idiosyncratic. I still get annoyed sometimes when Odin slips upstairs to my turf without the password. I’ll wait at the top of the stairs and look intimating. Here’s a secret. It works. He is very respectful, as it should be since I’m ten years older. We will nap within feet of each other but one wrong move and he is escorted out, with kindness of course.
Here’s another secret. There is a special spot in our bedroom where I confer with Merlin. Layla has never seen me in a meeting, at least not with a camera handy. Dang, she caught me. It’s not a good pic but the secret is out. When in doubt, I ask: What would Merlin do?
Today he would say: Love more, hiss less. We need more peace, acceptance and understanding because if war won’t kill us, stress will. Whatever your religion or spiritual beliefs, we send purrs of love to you. May you know peace in your heart today and this week.
If you love black cats and me, you can see more of me at our group @BlackCatsofIG on Instagram and Facebook.
Clyde, Domino, Odin, Nou Nou and our human transcriber, Layla

Wise Words from Merlin today and he’s reunited with his Nellie Bellie.Happy Passover to Odin and Dad,Happy Easter to you all,xx Speedy and Rachel
Lovely post, dear friends. Chag sameach Pesach!
Margret R
Happy Passover!!!
The Swiss Cats
Happy Passover, Odin, and happy Passover to your dad too ! Thank you for explaining the meaning of this celebration ! We love your wise words, Merlin, it’s great advice. Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks dear Swiss cats.
Angel Sammy
Happy Passover Odin and to your Dad as well…..actually to EVERYONE because celebrating is celebrating and it’s all about believing. I too am always thinking about Grand Master Merlin and what he would do or say…….and have enjoyed seeing him here at the Bridge when I can get an “audience”…..Merlin is a very busy guy here. He’s a wise and wonderful teacher just as he was “pre-Bridge”. Anyway, we wish everyone, everywhere PEACE and LOVE.
Hugs, Angel Sammy
Layla Morgan Wilde
We must compare notes. Merlin always liked to keep busy 🙂
Happy Catabrating each in his or her own catly way…and their peeps too of course,MOL!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank you xo
The Island Cats
Happy Passover!
Sometimes Cats Herd You
We love the photo of waiting for Elijah at the mail slot! What a great way to prevent the neighbor’s dog accidentally letting himself in when opening the door for Elijah. Hasn’t that happened to every family during seder? Happy Passover to everyone there in the family, both those who walk on two legs and those who have whiskers.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and that’s a funny point about dogs. It hasn’t happened to anyone I know but I bet it has happened 🙂
Ellen Pilch
Happy Passover! I think it is sweet you still confer with Merlin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank you, Ellen and Merlin still rules the roost xo
Eastside Cats
I have a strange, secret delight in re-watching “The Ten Commandments” movie (with Charlton Heston and Yul Brenner) even though I’ve seen it dozens of times! Too bad they didn’t include any cats in the movie, other than statues. We all have our faith, so it’s important to do what’s right for ourselves. Honoring our families and religion is a wonderful way to make sense of living in today’s craziness. Happy Passover!
Layla Morgan Wilde
That is such a classic film 🙂 and thank you xo
Caren Gittleman
Love it Layla!!!!! Please wish your husband a Happy Passover from us and Odin too!!! xoxo
Happy Pesach and will do xoxo
Sue Brandes
Happy Passover.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Sue. Good to see you xo
Happy Passover to you! I liked the infographic, it was interesting. It is always nice to see how others celebrate Holidays and what things mean.
I agree, stress is an enemy. Lets all be a bit nicer and model ourselves after Merlin’s example of kindness and tolerance.
Happy Passover
Wonderful cat-iligion, human religion/faith/belief/love.
More love, less hate, less hissing.
Yes <3 <3 <3
Skeeter And Izzy
Thank you for the informational graphic!
Luvs to the family too!
Luv and peace and goodness and compassion and kindness and hope and joy and forgiveness and every other wonderful thing on Passover and every day to all.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Purrs and love to you xoxo
Wishing you…
Peace, Good times,
Good health
and Happiness…
on Passover & always!”
Thanks xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank you, Summer. Have a great week.
Happy Passover!