Tales of Mew York Cats
Domino here and I’m from Mew York. It’s come to my attention dat Layla posted embarrassing pictures of me inside da house in a tiny bed looking fat. Let me set you straight. It’s true I am liking la vida easy but make no mistake, I was feral for seven years and I’m no fool. I’m a tough guy. See the tip of my ear? Lost it to frost bite. I know what’s it’s like to go hungry. I leave no food bowl unturned, even sneaking upstairs where they keep the good stuff. But, I spend all day outside in my usual spot on the porch. Got that? See, this is my true nature, proud and free. I make the Man try and try to get me inside every evening. Ha ha. I like the game. Him, not so much.
Dude, chill. This is Gris Gris from da Bronx and you’re not so tough. Admit it, you like hanging out with us. When the sun came out this week, we all sunbathed as if we were on the Jersey Shore. Merlin really needed it since he’s been on antibiotics for a nasty dental infection. He’s getting old and I’ve been working hard keeping an eye on him. Thanks for giving him some kisses.

Merlin here and I’m so grateful for my friends. Everyone is being very concerned, snuggling and rubbing their scent glands so I know who is who since I can’t see well. I stay glued to my dad all evening and I sleep glued to Layla all night. The both do all kinds of healing energy work on me and it helps. The meds are kicking in and I’m feeling perkier wanting to go for my usual walks. Sometimes I get confused and start going in circles. Then I get scooped up and coddled. I like that but not the taste of my meds. Ick! It takes four arms to hold me down. Ha, I’m still got some life in me! Mostly I like napping, catnip and free-dried chicken treats. The vet is coming again next Saturday. Purr big time for me, okay? I don’t want to lose a tooth or worse!
For comic relief there is always Odin. He’s happy as a clam, playing with Domino all evening, wrestling and goofing around. I don’t really like when he burrows under the duvet bed with Layla but hey, it could be worse.
If you’re on Facebook, join us there for other photos not seen here. And if you like this, share it. Layla works hard putting it together. Have a good weekend!

Oui Oui
Awww, we know you guys are all tough in your own way! Except for maybe Odin, but thats ok too. You are all lucky as well, having a great home and a great mom too!
Tough in a huggable sorta way, and ruggedly handsome too!
Mary Matthews
Merlin, hope you purr with good news all the way home from your vet. Domino, I think you have a great New York cat name. Great picture of you and Odin. Happy Holidays to Gris Gris, Merlin, Domino and Odin and your people.
caren gittleman
they are “The Sunshine Boys!!!” I loved reading the updates and about their unique personalities!
Those are the best pictures and I send my best purrs to those not feeling top notch!
We will send healing purrs Merlin. You are lucky to have a vet that comes to your house! We have to ride in the car to the naturopathic vet (and now we will be even farther away!–YUCK!)
Milo and Alfie
We adore the pics and we hope sweet Merlin feels heaps better soon. xxx
Milo & Alfie & mom, thanks for your kind words,
@Deb, glad we made you smile.
@Marg, Dom is loving it!
@Katnip Lounge, I’ll tell him 😉
@Kathy, purrs to you Skeeter & Izzy.
@Rumpy, Thanks!
@Carolyn, Odin and Austin should have their own bad Boys Club!
@Father Tom, thanks for you purrs and prayers…
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Thanks for my smile today Layla and cats et. al.!! I love the last picture of Odin and Domino – the look on Odin’s face is priceless!! Purrs to you Merlin, we are sending lots of postive thoughts your way!
Dom, you had better enjoy that good life. We are all feral cats and some of us are staying inside and loving every minute of it. That is one special picture of you and Dom on the chair. Hope all of you have a great Saturday.
Katnip Lounge
What fun hearing from all of you! Merlin, we are sending you our best healing purrs to your sore toof. And Domino, give it up! Most of us are former street cats turned sooky la la, and we’ll whup the tar outta anybody who teases us about it! After our nap, that is.
Kathy Thompson
Love to all of the beautiful kitties! Each of you has a true beauty all their own! Purrs to you! Much Luv Skeeter and Izzy >^..^<
Rumpy Drummond
Hey Domino, we got two kitties that lived the feral life here…. they are no joke! You just keep enjoying the good life.
Domino is one of the boys for sure. He can’t help himself now! Merlin is a sweetie and I still think Odin is crazy like Austin lol.
I know how hard making those pics are. They are enjoyed and appreciated 🙂
Ingrid King
Love the photo of all four of them sunbathing together, and OMG, the photo of Odin and Domino is precious!
Sending lots of healing energy to Merlin.
Ingrid, Odin & Domino are insane about each other!
@Pam & Sam, keep those paws crossed…
@Max, we do a weekly roundup of our gang every Saturday.
@Angie, you’re right about Domino and we have the scars to prove it.
@Kathryn, thanks and purrs to your boys.
Pam Kimmell
Sam and I hope that Merlin recovers soon from his dental issues – not fun feeling under the weather! Odin and Dom playing and horsing around – always good for a big smile. Gris Gris looking out for Merlin – how sweet is that?! What a totally handsome (and happy) crew. Paws crossed for Merlin’s next checkup!!
Pam and Sam
Max the Quilt Cat
Hello Everybuddies…. I love meeting new cats. What a great post and it’s so nice to meet all of you.
pawhugs Max
Angie Bailey, Catladyland
That pic of Odin and Domino is so great. Love your cats. I’ll tell ya… I wouldn’t cross Domino! He looks like a total badass 🙂
Give Mr. Merlin an extra snuggle from me. xo
All dese boyz are sew grate~