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Mancat Monday Lucky Irish Black Bog Cat

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Mancat Monday Lucky Irish Black Bog Cat with Clyde, the black cat. Plus a giveaway.

Happy Monday dear ones. Instead of feeling blue, I’m feeling green.


March has blown in like a lion and we’re staying all snuggie and warm except for Odin. I follow him to the front door where he whines until someone lets him out. This makes no sense to me. Why he wants to climb trees in the wicked wind is beyond me. Even Domino prefers lounging on a heating pad by the window. Nou Nou is time-sharing Odin’s spot by the warm brick chimney on the third floor. The third floor is my domain but I don’t mind little Nou Nou. She’s a troubled soul and the humans are worried about her. She’s a difficult patient and will need to be medicated before going to the vet tomorrow.

Keep your paws crossed that we get a decent urine sample. Everyone is eating up a storm which is a good thing. When a cat’s appetite wanes it’s rarely for a good reason.

We could all use some luck. Since St. Paddy’s Day is around the corner, I’m thinking about all things Irish. Actually, more like meditating or channeling the spirit of dear Merlin by wearing one of his old collars with lucky shamrocks while lolling my resting bitch face on emerald silk. By Jove, I do believe it’s working.

What?!, Merlin, you think I should do a giveaway for fancy collars?

I can’t hear you. Luxurious velvet collars from the U.K.? From CoolCatCollars

The winner can choose a collar with charm of their choice. Anyone can enter from anywhere in the world.

Ohhh, even the Rainbow Bridge?

Yes, if there is a shipping address. Let’s make it super easy to enter. Just leave a comment.


Don’t you think the velvet collar matches my eyes but blimey, where my Pistachio Green Double Velvet Soft Cat Collar with silver bell? It’s so soft and yummy even cats with super fine fur or hate wearing collar, like it. ODIN!!! Did you steal it again?

cool cat collar

The naughty bugger carried it off in his mouth like a bird dog, with the bell tinkling a merry tune. We like items that serve double duty and if you want turn your cat collar into a toy snake, who am I to stop you? Even though I am rather irresistible, yes?



Being of Celtic ancestry, I’m must first share about some Highlands lore about a big black cat with a white patch on his chest (just like me). The cat sidhe or fairy cat, was believed to be a witch who could shapeshift back and forth into a cat eight times but on the ninth time, she was stuck being a cat. Sounds good to me. It’s the origin of the cats have nine lives myth. Read more about it at The Cat Sith

Did you know the Irish consider a black cat, a lucky talisman because of the black bog cat?


Legend has it, the Bog Cat is a mysterious creature who has roamed the boglands and shores of Lough Neagh for eons. Big, black, cunning and clever, the Bog Cat was rumored to bring great wealth and happiness to those lucky enough to run into it. To improve one’s luck, replicas of smiling black cat figurines, using genuine Irish peat from the oldest boglands are sold in every Irish gift shop. I’d suggest adopting a real black cat. We’re much more cuddly than a figurine.


Stop by next Monday to find out if you are the lucky winner. Have a good week! Here’s some vintage black cat luck for March from 1896. I’m purring March goes out like a lamb.



FTC: disclaimer. This is a sponsored post which in no way influenced our views. At Cat Wisdom 101 we only share content we believe is of value to our readers.


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  • Pipo/Minko/MrJackFreckles

    Ha-Ha!!!we are late…well, we would have loved to have had a chance to win one of those collars…but alas…such is the lot of those who get behind in the blogging bog, MOL!!!

    We are purring hard for Nou Nou. Hope she feels better by now.

  • meowmeowmans

    Clyde, we’re so glad you’re doing really well! (I spoke with Ellen on Thursday, right after she got off the phone with Layla.) 🙂

    Sending lots of love and purrs for Nou Nou. We hope the appointment went well.


  • Maggie

    I love the Black Cat cover images- but I love seeing Clyde even more! I hope Nou Nou has the luck of the Irish at the vet’s.
    We like collars here- Mickey Mouser has the calming kind – Rufus the Red has one with a nice bell so Mickey gets a warning when Rufus is feeling pouncy.

