Astrology For Cats: Leo the Lion
Leo – July 23 to August 23
Of all the zodiac signs only Leo the lion is the closest to the domestic cat. Leo is a masculine sign full of regal energy. The males are kings and the females are queens but they rule with a loyal heart. The cat featured above is named King and he lives at Brigid’s Crossing, a cat sanctuary in Florida.
Leo’s element is fire, its metal is a shiny gold and its color is the fiery tones of a ginger tabby.
Make no mistake: everything about a Leo cat is larger than life. Even smaller felines appear bigger with their ability to floof out their fur and tail with bold strokes. You’ll notice them as soon as you enter their space. These are no wallflowers cowering in the corner, even if that corner is a cage at the shelter. They’re friendly, confident and loving but can be demanding. Leo wants the finest food RIGHT NOW mmmmreow. A cleaner bowl and spring water and make it snappy! No one purrs louder, makes bigger figure-8’s around your ankles or bigger biscuits on your tummy than a Leo.
They don’t sit, stand or lie down; they pose like Sphinxes, their eyes mysterious as any Shakespearean actor with a dramatic out-sized personality.
Whether long or short-haired Leos respond well to grooming. After all, they’re vain and want to look their best. If they jump and miss their mark, don’t laugh at them. A cat pent up becomes a lion and may show off their claws. They need lots of interactive play to keep their inner jungle cat at peace. As a fire sign, Leos especially enjoy a warm hearth, sun puddle or cozy duvet. They prefer to have their own bed, toys, dishes, litter box and not have to share. They of course expect to be #1 cat regardless of how many other felines share their domain. A Leo cat truly is a little big cat with and if treated like a king or queen, all will be peaceful in your kingdom.
Any Leo kitty would love to reign from this red velvet throne.
Texas, a cat in New York
I think Milou is more of a Leo than a Virgo. Must have been a month old or so when my human’s husband adopted him!
Thanks for this =^.^=
Skeeter and Izzy
I think my little Izzy is a Leo but in some ways she is shy. A big ROAR to all the lions and lionesses out there. Happy mews Skeeter and Izzy >^..^<
Hmm. Daddy is a Leo!
Oui Oui
The mom here is a Leo’s Leo! Not only was she born under the sign of Leo, but all but two of her other planets are in Leo, too. For all that she is very humble. Ahahahaha!
I love the personality of Leo kitties! Fiery!
CarenOsrinGittleman (@CatChatCaren)
I soooooooooo loved this!!! And I LOVE Leos!!
Really well done!
I have a Leo cat (Mister Knives, July 31st), a Leo daughter (August 10th) and am a Leo myself (August 19th). Lots of roaring at our house!!
King is truly gorgeous!
Cookie was a Leo, with a big personality, loving and friendly to all, and loyal every moment. And even though she was just a little girl, she gave the impression of being a very big girl–“The Goddess” in fact!
Perhaps that was why she got along so well with my four Leos, the Fantastic Four.
I have no Leo at all, I am all water and air, so I guess I need a lot of Leo in my life.
I don’t think the description of a Leo cat can be the same for a Leo human, as I am a Leo and am none of those things!!! lol Well don’t think so!!
I should have been a leo. Do you realize I’m a Pisces? I act like it, all the time, don’t I? The Woman is saying Leo rising or something, whatever THAT means…
I did not know they were Royals, hooray for Leos everywhere!
My cat Leonardo is a real Leo (born in August of 2010) and though tuxedo in markings he is a golden lion at heart; fierce, loyal and imperious. Also my daughter (a human) is named Leopoldine which means ‘the lion of the people’.
Oh,my beloved King~ the coolest Maine Coon around! He is a shining star at Brigid’s Crossing Cat Rescue Sanctuary~
What a beauty!