NEW Naturally Scented Fresh Step Litter Giveaway
We have the scoop on what’s in the latest Fresh Step® Litter and you can win a box! They’ve combined natural essential oils of lemongrass and eucalyptus to chlorophyll with activated carbon in high quality clay. The result is a natural way to block odors almost before they begin. We were naturally curious to test it and see how it compared to our favorite litter from World’s Best Litter. The scent out of the box is strong but pleasantly herbaceous. The scent dissipates once poured into the litter box. All of our cats accepted it without a problem. If you have a cat that prefers unscented litter, I would suggest not switching to a scented litter. The medium-sized clay granules are flecked with some blue ones (chlorophyll) and tracked very little dust. The clumping and scoopability is good. The odor control is excellent. The key selling point for us is the price which is lower than the competitors. However we prefer a non-clay litter with a softer texture. If switching litters, always do it gradually. Mix a little of the new litter on top of the old one, increasing the amount over the course of a couple weeks.
Please note: ALL litter boxes with clumping cat litter regardless of their odor elimination properties must be cleaned DAILY for the health and happiness of your cat.
Giveaway: Two Cat Wisdom 101 readers will win their choice of scented or unscented Odor Shield cat litter. The winner will RECEIVE a coupon for a 14 lb. box. To enter, simply leave a comment at this post.
For extra chances to win please social media and mention in a comment where you shared.
This giveaway ends 11:59 EST July 18, 2013. Only U.S. residents are eligible. The winner will be selected via random.org and announced on July 19, 2013. The winners will be notified via email and must respond within four days with their shipping address or an alternative winner will be selected. Good luck!
Cat Wisdom 101 is a Pettie Award Finalist for BEST Cat Blog and you can help us win. Please VOTE for us. Pettie Awards voting link
We have winners! The winner of our Cat Yoga Mat from Feline Yogi is Cindy and the winner of the cat lounger from Peach Industries is Jennifer Fitzgibbons. Congratulations! Please look for an email from Layla.
Disclaimer: While this is a sponsored post, our opinions are always our own.

Isabel O
I want to win!! Charlie, my cat, would love it!
Billie O
Robyn Gianotti
Shared on my facebook page! 🙂
My four cats would love to try this!
Nope, don’t want a box. Essential oils are toxic for cats because their livers can not process it.. it is speculated that even sniffing essential oils can cause harm. Eucalyptus is also a known toxin for cats..
VERY unhappy with Fresh Step for coming up with this.. VERY unhappy indeed.. will have to write them and express my concerns. Making a product people want at the expense of the cat is a bad bad idea..
I have recently discovered Fresh Step clumping and I (and the kitties of course) like it very much. I’ve used the non-clumping Fresh Step in the catio litter boxes for several years with high-fives from the kitties too. I’d love to win a box–with both resident and foster cats, there is never such a thing as “too much litter” on hand :-).
I’ve also shared your giveaway on both my personal FB page and our LAPCATS FB page.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a box!
Matt - Brisbane Photographer
Naturally scented – now that’s a welcome change!
The Florida Furkids
We would love to win. Okay…maybe our Mom would.
The Florida Furkids
Cathy Keisha
I wouldn’t mind trying that litter. Concats on reaching the Petties finals.
Sweet Purrfections
We’re open to trying this litter.
Glogirly and Katie
We’d LOVE to try out the new litter!
Count us IN!
…and congrats to your other winners!
: ) Katie & Glogirly
( please remember our email on our profile is incorrect it’s glogirl(at)visi(dot)com. )
Sheila K.
Shared on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/105069986274815810893/posts/4ruC1jb4YH5
Sheila K.
Shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skkorman/status/353290560758493184
Sheila K.
Shared on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/pin/426786502158230228/
Sheila K.
Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sheila.korman/posts/10201299633593855
Kitties Blue
We recently won and tried some Tidy Cats with Glade. The odor control is excellent, according to mom, but it is so super dusty. We can’t seem to find one that controls odor but is less dusty. This Fresh Step sounds like it would do the trick. Please enter us in the giveaway. Thanks for the review. Our e-mail: [email protected]. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Just wanted to mention that when I’m introducing a new litter I use one box with the new next to their regular type. That way they have a choice and I can see which they prefer. Right now I’m using four media types: Tidy Cat Clumping, World’s Best, Cat’s Pride Fresh and LIght and just plain old newspaper laid down on the bottom by itself. I prefer WB for many reasons but I have to give them what they want 🙂
Layla and boys, Big ConCats on getting to the final of the Petties! :))))
Katnip Lounge
We use fresh step!
Katnip Lounge
We use fresh step! Mommy chuckled and says the litter may be fresh but what we do certainly is NOT.
She’s a rude woman.
This new litter sounds great .. would love to give it a try for my herd of kitties. <3
Amy Jarratt
Thank you for this great contest. Always need catlitter for the gang!
Would love to win…always need litter with 3 cats!!
Sarah Cash
Hope I win for Nickel & Dimitri!
Amy Orvin
shared on Stumbleupon as 2dogs5catscrew
Amy Orvin
Pinned- http://pinterest.com/pin/15692298674561090/
Amy Orvin
shared on Google + as Amy Orvin
We all like the unscented variety of the litter to you don’t need to enter us. Looks like a good thing for those that want that scent thought. Have a great day.
momsbusy, kintaro, & tt
we like unscented litter. most of the scented stuff makes us sneeze and our humans too.
Sue Brandes
My kitties are not picky about scented cat litter. We love Fresh Step. Haven’t seen this kind yet. Would love a chance to win. I shared on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for the giveaway.
We are not up for a change right now, but that is a nice giveaway!
Linda Kwolek
I can see my cats doing their business and having a zen moment. Yes to natural cat litter.
Deb N Cats
My girls like the unscented version of Fresh Step. When I accidentally bought a box of scented, I had huge amounts of displeasure on the floor outside the box. Gotta love how cats let you know their preferences.
Layla Morgan Wilde
True! We must always respect a cat’s preference and not ours.
Sheila K.
We always use Fresh Step—it would be great to try this new blend! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Amy Orvin
Shared on Facebook as Amy Orvin
Amy Orvin
I have 4 cats and they love to eat! Which means they also love to , well you know, POOP! So, I could always use some cat litter. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
Hazel Marie
I’ve pinned the pics to Pinterest. Also to Facebook.
We use Fresh Step now and this new formula sounds great. Boy would I love to win this giveaway! The clay free formula you use works great, I can’t afford it though. I read that Fresh Step was one of the best clay clumping cat litter. Please enter me.
Cynthia Southern
My cats can always use litter. They and we would prefer the scented version if I am lucky enough to win this giveaway. I also shared on Pinterest on the Cats board, on Facebook and on Google +.
catherine turley
I like the fresh step that is actually called ‘natural’.
Michelle S
Eucalyptus? Isn’t that toxic to both dogs and cats? I’ve also heard that cats dislike the scent, along with lemongrass. I know that mine do.
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s true that most cats dislike citrus scents but this isn’t citusy but lightly herbal.
Lois Lipshit
Have you done your homework ??
” Eucalyptus and lemongrass essential oil are toxic for cats to inhale. Known to cause Liver failure! Cats Liver can not process this crap. Going to change litters and spread the word. Saw above someone else already told you about it! I got suspicious when my cats started to avoid the litterbox!! Then I checked ingredients! Cats are smarter than you are. They better not get liver failure or I will know why! You WILL hear from me ! They have been using this since it came out. I should have listened to them! It does “STINK”, it is SO perfumey!
http://www.naturalcatcareblog.com/2012/05/cats-and-essential-oils-perfectly-safe-now-exploring-the-controversy/ These are just 2 of MANY sites telling about tocic E.O..
Baking soda is much safer!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Not only have I done my homework but I taught chemistry as part of a course on essential oils. I’m also a founding member of the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. There are some cats that are sensitive to some oils but the liver toxicity debate has been disputed. The hysteria around the topis is an example throwing the baby out with the bath water. If there is an issue with e.o.s it’s quality of the oils. My eldest cat died at 21.5 and was exposed to e.o.s most of his life. As always, buyer beware and if your cats don’t like a scented litter, don’t use it. We use different brands and my cats usually prefer unscented as well.