Halloween Trick or Tuna?
Halloween Trick or Tuna? With cats, you never know.
Happy Howleween or Meowleween.
Please have fun and keep your kitties safe.
The image above is an antique Halloween card I gave a modern graphic spin and the image below is a cat I found in a parking lot being petted by a limo driver. The cat apparently was not homeless and despite the Halloween cat arch, she was friendly. Things are not always as they appear. May your holiday be full of tuna, treats and not tricks.
NEWS & MEWS Cat Wisdom 101 will be on a new schedule for the next few weeks due to personal reasons. There will be no Caturday this Saturday and we’ll either be skipping days or simply posting images. Sadly, we are unable to visit more than a few blogs but will try to return all comments. We appreciate your support and would be deeply grateful if you share what we do post during this transitional time.
Thanks and purrs,

Devoted to Willow
Purrs to you hope that everything is okay and know that will keep watch and support where can.
Oui Oui
We think there is no doubt the last kitty is very friendly. Layla, we understand, and take what time you need. We’ve missed posting too because of various reasons, and we always intend on visiting more blogs than we actually do. You put in such long hours and work so hard. We hope everything is alright with your mom, too,
Happy Halloween and thanks for coming to MMM’s party!
Happy Meowleen!
The boyz are celebrating, by sleeping.
Skeeter and Izzy
Happy Howloween! We send you lots and lots of love and purrs to help you through.
Luvs Skeeter and Ixxy and the Feral Gang + Peanut and Twig >^..^<
Angel Abby
Keeping you always in our thoughts and prayers.
Happy Halloween.
*Angel Abby*
Happy Halloween to all of you.
Happy Halloween! I hope everything is okay with you.
Good luck to you, we hope everything is ok…We pick TUNA!!…Happy Halloween, precious friends!…kisses…Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
The Florida Furkids
Happy Halloween!
The Florida Furkids
Happy Halloween! And very best wishes that every person and cat is doing well.
Connie Marie
I’m VERY VERY worried.
Is it Merlin,
is your Mom OK? Same, worse or is it
one of your family,
Merlin, you are loved. Sending much Love and Many Purrs.
Layla, to you as well and to your family.
Connie Marie
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, it’s not Merlin.
Iris aka Boo-bah
Have a Happy and safe Halloween!
Happy Meowloween to you and the cats, Layla. We do hope everything is okay, and send hugs and headbonks, just in case you need them. 🙂
Texas, a cat in... Austin
It looks like it is a hard time for a lot of humans. Mine had some scary events that thank Ceiling Cat turned out not to be bad but it sounded bad at first. So I hope it is not too bad on your side.
We are catching up on your blog posts today!
Sending you lots of purrs and hugs from my human!
Sue Brandes
Happy Halloween.
Charlie, Garfield, Cashew, Tubby
da tabbies o trout towne
happee howl o ween ta everee one; heerz hopin yur trik N treetz bag be filled with mackerull, mice N pie !!
best fishes with de purr son null stuffs…..hope all bee well N ya just kneada brake
My human says she will miss you at the conference and that you are in her thoughts.
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Wish you a Happy and safe Halloween !
Me will go for the Tuna 🙂
easy rider
I hope all is ok and just in case, I send you a big hug. Have a wonderful evening & Happy Howl-o-ween.
Alana Grelyak
we hope everything is well, Layla! We’ll miss your comments at the blog but totally understand! Happy Halloween, love, and hugs. Alana & Crepes.
Caren Gittleman
Hoping that all is ok. HAPPY HALLOWEEN and have fun at the Conference!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Happy Halloween! We hope everything is okay. We’ll miss your posts, but we understand that offline things are very important. Many purrs from all of us.
Katie and Cocco
Things aren’t always as they appear, that’s right. We are worried – hope everything is okay! Have a wonderful Holloween!
d'Artagnan Rumblepurr
I hope you guys are doing ok, we look forward to seeing you when you’re back!