We Could Be David Bowie Cat Heroes

We Could Be David Bowie’s Cat Heroes is my theme for Mondays With Merlin as we pay tribute to David Bowie and share a few, little known facts about him. I was first introduced to Bowie’s music when Layla adopted me as a young cat in 1995. When we heard David Bowie died at his home in New York last week following an 18-month battle with cancer, it was a sad day indeed. I’d like to think we could all be David Bowie inspired cat heroes. The iconic singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, painter, actor was a true artist. A fearless visionary unafraid of ridicule or failure, he gradually turned away from the limelight after marrying his grande amour, the supermodel Iman in 1992 and raising their daughter Lexi. Bowie semi-retired after a heart attack in 2014 but continued to inspire fans and went out with a bang by releasing BlackStar his 25th album on his birthday and dying two days later. BlackStar debuted as #1 and the YouTube video will hit 20 million views by the time you read this. What a life, what a legacy.
For a pop culture icon who could have lived as large and glamorously as possible, choose a very private life since settling in New York in the ’90s. They had a house in Soho in lower Manhattan and rural property (very un-Hamptons glitz) in Woodstock N.Y. A London home was sold years ago for lacking privacy. Before marrying Iman, Bowie owned an extraordinary property on the private Caribbean island of Mustique where pal Mick Jagger still owns a home. Bowie sold his slice of tropical paradise in 1995 with the proviso that the new owner adopt his cats and a dog (more about that in a minute.)
The media has played up Bowie as a cat lover but in fact, Bowie loved cats and dogs. At the time of his death he had three dogs and no cats. Cat and dog tributes and memes are popping up everywhere but our favorite is a portrait of Bowie and an unknown cat with two different colored eyes (heterochromia). Bowie appeared to have two different colored eyes but developed anisocoria a permanently enlarged pupil from a childhood injury. The left eye appears blue to hazel depending on the light.

Like many cats, I enjoy music and Layla kept playing “Heroes” over and over. Click and listen to a very intimate ad-free acoustic version recorded in 1996. It became an earworm and
I wondered: what would if we could be all be heroes for just one day.
The “Heroes” song will live on as an anthem for animal rights. The song played at the end of the Academy Award-winning documentary The Cove, a powerful film that revealed the senseless murder of dolphins in Japan. The annual mass killing continues and the next one is 75 days. Click on the link above to learn how you can be a hero.
For us cats and cat lovers, we can be heroes in ways big or small. You may be one and not even think you are. Late last night, Layla was chatting with a friend and the call came to an end because the friend had to drive in the rain to feed a feral colony. She’s a hero to many cats. I know many of you are every day heroes and some of you can do more. It’s a question of finding something that moves you, that inspires you enough to take action.
David Bowie, now Ziggy eternal Stardust once said, “As you get older, the questions come down to about two or three. How long? And what do I do with the time I’ve got left?” And “Every time I’ve made a radical change it’s helped me feel buoyant as an artist.”
Now back to Bowie’s Mustique home and his pets there. He called the Balinese inspired home, “It’s a whim personified. I love a good cliche, and this house, for me, is just the most delightful cliche. What you have to realize is that Mustique is a fantasy island.” Layla, remembered the Architectural Digest issue featuring the home as if it were yesterday. The text with an interview with Bowie is insightful and provides a glimpse into his private world. Oh, I’d love to sunbathe in that garden by the koi pond!
A fantasy island and world indeed. Layla had the good fortune to visit Mustique and stopped by Bowie’s house in 1995. And to think I almost moved to the island next door! Layla was spending a lot time down in Bequia and wanted to move there. Unfortunately, at the time pets were required to spend 6 months in quarantine in the U.K. Talk about a dealbreaker. She considered smuggling me and my sister but the threat of death if discovered proved too daunting and I ended up moving to chilly New York instead. Even if we had moved, Bowie would not have been a neighbor. We preferred the funky, unspoiled charms of Bequia. Bowie sold the property likely because his wife Iman didn’t like the island. I can understand why. As gorgeous as the island is, it has an eerie Stepford Wive’s quality. Everything is perfect, manicured and serene but the only black residents are descendants of the slaves who worked Mustique’s sugar plantations are now the island’s servants. It’s creepy and not diverse enough for my taste. I like every color cats, solid, patches, stripes, fur, no furr, it’s all good.
The property was sold to and renamed Mandalay by the billionaire publisher/poet Felix Dennis who died in 2014. He kept his promise to Bowie about taking care of his fat little dog and cats Turbo and Molly and wrote an elegy to Turbo from his collection Island of Dreams, “The King of Mandalay,”
They told me, dear old Turbo, they told me you had died;
‘The king is dead’ is what they said. I very nearly cried. . . .
You bullied little Molly; your ways were rough and rude;
You never wanted petting, — you always wanted food. . . .
But now the house feels empty and Molly seems to say:
Oh where is my tormentor, Turbo — King of Mandalay?
Dennis’s note reads:
“Turbo was the tomcat at my home, ‘Mandalay’ in Mustique. I inherited him from David Bowie. . . . Molly is Mandalay’s lap cat, a petite white female. Turbo hated her with an abiding passion and I was forced to throw him in the fish pond once or twice to teach him to mind his manners. It was Tony, our old butler, who christened Turbo ‘The King of Mandalay’, as indeed he was, but I never did find out why he was called Turbo in the first place.”
Click to see pics of Mandalay which was on the market and someone recently made an offer. It’s available for rent right meow for rent $40,000 for one week. There is no mention of any pets. Sigh, maybe I’ll get to visit in my next life. Now off to think about how I can be a hero in this life. How about you?

