memorial day
cat photo quotes,  Cats,  Holidays,  Man Cat Mondays,  Mondays With Merlin,  Shelter Cats

ManCat Cats of Memorial Day

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Happy Memorial Day cat lovers! It’s me, Merlin saluting our military past and present for their service. Military families and children benefit greatly from having pets during deployment to reduce stress.  Click for details of the emotional cycle of deployment for families.

Operation Military Pets from the ASPCA is a valuable resource. Military families move every two or three years and this program helps keep military families keep their pets by providing financial assistance for pet relocation.

memorial day -cat merlin

Domino cat memorial day


We have some special announcements and posts coming up this week. So, if you don’t already follow us, please do. You won’t want to miss them! Our mom, Layla is off to Blogpaws on Wednesday and is still recuperating but she’ll stay in close contact. Mega purrs of thanks to everyone who donated to our brother-in-arms, shelter cat Radish who needs your help. We’ll update with his test results and prognosis as soon as we know. His bite hold has been extended and our pawrents have negotiated a waiver with the shelter.

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  • Sammy

    The photo of Merlin is magic…….and we hope your Memorial Day was full of memories and quiet times……………….We’re still praying for Radish and his future. We’re also hoping you have a good time at Blogpaws Layla!

    Love, Sammy and Mom Pam

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Happy Memorial Day to All and thak you to all who have served and continue to serve us and our country…we salute you !!!
    We hope that you relax and enjoy the Blog Paws conference. It should be a fun time for you not stresses!
    We continue to purr and pray for each of you and our new friend Radish. We thank you so very much for trying so hard to give him a chance.
    We love you all and can’t wait to hear all about the conference!!
    Safe trip and a Happy Blogpaws!!!!
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • Kathryn

    Rest up, Layla, and enjoy BlogPaws.

    Merlin, you are so handsome!

    I hope Radish can be adopted. I think all it takes is leaving his cage open, food and water slightly out of the cage, the humans talking warmly to him, but not trying to remove him from the cage or picking him up, and living in a quiet (no kids or shouting) environment, with one or two soft-spoken adults, and waiting, perhaps weeks before Radish begins to wander the apartment and perhaps weeks more before he lets people pick him up.

    My FIL adopted a cat who appeared at his door about 20 years ago. The cat had been in a lot of fights. The cat was very skittish and would growl if people came near. My FIL just let the cat wander. In a few weeks, Dixon, the cat, would snuggle up to my FIL.

    When he went on a trip for a month, I said I could take the cat and let it live in the family room in the basement. I had a cat on the main floor.

    Dixon stayed in the basement window sill to sun himself and to watch over the comings and goings to and from and the family room. We watched TV there, no problem.

    During the fourth week, Dixon started to come over to me and wrapped himself around my legs, purring.

    I could pick him up at that time. Before then, he would snarl if I held my hands out to him.

    He had been an inner-city abused cat, but he became loving.

    I think all it takes is for someone to let the cat acquaint himself with the home and people on his own terms.

    I live in an apartment with two cats, otherwise, I’d take Radish in an instant.

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