Cats, Souls and Shamans
Can you believe it’s Monday again, and I’m here to share about cats, souls and shamans. That would be me, Merlin of the feline persuasion, age 21 years, 3 months and 1 week but who is counting? Not me. I take it moment by moment and boy there were some moments last week I’d rather not repeat. For you astrology buffs, Mercury and Jupiter turned retrograde causing communication chaos and techy glitches. The mood all around squirrelly at best. Tensions flared with an uptick in HBO words. Sound familiar?
So there I am restless, peeing up a foul-mouthed storm and the humans decided after another sleepless night that it was time. No, not time to put me to sleep but an early morning visit to the V E T. I’m usually an excellent patient but I don’t want to go. My mom, Layla had been up all night again and even though I told her I don’t want the big needle, I’m not sure she hears me. Thankfully, she lets my dad take me just in case she had any morbid ideas. Everyone dotes on me at the feline-only clinic but I must admit less than presentable and in dire need of a bath. I just can’t clean myself spiffy like the old days.
The good, okay pretty darn amazing news is I gained a few ounces and it wasn’t poop, my bloodwork is not bad all things considered and I DON’T have crystals. The blood in the urine that comes and goes is probably polyps. And I have a VERY strong heart. The bad news is the vet said I don’t have long to live. WHAT THE HELL? My dad goes deeper into denial. Layla goes into action mode as soon as I get home. She talks to the vet about options. What happens when. With a very old cat with a weak heart, they often just die naturally of heart failure. BUT my heart is strong. The other thing with CKD is vomiting. I rarely vomit but at end stage kidney disease vomiting frequency increases. She says that’s when the organs are shutting down and frequent vomiting is not pleasant. I can imagine but dying is rarely pleasant. It felt so good to get home and dive under the covers for some shamanic journeying with Layla.
I enjoy my time with her but something is very wrong. She calls it a spiritual emergency.
Thank COD she has friends to help. One friend suggested a session with her shaman and it felt right. Layla sets up a time to talk with the shaman to find out if they’d like to work with each other. It’s serious business and every shaman has a different approach. When you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. If you break a leg, you see an orthopedic surgeon but if your soul is sick, seeing a shaman is the answer for many. Shamanism is the oldest form of healing the soul or life essence dating back about 40,000 years and practiced all over the world.
I wondered how this session would be different since we already work with power animals and spirit guides. It turns out Layla didn’t need me to be there, just as the shaman didn’t need to be there in person. It’s always easier when two practitioners work together and can speak in short hand but it’s good to have reminders of what we already know. I used to be Layla’s assistant for many years with clients and knew this time would be different. Holy tuna and sardines! Talk about an intense almost 3 hours. I didn’t need to be in the room to know I was a big part of the soul retrieval. It was healing and enlightening to learn why I was still hanging around. It involves responsibility and sacrifice from the time Layla adopted me. There was a soul exchange and with it a gradual soul loss to Layla. We each needed to return a missing part and now I am free to go.
It’s way more intricate than this simple explanation but that’s all for now. I actually feel more peaceful since the session. Having a delightful bath helped restore my furs to their glory. And look! Someone got creative and made a cozy coat/cape from my CloudPuff. I hadn’t been out for days and a short stroll did me good.
This is in an old pic from two years ago and a reminder January is Dress Up Your Pet Day. Oh dear, never mind. See you soon!
Love always,
Cynthia Southern
I meant to say your Mom’s heart not hearts. *
Cynthia Southern
Merlin, I love you and I hope you keep hanging in there day by day. I keep you in my purrs and hope your heart holds out. If you go to the Rainbow Bridge it will break your Mom’s hearts as well as all the hearts of your fans who love you. Purrs
Merlin, we don’t like what that vet said, but are super glad the session with the Shaman was helpful and peace-inducing for you. We love you, and are thankful for every day we have with you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Much love to you dear friends xoxo
Connie Marie
Merlin, You got me started on Facebook and I’ve learned and laughed many times with you over the ” airwaves”.
I’m positive a strong heart is good, and both you and Layla feel peace. Hard to find!!
Where you live is beautiful and feels very life giving.
Layla will know by looking in your eyes when it’s time, I have to work at not worrying if the next post will tell that you’ve crossed. For never meeting you, Merlin I love you with my whole heart.
This doesn’t take anything away from my own kitties. Peace, Love and Purrs till tomorrow?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Connie Marie and you know big hearts can contain love for lots of cats.
Harvey, Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew
We send our best love. It sounds as though Layla has your present and your future in good paws.
We send our best love to you, and our respects. WEe know you will tell yur Mum and Dad when it is time to go.
Until then Rock On Merlin!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear friends down under. Yes, we will rock on!
Merlin go with your heart you and Layla will know . You and she have trusted one another a very long time.
It is so very true … “they leave pawprints on our hearts” sometimes the pawprint is light as air, sometimes the prints weigh heavier.
I bet your bath felt wonderful and to be all clean again is always so nice.
Peace be with you Merlin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and you know it’s true. Yes, the bath felt great and I smell good too. xox
Sometimes Cats Herd You
It’s good to hear that you’re feeling more peaceful now. You and Layla have been through so much together, and you both deserve to be making peaceful memories together.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, it’s a peaceful respite xo
Deziz World
Well Merlin this is all out of our bounds, but weez just glad yous feelin’ alright. Sis Lexi had to see da VET too and hims was shocked to see her duin’ so good havin’ da catitude and not havin’ lost any weight. So weez sendin’ purrs yous way.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and purrs to Lexi.
