Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Man Cat Mondays,  Mondays With Merlin

Compassion is Always in Fashion

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

It’s Mondays With Merlin. Yes, even while recovering from Sandy, I’m a trooper. Listen, when you get to be an old cat like me, being a little inconvenienced by no Internet is no biggie. To be honest, I like that my mom Layla isn’t glued to a computer screen 24/7. I think all cats will agree: spending more time with cats is time well spent. Since Sandy hit, I didn’t miss one hot meal and our bed was as cozy and warm as ever, but not all kitties, doggies and hoomans were so lucky. So, my lesson of the day is about being nice by helping a friend, neighbor, why even a stranger. What a concept! Compassion is always in fashion! If you feel like helping, contact your animal local shelter or Red Cross. You’ll be glad you did.

We won’t be here tomorrow so if you’re an American citizen, please don’t be of two minds. You have a choice. Vote!

wise-cat-quote-wisdom 101-merlin


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