Caturday Cure For Winter Blues!
If you’re feeling the winter blues or blahs, join me on Jan. 30 in New York for the best kitty-centric party! One of my favorite causes is Mayor’s Alliance For NYC Animals who team up with Architects For Animals to benefit feral cats.
A group of architects design and display creative shelters for feral cats and guests are invited to view the exhibit, eat, drink and mingle. There was an awesome group of cat rescuers, feral cat experts and all kinds of fun cat lovers last year. Hope to see you there! There will be lots of great door prizes including one’s from our friends at Entirely Pets.
If New York is too far away, perhaps the west coast is more your speed. World’s Best Cat Litter™ is launching the first ever #IMACRAZYCATLADY campaign
You’re invited on January 25, 2014 to the Cat Fanciers Food and Water Bowl XXII Cat Show in Del Mar, CA
And at Quality Social with DJ Man Cat for an evening of dancing and fun!
We’d love to see you there—and tell your friends!
Find out why we’re not crazy about clay-based cat litter at www.getawayfromclay.com
We’re thrilled our friend Alana Grelyak and her hubby Michael Gabriele is a finalist in the Cat Dance Film Festival with their film The Inheritance. It’s currently in second place and we’d love you to help them win by voting. It’s also happens to be a beautifully made, sweet and sophisticated short film about cats. The top prize is $50,000 and it’ll sure help a lot of cats. Vote for The Inheritance here at CatDance
Nothing could be cozier for cats than snoozing in a warm bed of their own like a Neko Napper. One lucky Cat Wisdom 101 reader will be able to give their cat the ultimate snooze spot. Congratulations to Amanda Heck & Cat Rocco! You are our Neko Napper Giveaway winners. Look for an email from Layla requesting your shipping address. Thank-you to everyone who used the Rafflecopter on Facebook to enter the giveaway. It was a big success and we’ll be using it again. Happy snoozing this weekend dear friends! And if you can, please help more and more CATS!

Oui Oui
We remember this from last year and think it’s as wonderful cause! We wish we could be there, but wish them the best of luck. We’d love to see all the designs the architects come up with.
We wish we could attend the Architects for Animals event this year, but probably won’t be able to. 🙁
We’ve been voting for Alana!
Katnip Lounge
I think The Inheritance sounds like something Hubby would do!!! He’s responsible for almost ALL the cats (and MORE cats!) around here…
The Inheritance is a great video and I am voting daily.
Sue Brandes
Have a great weekend. We have voting for Crepes video.
Happy Caturday! The Inheritance is very clever and funny. Hope it wins.
My human is at the San Diego Cat Show this weekend, along with two other members of the CWA. She is also very mad at World’s Best Cat Litter (although we love and use the product) because she thinks the campaign perpetuates a negative stereotype about cat lovers. (It is NOT rebranding the stereotype, as they wrongly think.)
Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to Amanda and Rocco! The vids are so cool and fun. We love the Architects for Animals and the Feral Cat Shelters. We would absolutely love to be able to go some time. You know how we feel about our Feral brethren. My guys just went back outside for a couple of days until the weather changes back to sub-zero again on Monday.They have done so well with the indoor/outdoor changes.
We love you guys!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Peanut and Twig and Romeo >^..^<
That is such a great video and we hope The Inheritance wins!
Connie Marie
WoW, Love that video!!! Gets my vote. Really hope it wins. REALLY GREAT!!!!
Wow, I love The Inheritance. So very clever. I voted for it. Love the Catdance festival!