To be honest, I’m not very familiar with David Bowie, but it’s lovely to know the iconic artist was also an animal lover 🙂
Cathy Keisha
His death hit us hard. Heroes was always one of TW’s fave songs and she also loved Nico’s version of the song. His lastest video is amazing and so brave to make. Liver cancer is one of the truly worst of the cancers. His vision and style will be missed. His music will live on.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’ve loved seeing that you’d posted the Heroes video. I agree the last video was brave and heroic to make at a painful time.
Bev Green
Merlin we all can be heroes..you are a wise boy..sharing this tribute and helping connect us all with the heroes we can be..we love your picture and we mourn a loss again of not only a talented artist but a fellow animal lover..hugs Fozziemum xxx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Auntie Bev x
Bowie, Starman, visionary, one of a kind….
The night he passed away I played Space Oddity and thought as he was on his way perhaps he would pass Mercury and give a wave. The out of curiosity, I played Lazurus and was blown away. It was like he was saying goodbye in his typical offbeat way, and the last pictures days before his passing he was smiling. I think he was at peace.
I knew of his love for animals but it was a pleasure reading a first hand account of his place on the island. Your life would have been so different had you lived at Bequia.
Now to listen to Heroes…..
Have a great Monday Merlin!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Ellen, I’m having a good day but would love lolling in a tropical paradise ;-0
Sweet Purrfections
What a wonderful tribute to David Bowie. Mom Paula was also saddened to hear that Glenn Frye passed away today.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh no, I didn’t know about Glen. Loved the Eagles.
This is a very interesting post. David Bowie’s great talent will be missed but his music will live on.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and yes, the music lives on. Lucky us. xo.
Pawesome Cats
Great post – thanks for the additional insights into Bowie’s life, and his love of animals.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, it was a fun post to do.
My human’s music friends are still grieving over Bowie – he was a very special influence on their crowd and profoundly touched the budding creativity of so many world-class talents back in the 1970s – perhaps moreso than any other artist. It’s no surprise that he was an animal lover – aren’t all good people?
Layla Morgan Wilde
True xo
Very cool reading your post with the song in the background.
Bowie died as he lived- an amazing creative force.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Maggie, I’m so glad you read it as intended with the music in the background 🙂 A little extra motivation for readers 🙂
Erin the cat
Good people everywhere will mourn the loss of such a leading light, and a hero in his own right… thank you so much for sharing
Layla Morgan Wilde
You’re welcome and thanks for stopping by. Always happy to see new faces.
What a beautiful tribute to a very unique talented man!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Miss Annabelle and mom.
Nerissa's Life
Anyone who truly loves cats (and dogs) is a hero to me.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Agreed 100%
Ellen Pilch
Very nice tribute. I didn’t know about his enlarged pupil. My Stinky had an enlarged pupil ( we were supposed to see an eye specialist last Friday) and she passed the same day as David Bowie.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I forgot about that. 🙁
Very sad. Love Heroes. Love the photos of Mandalay. Love Merlin. Heroes inspired me today. You inspired me today. (How Heroes inspired me is a secret… for now…)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Purrs to you for being the only one who mentioned me, Merlin today. Ooh, loved that we inspired you!
Sue Brandes
Very sad day when he died. Love that song.
Layla Morgan Wilde
🙁 & it’s def. one of our faves.
easy rider
yes… you are like that heroes… and not only for one night or one day… you are heroes forever…. I sadly missed to see him once in a concert… and that makes me sad, it was one of my dreams to see him. But on the other hand I learnt that we should try to make our dreams true asap… before it is too late…
Layla Morgan Wilde
True, we never know how much time we have left. xoxo
The Island Cats
David Bowie was such a rare talent…and will be missed. Thanks for sharing some of these little known things about him.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Indeed and thanks 🙂
Skeeter and Izzy
We love it when you give us insight into people like Bowie and their love of animals.
We send our love and purrs and prayers to his family and friends. No one rich or poor can escape the final call.
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanuit & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yeah, this one extra purrrrsonal. xox