  • Eastside Cats

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Yep, a green color will look fabulous on our own house panther, Chuck! And I named our outside cat Patty O’Malley because of his green eyes and Guinness-brown fur coat, dark and rich and light and smooth. Plus, I trapped him on 3/18, which was just one day off from St. Patrick’s Day.

  • The Menagerie Mom

    Black cats sure do make purrfect good luck charms! We’re also loving that St. Patrick’s Day collar. It’s so festive! Warm wishes and well wishes to all of you! We’ll be thinking about little Nou Nou.

  • Colleen

    Hi Clyde =^,.^= Nice of you to let Nou Nou hang out. I hope the vet visit goes well. I’m feeling green, too! I’m about to write my monthly newspaper column on animal subjects, and , being Irish, this month’s is on Irish animal legends – one of which is the Black Bog Cat! My little bog cat (the exact one in your post) sits next to me as I am writing. In your honor, I’m naming him Clyde. Happy St. Patty’s Day my new friend:)
    -an Irish Colleen

  • ellen

    Clyde your are a handsome mancat the green suits you, tell Nou Nou to take it easy and hoping all will be well.
    My kitty friends dont wear collars,,, honestly I have tried and they just wont. I even have a fancy one for a special girl cat, and she looks pretty but wont wear it. The cats outside I dont allow collars. I am envious you wear one and look so nice.
    I am here just wishing you well, and Mondays, well, it is a habit to stop by and chat with you and of course Merlin.

  • Cynthia Southern

    Nou Nou is in my thoughts and prayers. I would love to enter the giveaway for a collar with a charm on it from Cool Cat collars. Princess has a birthday coming up in April and she would love if I won this. I think black cats are indeed lucky.

  • Joanne

    I brought a black bog cat home from Ireland 20 years ago. Still hanging in the same spot all this time. Love black cats, have a few of them. First kitten my girls and I adopted was a sweet boy named Licorice

  • Karen Lucas

    What do you use to medicate Nou Nou Layla. Only asking because I have a 16 year old kitty who came to us at 12 and is so terrified at the vet that she needs to be sedated. I have asked the vet whether we could medicate her instead as she is hyperthyroid so needs to go for bloodwork regularly and I would like it to be less scary for her. tx

  • ConnieMarie

    Clyde, you’re so handsome, love the collar! Yes, here all collars are fair game as toys. I like the Bog Lucky Black Cat statue and story, best one of all lucky cat statues. But then I’ve always been in love with black cats. I’m so sorry to hear little Nou Nou is under the weather. Many purrs and hugs to her and for you Clyde.

  • Deziz World

    Those sound like great collars, and mommy’s been wantin’ to get us one. We sure hope we win. We also luv da black cat figurine. It looks very purretty. big hugs and purrayers.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  • Cleopawtra (Becca Cook)

    Sending purrs to Nou Nou that the trip to the vet goes well. We have a house panther in our house that would look so wonderful in that green collar.

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    dood….ya look grate in green & bog cat wood agreez

    “sláinte agus sonas a thabhairt duit go léir”

    N st francis’ blessings az well, spesh a lee two ewe nou ♥♥♥

    tell momoma’s boy to come in…rainz a headed hiz way ~~~~~~

  • Kathryn

    <3 Love to all your cats, especially Clyde, Nou Nou, Domino, Odin and your rainbow bridge kitties.

    Our tux boy Mao is special, as is Cheddar, and so was our all-black boy from long ago, Kemal, named after the Turkish emperor, Kemal Pasha, Ataturk.

    <3 <3 <3

  • Skeeter And Izzy

    you are absolutely gorgeous in green!!!
    We always knew the Irish were smart now it has been confirmed yet again with the black cat and luck belief. My black kitties all have the white heart spot like the SIDHE Fairy Cat!
    Hoorayyyy for the giveaway!
    Thank you for more great info on cats!
    Purrs and prayers for our dear friend Nou Nou.
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~

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