Black Cats Tell All: Plan B includes #btC4a
Black Cats Tell All: Plan B includes Blog the Change for Animals, a quarterly event where bloggers come together to share ideas and organizations with the purpose of being the change for animals.
There are endless ways humans can help animals from doing TNR, volunteering at a shelter or advocating for a cause. I’ve been involved in cat rescue and advocacy for twenty years which paved the way for spearheading Black Cats Tell All, a book project with the goal of helping rebrand black cats as more adoptable.
Our 30 day Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for Black Cats Tell All, our nonprofit book ended last night. There were no popping of Champagne corks but we celebrated anyway. The campaign generated over 200 backers from 11 countries and close to $9000 but did not reach its goal which means zero dollars. The support and offers for private funding is beyond anything I could have imagined but there is a long way to go. About a week ago, I felt it was time for a serious Plan B. The weird thing is had everything gone to plan, Plan B, a better plan and I believe a better book, could not have materialized.
So much happened, I’d like to share the last entry of my diary The Secret I Didn’t Tell You that I shared privately with my backers. It’ll give you a better idea about the journey. It’s long and I doubt most readers won’t have time to read it all but I felt it was important to mark this passage formally. I’m only keeping it up for a few days so don’t bookmark it. What’s most annoying since writing it and the campaign ended, I’m getting sad messages from backers who didn’t get my update, don’t know about Plan B, thinking the campaign failed and the dream is dead. I have no idea if I can reach them to tell them otherwise.
Kickstarter is an unforgiving platform. You can’t extend a project or edit certain things after launching. After a campaign ends, you can’t change or remove any content which stays on the the Kickstarter website forever. I decided to remove most of the campaign content and will create a streamlined version for a mini-Kickstarter launching next week and lasting only a few days. Moving forward, we’re looking at a POD and e-book launching in October but need to rustle up the remaining backers or find new ones. The most valuable outcome of the intense journey were the hundreds of messages, emails and conversations with supporters and black cat tribe members. I felt the book needed to be more than stories with a few photos. It needed a visual punch of more images. I’m not going to share all my secrets but I’m putting out a call for photo submissions.
Email me if you think your cat would like to be included. Share this post with anyone with a fabulous black cat. There is a small submission fee in lieu of a donation to the project. After all, it is a nonprofit and 100% of proceeds goes toward our black cat awareness campaign to promote shelter adoption. If for any reason the photo is not used, the donation will be returned. So give me your best shot! Max 3 images per entry in as high res. quality as possible.
The project still has wonderful stories including one from Cole of Cole and Marmalade and a glowing book blurb from Homer the blind cat author, NY times bestselling writer, Gwen Cooper. We also have exciting sponsor interest for other collaborative projects. All that’s missing are a few more sponsors. If you’ve already made a contribution, thank-you. If you pledged recently, you can either contribute privately by check to the nonprofit (email me for the address) or pledge again next week. Anyone who pledged to the campaign, please note: your credit card or debit card was not debited. For backer questions about payment, visit Kickstarter FAQ

Thank you for a nice writing as i like and agree with every word. Keep going!
נערות ליווי בנתניה
BJ Bangs
What a terrific idea, Layla. I’m so happy you are going above and beyond to change the image of black cats. They are just the best, but that thought isn’t shared by all. I’m reading a kids book right now, and it takes a dim view of black cats. While it fits the story, it doesn’t portray them in a good light. If still applicable, send the guidelines. Do Tuxedo cats qualify as black cats in your book? If so, I have a story worth sharing.
We are glad there’s a plan B, Layla, because this project is so important. We’ll look for some good Gracie and Zoe photos to send you!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Please do or remind me to send the FAQ
Seville at Nerissa's Life
We all fall down at times. Success comes to those who get right back up and it sounds like that’s EXACTLY what you’re doin’. purrs
The Daily Pip
Sometimes things don’t go as planned and there are a few more twists and turns in the road, but we still end up where we are meant to be. I think Plan B sounds wonderful and we are excited to send in a picture or two of Miss Rosie!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and I’ll be happy to forward the FAQ 🙂
The Island Cats
Plan B sounds like a great option. We definitely would like to include Ernie and the mom will look for some good photos of him for you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sounds good 🙂
caren gittleman
Super happy to hear there is a Plan B!!!!!! I am trying to share this post, where is your twitter share button????? Also….I DID get the coffee gig, (I start training this week), training will go on for a few weeks and I will work Thurs, Fri, Sat and some Sundays………..I will STILL be available to help you! xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Share via Buffer it has the short link. I’ll message you tomorrow! xoxox
Sometimes Cats Herd You
It sounds like your plan B is well on its way. We’re so glad to hear that black cats will be getting the attention and recognition they deserve even if the kickstarter wasn’t successful as hoped.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yup, it’s all relative. Plan B will be way more successful than Plan A 🙂
You say when and tweeting and facebook promoting will commence. I know diddley about kickstarter stuff, but whatever you do give a holler and I will come running.
