We Speak With The Incredible Dr. Pol, A Veterinarian Who Puts The Real Into Reality TV

The Incredible Dr. Pol, America’s Favorite Veterinarian puts the real into reality TV by Layla Morgan Wilde.
Update: 2019. Since posting our interview, Dr. Pol has devoted more TV coverage to cats and Tater his three-legged office cat was featured in our Black Cats Tell All Book. Tater Pol has grown his own fan base on Instagram.
If you’re a fan of The Incredible Dr. Pol or have never seen the show (you’re in for a treat), tune in tonight for a special bonus compilation celebrating their 100th episode, tonight at 8 pm ET on Nat Geo WILD before the finale of season 10 at 9 pm. Season 10 debuted on Jan.7, 2017, but if you missed any episodes, you can catch up. Check out the clips at Nat Geo Wild
Since the show first aired, I’ve watched most of the episodes of The Incredible Dr. Pol which trails the day-to day life of a rural vet in the middle of Michigan treating farms animals and a to z of pets. The riveting “all in the family” show is anti-glitz and glamour. It stars Dr. Jan Pol, who at 74 has more energy than a pack of mules, his brilliant, multi-tasking wife Diane who runs the clinic office, their son Charles is also a co-executive producer and spearheaded the show idea into reality. He’s a comedic foil and willing butt of slapstick jokes but nobody’s fool. Rounding out the cast is veterinarian Dr. Brenda, the Wonder Woman hero of animals big and small, veterinarian Dr. Emily is the youngest team member but fine-tuning her skills from the best. Together they form a mesmerizing, no-nonsense team wowing viewers from 2 to 102.
Is Dr. Pol for real?
Yes. What you see is what you get both on TV and in an interview. It’s refreshing to learn he’s as down to earth as ever. Nothing has changed despite fame or fortune. He transmits the same positive energy, a passion for his work, no BS attitude and is old school polite. A world apart from many of the “celebrity pet experts” we see in the media today. Press junkets like the one promoting the new season of The Incredible Dr. Pol are tightly scheduled. I had barely 15 minutes but we’re both fast talkers and talked up a storm. Afterwards the assistant calls me back to say Dr. Pol wanted to continue our conversation and a few minutes were were back on the phone for another 20 minutes. He didn’t need to do that. We continued a heart-to-heart about cats and the need for spay/neuter. A timely topic since kitten season is here.
Dr. Pol is a cat man!
It’s clear from seeing the show, that Dr. Pol is a dog lover. He has two Great Danes but less obvious is his passion for cats. Both he and his wife Diane (who are celebrating their 50th anniversary next year) have always had cats. Whenever there is an issue with a cat in the clinic, the staff will call on their cat whisperer, Dr. Pol to help take a cat out of the cage. He lets the cat smell him, connect with intention that he’s there to help and gently lifts the cat out without scruffing. When you’ve been handling animals of every stripe for as long as he has, it’s a combo of skill, experience and intuition.
Dr. Pol is often seen as a rough and gruff old school vet pulling out birthing calves with his bare hands but it’s good to know he has a softer side. A pussy cat if you will. As a life-long lover of Siamese cats, I was thrilled to hear about Dr. Pol’s cats.
We see more dogs than cats on the show because his clinic reflects the stats across the U.S. Dogs visit the vet about twice as often than cats. Not because cats are healthier but because they are masters at hiding their symptoms and are more resistant to travel. Dr. Pol’s dogs have often been filmed but not his cats since they hide when the camera crew arrives. Lovers of the Siamese breed, the Pols are onto their third Siamese, Holly, a seal point who enjoys grooming Dr. Pol’s head. They also have a Bengal named Casey, but the story of their office cat Tater illustrates the heart of a cat man.
Someone brought in a black cat with a mangled leg from a raccoon trap. He was in rough shape but Dr. Pol amputated the leg and Tater aka Couch Potato recovered. The odds of anyone wanting to adopt a black, three-legged cat where shelters are over-flowing were slim so Tater became the office cat #2.
Courtesy | National Geographic Channels, Michael Stankevich
Viewers are familiar with Athena, the big black Great Dane Charles adopted in 2015, but he also has a cat. I don’t have photo but this Charles with a farmer’s barn cat. Yup, a cat man. Like father like son.
Dr. Pols’s Biggest Beef
Dr. Pol says, “In some ways cats are better pets than dogs especially in the city. They can be left alone all day to sleep but when you get home, their unconditional attention, the stress relief from running your fingers through their fur can keep many people sane. But, they must be neutered! All feral cats were at one point domesticated but allowed to breed. This is my biggest beef. Cats breeding because many people can’t afford to spay/neuter. The Michigan Humane Society has a low-cost program where supervised vet students do spay/neuter to gain experience.” The biggest takeaway from Dr. Pol is: Spay/neuter. If you adopt a pet, it’s your responsibility to spay/neuter. I’ll add: feral cats deserve the same consideration. Simply put: spay/neuter saves lives and suffering.
