Walk On The Wild Side With Merlin The Cat

Welcome to the first Mondays With Merlin of 2016 with a walk on the wild side with me, the dinosaur of cats. I feel as old as the bedrock in Sedona (a favorite place of my mom’s) where old is magic. As you know, I love to go for walks as does my mom but, walks don’t have to involve walking. My grandma who is in a wheelchair would know. The walk I’m talking about is about traveling to a new state of mind. It may mean physically exploring a new area, country or a new spot in your home or a walk in the metaphysical or metaphorical world.
For me, my favorite new spot is by a special heater in the bathroom with soft cushion on the floor. As my body is getting older, bonier and prepping to leave, I like the heat. The bathroom floor is not Layla’s favorite place but that’s where she spent most of the other night giving me Reiki and an extra dose of antibiotics on New Year’s Eve eve. The rollercoaster of life continues until it stops. In the middle of that night, Layla whisked me upstairs to her 3rd-floor lair hoping for a wink of sleep when the bloody pee returned. Odin happened to be sitting on a chair up there like the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland. Layla looked him in his one eye with sharp intent, “Please help.”
I was in the middle zone where I could have gone one way or another, in a heartbeat.
The last thing I wanted was to be dragged in the cold to an emergency clinic to be poked at by unknown vets at 5 am on New Year’s Eve. Frankly, my dad was in a desperately needed deep sleep and I didn’t trust Layla to drive when she’s cross-eyed tired. Wisely she cradled me in bed and prepared to allow me to cross over, calmly for a change. Ha, we’re making progress in the spirit world. When animals pass it’s easier when humans aren’t blubbering with attached energy.
Then Odin, who never spends time with me anymore hops onto the bed and does the feline equivalent of spiritual healing resuscitation. Layla, who has seen just about everything as a healer had never seen anything like it. Odin purred with a ferocious volume. There was head to head pressing, delicate and firm pawing along my spine and angelic energy all around us. I felt serene and if it was my time to go, it was the way to go. After about 30 minutes, Odin hopped off as cavalier as ever, I popped up as good as Lazarus and told Layla I needed to pee. She placed me on a pee pad on the floor and I peed clear with no blood. Some other weird mystical things happened since then but that’s another conversation. All I can say is seeing is believing or healing is believing. Layla took a quick snap in the dark, and this is what it felt like.
Often in the 11th hour, Just when you feel like giving up or think no one cares, something happens. Layla was feeling world-weary and blue after the New Mew Year about many things (I’d like to think it’s just me getting ready to leave) but it’s more complicated. And then there’s the potato chip test. Nothing, no treat gets me going like being able to stick my head in a bag of chips. Damned humans never gave me more a couple chips at a time. In kitty heaven, I believe there is a buffet of every flavor of chips, but I digress. So yesterday, I get a whiff of Layla’s potato chips and they work like smelling salts. Stingy Layla only gives me tiny pieces of chips to nibble on but it’s foodie heaven on earth. Of course they’re not healthy but would you deny a dying old cat? I don’t get them every day and Layla knows that the day I refuse potato chips is the day I’ve given up.
All the kitty dynamics are shifting. Domino is still my good pal but he’s spending more time alone and has a sudden passion for Morris Dancers videos. Odin is spending more time with a Nou Nou but not Domino. Nou Nou is thrilled to have her boyfriend more attentive but Odin as seen here, is one cool customer who knows how to walk on the wild side.
I wanted to share how wonderfully connected we are even when we forget. Layla posted her poem graphic about never giving up at her other blog with a different audience and they don’t comment much. Much to her surprise, a cat lover from Germany posted a comment here. It made all of us purr with delight at how we can connect with strangers oceans apart. But we’re not really strangers if we belong to the kitty tribe, yes? We may not speak English perfectly but we’re all fluent in the universal language of PURR.
“I’ve just got this poem as a New Years present from my next-door neighbours. Normally, I am not a keen poem reader, but that one touched me to cry.
Whenever I am away for a longer time, my very good friend does the catsitting, she is devoted to Barbarossa and Lucifer, and I hope I manage not to leave them alone.
Silly, when you are no longer a teenie, as I am (72), there is always that danger hanging around like Damocles’ sword.