Layla Morgan Wilde
You got it. The graphics are shareable now and hopefully a live KS link by Monday. xoxoxo
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
I always say writing is the easy part – it’s the other stuff – getting it to print – that’s brutal and not for the faint of heart. It is an A to Z journey and I’m glad you’re plugging on with Plan B. Loving purrs of success to you and your beautiful mini-panther pride…
Layla Morgan Wilde
As a self-pubbed writer, you know only too well what it takes 🙂 Thanks, despite obstacles we keep moving forward. Together, we are black cat strong.
skeeter and Izzy
I haven’t had time to get in touch but we are still behind this project. I’ll let you know which way we want to do the funding. We would love to have the original “real” book to have and to hold (we are old school book lovers) but we may just have to be happy with the print your own.
Luvs and purrs of excitement for plan B
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for being a huge support. And POD means it is a real book you can hold in your hands. It’s printing on demand and not off-set printing. Maybe I need to clarify the difference in the new campaign?
Skeeter and Izzy
Sorry Layla we were a bit confuses for a moment MOL! We now understand the POD. Geez you’d think Mom would be a bit more up to date on stuff!
We will definitely be back in the ranks of supporters and funders!
Luvs and Purrs of support
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, you’re not the only one confused 🙂 and thanks!
Cathy Keisha
Black cats are pawsome and I’m glad you have a wonderful plan B. Thank you for always Being the Change for cats—black and otherwise. Sharing.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for your pawsitivity!
Only you could come up with an even more exciting PLAN B! I’ve always said (and truly believe) that everything happens for a reason……this is it!
Hugs, Pam and Sam
Layla Morgan Wilde
Necessity is the mother of invention 🙂
da tabbies o trout towneq
plan “B” izza better plan any way coz it iz afturr all bout “B”lack catz !! ♥♥♥
heerz two a yellowtail catfish kinda week oh end guys~~~~ ♥♥♥♥
Well, that’s a bummer that your Kickstarter campaign didn’t get funded, but I always figured you had a Plan B going on. 😉
Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, YinYang & Chimera (ATCAD)
I am so glad there is a plan B, Mommy says we will try to help with the funding as soon as she gets all the bills in for the Master Bath remodeling. Since it was “unplanned” they didn’t budget for it, but as they don’t ever intend to change anything in there again they wanted to do it right. ~Yin
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and Yin is in 🙂
easy rider
It’s important to help our mini panthers and to tell all people that black cats are super beautiful… and that they can make the bestest furfriends and soulmates… and I hope so much you project will help that our black purring friends haven’t to wait so long for a new home…
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dearest Easy!
Savannah's Paw Tracks
your project is not only ambitious, it is needed. I may try to submit a photo of our funny silly Sage, aka The Kid Sage aka TKS. She is a midnight panther girl, no white and a striking face so full of expression, she always gets admiration for her eyes. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do for cat rescue
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much I’d love to see Sage in the book!
We’re bummed that your project didn’t meet it’s goal, but we will be back to Kickstarter for the next campaign! We don’t have any black kitties, but we have friends and we will share the info! We can’t wait to see the book.
Jodi Stone
I think this is a great project, I know that black dogs also have a harder time being adopted, so I’m happy that word is getting out about these amazing animals.
Garth Brooks has a song, Unanswered Prayers, and I often thank God that some of my prayers weren’t answered, because I wouldn’t necessarily be where I am now, so I hope your plan B turns out to be better than the original.
Thank you for being the change for animals.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, Jodi, and yes, there is black dog syndrome. That’s so true about unanswered prayers!
Pawesome Cats
Black cats deserve more attention so thanks for shining the spotlight on them! I’m sorry you didn’t receive the funding you needed on kickstarter but am heartened to hear about your Plan B – sometimes things work out exactly the way they are meant to.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, everything happens for a reason.