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Caturday Rain or Shine

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Our kitty friends Oui Oui and Mica Minnie Moo from TwinkleToetail blog awarded us with The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Cats inspire us every day. We’d like pass this on to any blogger who makes the blogosphere a more beautiful place. If that’s you, we invite you to take this black and white image, add color or make it more beautifully yours and then pass it on.very-inspiring-blogger-award-cat

It’s been so hot and dry our lawn turned crispy but the cats as have adjusted. They love the heat but even our crew said, “Enough is enough, where’s the rain?” Gris Gris tried his best rain dance while doing his other job, herding blind Merlin.


When I’m gardening or recently, picking raspberries daily, I ask Gris Gris to keep an eye on Merlin and he does a good job. A little too good according to Merlin’s annoyance. Gris Gris must have appeased the rain gods because the rains finally came this week and we danced in the rain with relief. Merlin felt revived from the refreshing rain and walked with more energy than in recent months. His appetite has improved and not just for food. He hungers to be outdoors most of the day. Thankfully, hubby has been working on a laptop on the porch with Merlin happily napping nearby. Instead of coffee breaks we have Merlin breaks: we follow his lead and give him whatever he wants either walking, feeding or petting.


With Merlin’s increasing demands, I’ve turned my schedule upside down to cater to him. Some might call it palliative care but I’d rather not label it. It’s just loving care. Some nights are a blur of him yowling, slurping water from a bedside glass, and many mornings a twilight zone of cleaning pee or vomit. Some nights are a heavenly communion of bodies and spirit breathing the same breath of soft fur on my cheeks. Sometimes, late at night I like to watch him sleep.

merlin-sleeping-art-cat-quote-meditation-dalai lama

Odin is the only one who remained buoyant in the heat and crazypants excited in the rain. He’s the most dog-like of our gang and loves his pal Domino for games like hide and seek getting good and dirty. Cats are inherently self-cleaning and I’ve rarely needed to bathe any of my cats. Every evening we have brushing/bonding time which they consider a treat. In the summer, I use a tick comb to loosen any debris but with flea and tick protection, they’ve been blissfully bug-free to…


embody our philosophy…


We’ll do a happy dance if you vote for us. You know the drill by now. Once daily voting until the end of the month here. Have great weekend rain or shine!

Layla Morgan Wilde-Pettie-awards-best-cat-blog


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  • Oui Oui

    I’m touched by your loving concern and care for Merlin. It isn’t easy to see them decline. A rather bittersweet time of life. I cherished every moment with my beloved Lumpy. Some cats represent an era in our lives. Well, we’re off to vote!

  • animalartist

    I love to watch your cats enjoying the outdoors! They really developed into such a team, including the little troublemaker. I’m glad that Merlin is enjoying this time, how well I remember following a somewhat senile but determined cat around my house and yard, and the patience with which all my other cats watched, knowing what was happening and that they’d get my attention back…later.

  • Abby

    These are the days that will always be some of the closest to your heart, and to Merlin’s as well.

  • Cheysuli

    Merlin is a very lucky cat. The Male wouldn’t sleep with Georgia in the room when she’d start to walk around in her last months so she was banished (along with all of us) When she would cry outside the door the Woman would go out and sit with her until she calmed down though.

  • Marg

    It is so hard when they get old. But it sounds like Merlin is getting treated like a king which he well deserves.Glad he is still hanging in there and has his friend Gris Gris to help him out at times. Also conga rats on the award. That is terrific.
    I have a question for you. Do you know anyone that lives on Eastern Long Island that could help find some people that do TNR?? There are a bunch of feral cats that live near her and she desperately needs help to trap them. She called one place and they told her they were too busy which is too sad.
    Take care and have a good week end.

  • Katnip Lounge

    It’s wonderful, the bonds you have with your felines. I too treasure the little moments with my furries; they are all so unique. Give them all a hug from me and tell Merlin that we are purring for him to have more good days yet.

  • Cherry City Kitties

    Concatulations on your award. Thank you for sharing so much of Merlin’s journey with us. The size of your heart and the deep love for your boys shows in your writing and photography and every sentiment (whether they boys are naughty, nice, or just themselves…)

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    The feline-human bond is so incredibly special and Merlin is so blessed to have such a range of communication with his humans. I also admire how Gris Gris, Domino, and Odin all play such an important role in the interlocking connection of your family unit. Sad, but so endearing and touching at the same time.

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    There is one thing for certain ,there will be no regrets for for any moment of dedicated love and devotion given to Merlin or to any other.We as always send all of our luv and purrs…Skeeter and Izzy >^–^<

  • Ingrid King

    What a great Cat Saturday update! My heart goes out to you each time I read an update about Merlin. This is such a challenging, but also special time. Treasure the moment of “communion of bodies and spirit” – they’re what you’ll remember in the end, not the clean ups and lack of sleep.

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