Cute Kitten Alert!
Cute kitten alert! Don’t tell Merlin, but look what we found in the vault. We all have embarrassing photos from our childhood, and after a rough week, I wanted share something cute and funny. I adopted Merlin on his first birthday. He’d had three other homes in his first year, and I cherish the few old photos given to me of him and his sister Coco. Sixteen years later, he still cracks me up!

Fuzzy and Zoe
How cute! You are lucky to have old photos of your senior boy – I wish I would have taken (and saved) photos back then!
Ah Merlin the wise one – we have Wart. Merlin the wizard always called the lad who became King Arthur, Wart. Also a constant joy and source of laughter. It could be amazing if the two ever got together!
Thanks Fisher. That’s a great idea for a book! Did you know Wart or Wort is the old English spelling for herbs?
Katnip Lounge
NO WAY! Merlin was a Kitten? We thought he sprang forth, full grown, from the brow of Bastet!
LOL, you’d think, but look how serious he looked even then.
Cat's Cats
That shot of Merlin is adorable!!! I adopted Casper at nine months old so I have no kitten pictures, but I cherish two photos that were given to me of when he was a tiny baby 🙂
Cute pic. It’s so funny, one day they’re a little kitten and the next a cat.
Funny how that happens 🙂
Awwww that is a cute picture of Merlin. I didn’t get Austin as a kitten, so have nothing like that!
I’m delighted to see that Ling Ling is responding to the meds :))
Fuzzy Tales
Awww, Merlin, you were such a tiny cutie. The mom adopted us when we were 6 months old (Nicki in April 2007 and Derry in December ’07), so she has no baby pics of us at all. That your human has a few is wonderful!
A very happy weekend to you all.
Happy weekend. All baby pics are precious human or animal 🙂
He is sooooo cute! I won’t tell Ched.
Ched must have been cute too 🙂
Hannah and Lucy
We have the feeling somecat is less than well pleased!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Pam Kimmell
Very sweet baby picture! I too treasure the photos of Sammy as a baby. They’re a handful when they’re little but a loving armful when they grow up……
Pam and Sam
Hi there baby Merlin. You are better than cute. We want to know how Ling Ling is doing?? Hope you are going to do an update on her. Also hope all of you are able to stay cool. We hear it is really hot up there too. Take care.
Marg, thanks, Ling Ling ate some baby food and is responding to meds which is a good start.
Ingrid King
Too cute! But even in this kitten photo, you can see the ageless wisdom in his eyes.