My cats are very dependent on personal relationships, although they can talk to birds or mice outside, they give in return so much, they make my home happy!”
May your home be happy and your purrs loud.
Love always,

Timmy Tomcat
Merlin we are sending purrs of serenity to you and the pawrents. It is hard for them to understand how we get ready to transition. We know all the Angels are going to welcome you with open paws.
Purrs from all of us dear friend
Timmy and Family
Layla Morgan Wilde
The angels are all around us now and many thanks for your purrrrrrs.
Cynthia Southern
Merlin, I am so glad Odin managed to calm you and let you know it wasn’t time to go to the Rainbow Bridge yet. He, Domino, Layla and your Daddy would miss you so much. Everyone will know when it is time. It will be the time person or feline can’t predict. Everyone treasures every day you are still with us and can report to us every Monday, I love your magic.
Harvey, Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew
We try to post a lot but it doesn’t always work, but here goes.
Merlin, you know when you are ready. Make sure you tell Layla, so she doesn’t stress. Your Mum is an amazing lady and you make a great team. I really wish that I could have had the honour of meeting you in purrrson but I have seen the pictures on IG and your meow on video. Technology is a miracle sure enough.
Only know this – Merlin you are a cat in a million. You are one of a kind. You are amaing and we love you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and purrs. I’ve told her endlessly but you know how humans are xox
Chris Davis
Merlin, you’re as wise and magical as your namesake! Or perhaps that mystical wizard was named after you—in time and space anything is possible, eh? Sending love, potato chips and thunderous purrs, Chris and Mollycat
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, you just never know and being a cat, we’ll have to keep you guessing. Much love and super purrs xo
Karen Lucas
What a miracle Merlin and thank cod for your brother. Good job Odin. Minutes are days for our kitties and we are grateful for every one we still have with you Merlin and we know you are grateful for your mom and for Odin We love all of you, Lily and Henry and Jane.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Karen and kitties. We are grateful for all our moments.
Sue Brandes
So glad you are still here Merlin. Odin sounds like a miracle worker. Hugs.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sue, many thanks 🙂
Sweet Purrfections
It’s obvious that you’re not ready to leave yet. How amazing that Odin performed such magic on you, Merlin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Not ready fur sure 🙂 More magic ahead angels willing.
Caren Gittleman
Odin this gave me chills. It obviously was NOT your time to pass….there is still spunk left in you for sure! Odd that so many of us were feeling blue after the New Year…..wonder if it is a planetary thing? Regardless, I just loved this post. Odin, I hope you are with us as long as you choose to be! We love you and your Mama! xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Caren, there are lots of reasons for the collective blues. xox
Wow, the incredible healing from Odin. I believe it. Cats must know their purrs heal animals, WebMD states that the Hz of a cat’s purr definitely falls within the therapeutic range.
ALL our Siamese cats loved potato chips. And NONE of our other cats. What’s up with that, I wonder?
Purrs to Merlin and Odin and peace and love.
Merlin, we know how it feels to wait. We know your mom is glad to still have you with her for however long. You are definitely one loved cat!
Odin……..you miracle worker…..between you and Mom Layla I do believe you have kept Merlin from going just yet. The power of the paw LITERALLY is amazing……thank you for doing that because none of us – especially you all – are ready to say farewell to Merlin the Magician. Sending love to all………
Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank dear Pam and Sam xox
I believe in the power of the purr. Good job, Odin.
My husband fell and fractured his pelvis last October. A friend sent this:
“The vibration of a cat’s purr can speed up the healing process not only for cats but for other animals as well. Research indicates that even humans can benefit. If you are recovering from an injury, you should hug a purring cat. Consistent vibrational sound frequencies of 25-150 Hz, which is the range of a cat’s purr, aid in the healing of bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles, as well as providing pain relief.”
Layla Morgan Wilde
Maggie, thanks for this. Sorry to her about the injury and yes, purring does heal bones etc. It’s why cats purr to heal and self-sooth when injured.
What cats understand and what they see that we don’t never ceases to amaze me! Odin says it’s not time yet, Merlin, but when the time comes you will all know and there will be peace! xxx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes cats see the unseen and we all wish for peace xo
Sweet Purrfections
Merlin, we’re happy to know it isn’t your time yet! Your mom takes excellent care of you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
She does her best 🙂
Miracles happen.
