Caturday Jump Odin Jump Video +
The week passed in a blur, not unlike the blur when Odin (seen above) pounces after prey. He caught a large chipmunk but we’re trying encourage “catch and release” style of hunting. He’s not too keen on it but it makes me and the other animals happier.
One of Odin’s favorite commands is “jump” when we play outdoors. He’ll jump from one log or chair to another but I couldn’t resist teasing him a bit during the rain. In this video he calculates whether to jump off the porch railing. It’s only about three feet high but it was raining. He loves the rain but hesitated. It’s only a minute, but if you’re impatient zoom to the end.
News & Mews
- I had the honor of interviewing Lil BUB and her dad Mike in New York this week. We met in a conference room at Penguin, Lil Bub’s book publisher. I walked away with a few secrets and new appreciation of this rare creature and the human-animal bond.
- I will be writing about it for another publication but tomorrow we will have a fun author Q & A and Lil BUB book giveaway!
- If you haven’t entered yet or want to enter again, click on The Purr-fect Twitching Tales book Giveaway or the Driving With Cats book giveaway to win copies.
- We did not win the Pettie Award for Best Cat Blog. I know it’s shocking but ce’st la vie. Our congrats go out to the winner Itty Bitty Kitty Committee
- We’re thrilled our good friends at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life won the Pettie for Best Cause Blog. They do awesome work on behalf of shelter kitties.
- Beloved blogger cat, Dash from DashKitten has suddenly died. Our friend Debbie from Glogirly made a lovely tribute.
- Petco has a huge nationwide pet adoption event this weekend. For info about an event near you, visit National Adoption Weekend
- Our newest addition to our Cat Wisdom Etsy shop is a nostalgic look at autumn with a September quote featuring a younger Merlin. We’re donating 100% of this limited edition print to the ASPCA. The signed and numbered edition is limited to 25. It is also available without the quote. For more info or to order, visit The Art of Cat Wisdom101
- How are you and your cats loving September so far?

Austin Towers
Odin is quite the athlete! It looks like a long way down!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s only 3 feet.
Sweet Purrfections
So sad to hear about Dash.
Sue Brandes
I couldn’t believe you didn’t win either. Very sad about Dash. I did not know of him but; I left purrs and hugs for his human. Glogirly’s tribute was very nice. Odin is such a handsome kitty. I like the cooler weather we are getting but; wish the real hot stuff would leave. Thanks for reposting your giveaways as I missed the Driving with cats one. So quick entered.
I enjoyed the video. Me and mum are sorry you didn’t win your category in the Petties. I made sure she voted for you, Glogirly and Kevin every day. There was someone else as well, was it Sparkle? We can’t remember.
Did you get the email she sent you the other day about ticks and fleas?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much and no, I didn’t get the email. Cqn you send it again?
I agree with Brian. Can we have a recount? I voted for you, Glogirly, and for Kevin faithfully.
Well at least Kevin and PAWS won (yea!) but I’m disappointed for you and Katie and Waffles.
Odin is so lovely and lithe- he’s a joy to watch.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Maggie, you were wonderfully supportive and having loyalty is more important.
Katnip Lounge
What a treat to see Odin in action. I love his white tail tip.
Merlin had quite the jungle pouch in his youth!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I call it his exclamation point :-0
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie
What a lovely print! And we too were devastated at Dash’s passing. The boys think Odin’s hunting style is BOSS.
Sparky Spitfire
oh, Odin…what lovely leaping! and how nice of you to allow Teh Lady to think she had somefing to do with it. it’s kind of you to humor her like that…
Layla Morgan Wilde
LOL, we love teasing each other
Skeeter and Izzy
Oh dear it is so sad to here that yet another kitty has crossed the bridge.There are lots of breaking hearts out there we know. We send all of our love and kitty kisses and purrs to all of the those that are hurting. We share your pain if only in a small way.
Concats to the Pettie winners and we will try again next time to push Cat Wisdom to the top where we all know it belongs!!!!
We purr for a quiet September!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
I love watching Odin – he is just so alert and in-tuned to everything around him…
I enjoyed the video! Odin looks so cute trying to decide to jump or not jump 🙂 But in the end, made a big mighty jump!
Have a lovely weekend xoxo
Angel Abby
Odin you are quite the “jumper”!
Thank you for sharing all of this news.
We are quite sad about the events regarding Dash. We know how difficult it is for Marjorie. We are going to go over and read GloGirl’s tribute.
easy rider
How great Odin, you even have your own tail-anemometer on board! Have a great Caturday!
Outside of Kevin’s nice win I was quite disappointed with the Petties. I may just never go there and vote again. I think it’s rigged, except for Animal Shelter Volunteer Life.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Brian, I agree and won’t be participating next year.
We LOVED that video of Odin on the rail. It’s as though he was really deciding whether or not he wanted to jump. And then, when he did jump, he practically FLEW! 🙂
Thank you for the Petties shout out, dear friends. We’re still in shock about our win. We are also in shock that you did not win. 🙁
So far, September has been great. We just got back from Seattle (where we had a wonderful visit with our relatives), learned about the Petties, AND we have a very happy surprise “behind door one” that we’ll be announcing later today or tomorrow. 🙂
Big hugs and headbonks to you all!
Sam and Pam
That was great….watching Odin “thinking about” jumping and calculating the right time to do it, etc. – he was what I’d call carefully anxious to do that jump but with cats timing is EVERYTHING! That was fun.
Pam and Sam
Such a cute vid of Odin!
Lucky that he obeys commands!
Our boyz just look at me, and say, moi? Moi command you!
I have to tell you, I am NOT loving September so far, at least not the weather part! It is way too hot and it is throwing me off my food. In fact, I turned down all my regular food and my human had to give me a whole bowl of freeze dried chicken treats to eat instead.
Hmm, come to think of it, maybe September isn’t all that bad!
Whew-a lot of news, so sad about Dash, we read Glogirly’s tribute. Love Merlin’s print, and we have a quiet start to September 🙂