The Island Cats
Merlin, we’re glad you’re taking it one moment at a time. We know you’ll let your mom Layla know when your ready…don’t listen to that vet. Purrs to you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, agreed about the vet. xo
I am glad the session with the shaman helped both you and Layla. You are very strong in your mind and will know when it is your time.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear Flynn, it takes one to know one.
The Swiss Cats
We’re always so happy to see you, Merlin ! It’s every time a kind of miracle for us. We’re glad the session with the shaman helped you, and that you got a pretty good report at the vet. Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Every day I wake up is a miracle too :-0 thanks and purrs xo
How great you had good physical exam at the vet! But what vet said made me really sad 🙁 I’m glad you feel more peaceful after the session with Shaman. Hugs to you xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Tamago, it’s all unfolding as it should xo
Whew. Merlin, you are wise beyond your years. I feel this is not your time yet. You are strong. A strong heart is excellent. This is not your time.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kathryn, you’re right and anyway what is time ;-0 xo
Merlin I’ve known for a super long time that you will go when you know it’s time and not a second before or on anyone’s schedule but your own. You are such a hero to me….your will to live is as strong as your heart. Perhaps the session with the shaman was a part of closure but the door is still open my friend. You stay as long as you can though – you are an inspiration for many of us and we love you more than you can imagine.
Sending hugs, Sammy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sammy, yes, the door is still open and clear which brings peace and clarity.xo
Timmy Tomcat
Hi Merlin! We are all so glad you have a bit more inner peace. Sometimes it can be difficult to have a still center when there is something that needs attention/time/love to set back right.
Sending healing energies to invigorate and stimulate your days.
Timmy and Family
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks for your healing energies and good wishes.
Angel Ms. Phoebe's Family
Sweet nephew you continue to amaze me with your will to live, and know while this is wonderful it does not mean there is no stress involved for both Mom and fur baby when the fur baby is in the last stages of life. I am happy to hear the session with a Shaman helped you both find peace and resolution about the future. It is never easy for us parents to know when to help you prepare and make your final journey, and not every fur baby is able to tell us when they’re ready for they may not feel so even though medical issues or injury may take over. Hopefully through exploration and discovery with the Shaman you and Layla can find a common ground to communicate through, so when it is time to join Coco, Gris Gris, and Radish there will be no doubt and only peace for everyone. Enjoy each moment to its fullest dear boy and know you are thought of and loved by many, as is your Layla.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear ones. We feel blessed to have some help to make the transition easier.
Brian Frum
We are glad you had a good session Merlin and we’re always, always happy to see you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Always happy to see your face dear boy.
I’m so glad you are still with us, Merlin and I’m glad the Shaman session helped you both.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Andrea, thanks, it’s an interesting time for sure.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….we heer ya….ewe willna catch uz in pantz…….ore frank lee… three peace sootz, drezzez… ore shooz…. tho we gotta ad mitt de robe doez look warm ♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
We figured you guys as the au naturel types 🙂
Merlin I’m glad the session helped you and Layla.
No matter what the humans tell themselves, letting go is never easy.
We will always keep you in our special purrs.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Letting go isn’t easy and sometimes we need extra help before or after we die.
easy rider
Merlin I’m glad you got no bad news from the vet. And I’m glad for the mondays I can spend with you…. and just between us: I don’t participate in that dress up thing… I go nekked. always. and when my mom wants to have a fashion-twin she can go nekked too or without me ha! :o)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, I prefer you nekkid too!
Sue Brandes
I am glad your session helped you. Sending purrs and prayers.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks Sue 🙂
Hannah and Lucy
You amaze us with the way you carry on a usual Merlin – you must listen to your Mom and to your vet too then please yourself as it up to you when you pass over Rainbow Bridge.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hannah and Lucy, indeed, and thanks.
Skeeter and Izzy
We send you all purrs & prayers, hugs and kitty kisses. We send you all the energy we can share with your family. We send you love and peace.
We are glad that you got a pretty good report Merlin! Love love love and strength and courage to you and your family.
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear ones and we send you back love, peace and healing.
Fur Everywhere
*hugs* I’m glad the session helped.
Don’t put too much stock in what the vet said – we really never know when our babies will be ready to leave. Listen to Merlin and he will tell you. Jewel went much sooner than we ever thought she would. Merlin may live longer than the vet thinks. You just never know.
If he starts vomiting, Pepcid is great for reducing stomach acid. We used that and Reglan with Jewel. We also gave her little “baths” with waterless shampoo and bath wipes. She couldn’t bath herself as well anymore either. I’d like to think it helped her feel better about herself as cats are so obsessed with being clean.
Layla Morgan Wilde
We’ve used Pepcid and it helps. I agree not to listen to only one opinion, vet or not. Being clean feels good fur sure.
Mr Puddy
Merlin, You are just like your name… Magic Merlin !
I’m glad you are pawsitive
Purrs for you & Hugs to your mom
Layla Morgan Wilde
Puddy, you’re magic too and thanks 🙂
Wow, Merlin, you’ve been through a lot this week. I’m glad the session with the Shaman helped you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Summer. It was useful way to cap a wild week 🙂