Every moment one is happening Merlin, You are proof.
(hugs) dear friend.
Thinking of you and your dear Layla.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and we’re thinking of you and hoping miracles surround you.
Alice Towery
Merlin, what a wonderful feline friend you have in Odin. What a wonderful human mama you have in Layla. Jesus and all the other kitties are waiting patiently for you in Heaven.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Merlin, hopes they’ll be a little more patient.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Oh Merlin – how deeply you touch the heart and soul. Our dearly departed Jazz knows of what you speak. There were many a moon that the healing love, warmth, companionship, and purrs of his buddies Kizmet and Harley got him through many a weary night. Bless you and yours.
Layla Morgan Wilde
That’s what friends are for. It’s a blessing you’re lucky to know.
That’s wonderful and amazing, Merlin. What a beautiful thing it is that Odin helped you like that, and that Layla was there to witness it all. We love you all, dear friends, and keep you in our constant thoughts and purrs.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Space heaters are life savers 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear ones, it much appreciated.
The Florida Furkids
Odin is a true pal to work his energy magic for you.
The Florida Furkids
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Merlin, you’re a lucky cat to have a friend like Merlin there to share his magic with you. And we totally agree with you about the space heaters. They have a different kind of magic all their own.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Space heaters are life savers 🙂
It is miraculous the way Odin helped you, Merlin. My mum has tears in her eyes reading about it. Every day that we can stay is a blessing.
It is one year and nine days since I wasn’t expected to make it through the night but I have put up a brave fight to stay.
Layla Morgan Wilde
True and it’s a blessing and joy that Flynn is still here xo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, many purrs to you and I suspect there may be a chip or to in my future.
Ellen Pilch
This is a beautiful post. I think it is amazing that Odin was able to heal Merlin like that. I hope you are going to write a book about all these amazing things that have happened with Merlin. And Merlin,keep enjoying those chips sweetie. XO
Pawsome news that Odin made you feel better Merlin and that you wanted to stay for a while longer,Happy New Year to you all.xx Speedy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy New Year dear Speedy! We’re behind in our commenting but will stop by soon.
We love you very much, Merlin!!! Happy New Year!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for the love Dan.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….eye haz it on good authoritee…. that de chipz in heaven R oh everee flavor ya can imagine N then sum….AND ya can eat em…when ever….why ever…..how ever ya want…with out cons equence !!! troo lee…gram paw dude & sauce toll me sew ~~~ ♥♥♥
just sayin…..high paws two odin….momma’s boy noez why ☺
tuna of moon ~~~~~~~
Layla Morgan Wilde
I believe you and I bet they have rainbow flavor too!
Skeeter and Izzy
Blessings and healings to all. We are glad dear friend Merlin that you chose to grace the world a bit longer. Odin is a good brother. We know that times are hard for many right now and we send purrs and prayers to each one. We join our lines of light together and share all the love and healing with all. Alone we may sometimes be weak but joined together by our lights we are strong.
Luvs, purrs and prayers,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo and the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
YES to joining our lights all around the world. xo
The Island Cats
Wow, what Odin did was amazing! Merlin, we’re glad you’re still here.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks friends, Odin is a good brother.
Brian Frum
We all love you Merlin and we know your wisdom will always prevail my friend!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Much love to you and the gang xoxo
That was really amazing, the magic that Odin performed on you, Merlin! You are still full of magic.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Well it wasn’t really magic, just science not yet explained 😉
I am glad youre still here…. and even more glad you felt serene. Odin perhaps knows your job isnt quite finished, or perhaps he felt Layla ask for help. Its hard telling with Odin, but he was there for a reason.
To heck with the chip thing, so they arent good for you, as long as you dont eat them all day every day a chip or two isnt the end of the world. Enjoy them. Our oldest kitty Ozzy,has a Doritos addiction. He isnt the sharpest crayon on the box, he also likes licking the back of small fans (no clue why) . I hope your heaven has open bags of chips scattered whenever you have a yearning for them.
I rather liked the poem Layla put on the other site. It almost seems I have heard this in the song version at some point, I am thinking in elementary school but gosh it was so long ago . I needed that poem the night she posted it.
I hope your week is a good one Merlin, one filled with love light and maybe a chip or two!