We discussed options for ways of getting the spay/neuter message out there and I look forward to speaking with Dr. Pol again. And I’m really looking forward to the show tonight.
Dr. Pol Goes Green!
The biggest change since the show launched five years ago is the expansion of the clinic (with 4 vets on duty) their home and auxiliary buildings like the new, soon to be competed solar powered barn studio for the Dr. Pol podcasts Look for a new episode soon or check out the archives. Dr. Pol is not a believer in wind tunnels. As a native of The Netherlands, the original home of windmills, he feels wind energy is not as efficient as solar. Solar is his way to go green.
The production and film crew has expanded to 25 as the show’s success has grown, production is year round with only two to three weeks off between filming. Most of the crew have rented apartments in the nearby town and are considered extended family.
It takes 200 hours of filming for every episode. Nothing is scripted and the camera follows Dr. Pol and team live. When an emergency farm call comes in the crew chase Dr. Pol is his trusty Jeep and no one knows w how the day will unfold.
You’d think after 100 episodes the show might get old but The Incredible Dr. Pol is as fresh and incredible as ever. The only thing millions of cat lovers and I might want to see are more cats please in season 11.
Watch a clip of how The Incredible Dr. Pol got its start, right meow.

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Tina stonestreet
Dr pol I have a deaf dashound and he keeps on barking for no reason at all. Can you please tell me what to do and how to get him to stop
Carrie Shumway
Do you number the body parts before you cut. Because we don’t see it
We hardly watch TV…and we do not get that channel either. Bit we do live in Michigan…and we ask, why have we not evfur heard of this befur?? He seems a wonderfur vet.
Petcretary’s furmily came from the Netherlands, too:) They went to Canada, but there were many others who went to Michigan at that time as well.
Layla Morgan Wilde
What a coincidence and I have no idea but you can listen to the podcast and watch earlier shows online.
Skeeter And Izzy
I have not seen the show but WOW would I like to meet the man! I like the way he works and I think that the true reality of the show is probably what keeps it so popular. I hate when a show starts out real and morphs into the reshoot until it is perfect, alter the people that are in it to make them into people that they are not kind of thing. Reality becomes just the opposite very quickly these days so it is wonderful to know that there is a show out there that doesn’t follow the receipe.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Brian Frum
We’ve not seen his show either but you sure did a great post about him. Dr. Pol seems like one cool dude!
The Island Cats
We’ve never heard of Dr. Pol or this show before. Thanks for telling us about him. We’ll definitely try to watch…if the mom can figure out what channel is Nat Geo on our TV.
Nancy Jenkins
I really enjoy Dr. Pol and staff. Amazing what they go through for each patient visited out office visit. I would like to come visit where you work and also got travel to 2 more places in NY and then friends in NYNY.
I started medium/small adopting or buying to rescue. Since your show on the dog that had problems birthing one way and was cesarian and the staff that came to towel and get remaining pups breathing, I called my local vet I take my pets too, on call if they get over run. Be a volunteer and maybe get foot in the door for pay job. Oh I tried cat, not for me, heeler dog(s) all the way.
Cleopawtra (Becca Cook)
I love Dr. Pol and all of his crew. It’s my must watch Saturday night show. What you see is what you get from the doc. You’re interview was pawsome. Most of the docs calls are to the farms in the area, but you do get to see a small animal at least one per show. If you haven’t seen it please watch it’s so good.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Becca. There are so few vets left in farming communities, I’m hoping more vet students will consider working as Dr. Pol does.
Andy, Tater and Shelly
We have to watch this! Tater thinks it is super cool that there is another kitty in the world named Tater.
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s a cool name. Did you name your cat after Tater Tots?
Caren Gittleman
Now that I read this I HAVE seen a few of his shows before!!! What a fine gentleman he is and I love that his wife runs his office. I remember now!!!! You did a superb job!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Caren. Can you believe Dr. Pol and his wife will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary next year?
That sounds like a very good programme to watch, but unfortunately we can’t get the National Geographic channels.
Layla Morgan Wilde
You watch some on YouTube.
Ellen Pilch
I guess I have had my head in the sand, I have never seen the show. I will look for it now.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, it’s a hoot. So different than other reality shows.
I must watch his show. Cheddar and Mao agree!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Enjoy. I hope they show some cats in the compilation.
We’ve never seen Dr. Pol’s show (my human almost never watches TV), but it sounds like we must!
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s wonderfully quirky, entertaining and educational.