Abundance With Cats: August Pet Holidays, Empress Tarot
AUGUST Pet Holidays
![black cat magazine_august](https://catwisdom101.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/black-cat-magazine_august.png)
Love xoxoxo,
National Immunization Awareness Month |
August 8: World Cat Day or International Cat Day.
August 15: Check the Chip Day. Microchip awareness (AVMA).
August 17: National Black Cat Appreciation Day.
August 20: International Homeless Animal Day (International Society for Animal Rights).
August 22: National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day.
August 30: National Holistic Pet Day.
I hear rumblings about another pet Olympics to coincide with the Summer Games in Rio. I know Odin is more than willing to compete against Domino as an Olympic CATathete
And because it is Mondays With Merlin, we must have some tarot wisdom in honor of Lammas, the harvest festival. My mom, Layla always feels summer is over the day after her birthday and this year is no different. The garden is as lush as ever, but the light is shifting with an earlier sunset. I know, TOO SOON!
Harbingers of autumn like sedum and pokeweed have popped up in the garden but today we honor our ancestors who didn’t have grocery stores. A good harvest meant grain to bake bread and marked the difference between abundance or starving. When you eat a sandwich today or bite into ripe fruit appreciate what it took to get there. Grains or fruits took time and nurturing to grow, be harvested when ripe, be packed and shipped to where you could simply pick it off a shelf.
The tarot card of abundance is The Empress. She is pregnant with the never-ending source of creativity and life. She sits in her fecund garden bursting with growth but is patient. She knows how to wait and doesn’t want a pre-mature baby. When The Empress shows up in your life, it’s time to nurture yourself and any creative project with love and care. It could be DIY projects around the home or garden, a new business project or in our case, a new book. And boy have we had an abundance of amazing cats contributing!
Tell me dearest ones, what new abundance would you like to manifest in your garden of life? It’s a new moon tomorrow, the time to begin anew. Now is the most excellent time to state your intention out loud or write in down.
Yours with an abundance of love and appreciation,
![Cats in boxes](https://catwisdom101.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Cats-in-boxes.jpg)
![birthday purr](https://catwisdom101.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/google-birthday.png)
Lammas, the harvest festival is one I have never heard of so thanks to Google I understand a bit more. Even it in the darkest hour there is something if even the smallest thing to be thankful for. Thank you for the reminder.
Yes, the fall is coming. I dont mind though. Tomatoes are ripening and the garden is about ready to give her bounty.It is a good time.
I am unsure about what to ask for from the Empress, so many choices and all worthy of the asking. I dont like to get all negative , and morose.
It is always good to see you Merlin, my Monday is a good one now.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Vine-ripened tomatoes and sweet corn is August at its best. Thanks dearest Ellen and just pick one 🙂
Cathy Keisha
Whoa! I didn’t know about some of those days. Thank you! I need an abundance of treats and tuna. TW said she’d be content with happiness since she’s going through a very dark period. She’s not even updating my blog.
Layla Morgan Wilde
C.K. dearest, sorry to hear about the dark phase and hope it shifts soon. xoxo
Seville at Nerissa's Life
I have one more holiday for you! A couple of years ago, we were all set to get the first Monday of August (August Long Weekend Holiday) renamed, Nerissa the Cat Day. Nissy did up a calendar and everythin’! But now with Nissy gone, the Peep and I just didn’t have the heart to continue with that and I guess everyone else in Nova Scotia felt the same, ’cause they’re all callin’ today Natal Day. Maybe next year we’ll encourage Nerissa the Cat Day, again.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Natal Day? Didn’t it used to be a bank holiday? I much prefer Nerissa The Cat Day.
The Island Cats
Oh we think there is still some good summer left…even though it seems like once August rolls around, everybuddy starts thinking about school and football. But not us…we still are enjoying the warm summer days because we know what will be coming in a few months.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Good for you and we’ll join you 🙂
Merlin…….my wise friend……my Mom and I live our days with open minds and hearts anyway, but it never hurts to be reminded that when you’re OPEN you receive so much! We are waiting for autumn with anticipation as it’s been ridiculously HOT so far this summer and it makes you wonder what that might mean for the future seasons……..guess we’ll just stay OPEN!
Love, Sammy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Open is the best plan and many of us are ready for cooler temps and cozy sweater xoxo
Awww. Such goodness everywhere today with Merlin, Odin, Domino and their mom, Layla
<3 <3 <3
It tells me to pluck the fruit in my manuscript. When I have doubts, I fritter away. But this tells me the fruit is there.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Pluck the fruit dear girl and throw tomatoes at doubt!xoxox
I have such a wonderful, abundant life! It’s my human who does not always appreciate what she has. 😉
easy rider
that’s what we thought too… summer is over somehow… and the weather god agreed and sent dark clouds :o( and maybe the empress sent some energy to my momma… she is full of crazy ideas and we better look for helmets and ear plugs :o)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Uh, oh dearest Easy, your mom is very creative but accident prone.
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Harbingers of autumn, already? Could you ask it to hurry along? It’s like an oven here every day.
We like the idea of the Empress and pawsing to think about possibilities. Summer is a lull for so many of us with the heat slowing everyone down to a snail’s pace. We have so many ideas we want to chase as soon as we can stop having lazy summer afternoon naps.
Layla Morgan Wilde
It was Hades hot but hotter for you and hope you’re enjoying lazy naps xoxo
skeeter and Izzy
the Empress comes at a good time for us. We have been having some set backs and need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have a major repair being done on our vehicle today and our computer died and we need our eye exam and new glasses and the money just isn’t there for all of that. We are taking a very deep breath and trying to be patient. We hope that we can get all of these things paid for.
We hope that everyone has their needs met daily thru out the world. I think for all that I consider a big deal at the moment that there are so very many that need food, water shelter and medical care and that makes my problems very tiny in comparison.
Luvs and hope to all!
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Dearest ones, it sounds like an avalanche of issues that an infusion of cash would relieve. Nothing wrong with asking even if there are those worse off xoxox