Shelter Volunteer Bites & Meet The Feline Odd Couple
It’s raining kittens at the shelter and lots are being adopted but many, many more homes are needed. They are too adorable. Check out the latest kitten photos on Facebook at NewRochelleHumaneSociety and share if you can.
I have to admit I was nervous entering the room where my muse, Angel Gray Boy used to live. Would his cage be empty? Would I burst into tears? Was his spirit still there? I took a deep breath and marched over to the cage, my insides roiling to think a cold metal cage was his last “home”. Nothing of his energy remained. I peeked inside the cage and saw no new cat. It’s fairly dark inside and I opened the door. A pair of bright yellow eyes from a solid black stared back. He hissed. He’s a story for another day.
This week’s adventure as a shelter volunteer involves cat bites. I’m used to handling cats and in the past six weeks I had a perfect record of no nips, bites or scratches until last week. I lost my focus for a second by the cage next to Gray Boy’s and was a victim of re-directed aggression. A tiny, claw swipe, a drop of blood and my gut said uh oh. You can how small it was from the image. Small can be dangerous because the skin quickly heals trapping bacteria underneath. The following morning, there was a bit of swelling, redness and bruising but it was painful and I suspected the most common culprit of cat bites/scratches, the bacteria Pasteurella multocida. The shelter cat is perfectly healthy. Just about every healthy cat carries the bacteria and so, I drove to our local hospital.
I’m lucky to live near a small hospital where it’s rare to wait and it’s like going to a five star hotel. After getting settled on a cozy hospital bed and having one person after another cater to me, I wanted to stay for a week! Yeah, it’s been an exhausting time. The delightful internist chatted with me about pets and sent me home with good old penicillin, 4X daily for a week. Apparently the the old school antiobiotic works best for this bacteria. It’s rough on the digestive flora so I’m on probiotics as well. For more details about cat bites and scratches see our article Killer Cat Bites.
The take away is: if you’ve been bitten or scratched by a cat and your symptoms get worse over night, please seek medical attention
Well of course a little nick won’t stop my shelter visits and there’s a pair of bonded cats from the hoarding situation I’d like you to meet.
They’ve come a long way and I’ve grown quite fond of the very ODD COUPLE. They remained nameless for weeks and I couldn’t think of anything suitable so they became Pa, the older gray and white boy and Babe, the tiny, younger brown tabby boy. Both are very affectionate considering their past and bonded. The white parts of their fur are still stained with urine and excrement from being caged without litter boxes. They are improving every day and unlike many of the other hoarding cats are well socialized.
Babe is tiny with dwarfish legs and the same rabbit soft fur of Lil BUB. He’s about three-years-old while Pa is an older mancat of about ten. It pains me to think how many years he spent locked up but whoever adopts him will reap a bonus amount of joy in his remaining golden years. Babe boldly leaps out of his cage but Pa is reticent to jump, yet. Both love giving headbonks but Babe is king of the cuddlebugs. Pa is feeling better after some dental work and the future looks bright for this true #AdorableAdoptable odd couple.
If you have any questions about any of the cats, email me [email protected] or visit www.NewRochelleHumaneSociety.org Thanks for sharing. If you pin the graphics, they can be automatically be shared on Facebook.
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Sue Brandes
Those two kitties are so cute. Hope they find forever homes. Hope your hand heals quickly.
You are so right, Layla. You have to be really careful about bites and scratches!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
This is a great reminder. The head peep has been lucky that none of her bites have required medical care over the years, but it’s so important to watch them carefully and don’t hesitate to go to the doctor if necessary.
The Island Cats
The mom has been bitten more times than she can remember (not by us!) and she’s learned the hard way that you don’t ignore a cat bite.
Brian Frum
Yea, we have sharpies and we know how to use them.
we’re glad you got treatment for the wound and hope it heals fast!
We continue to pray for the cats at your shelter and for all of the ones out there in need. There are SO many everywhere including my own beloved Skeeter. We just hope daily that someone cares enough to help in some way.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Nerissa's Life
Peep #1 has been bitten twice.
First time was at the doctors! Auntie Primrose was havin’ a rough day. The peep had an even rougher day after receivin’ fourteen – count ’em… FOURTEEN – puncture wounds. My doctor bundled her off to the emergency room along with a note sayin’ what bacteria might be in Prim’s mouth.
Second time was out on the road in front of my house. The cat-who-came-back got her when she picked him up to prevent HIM from gettin’ hurt by nosey-neighbour-cat. That time, she waited a couple days before goin’ to her doctor which was a BIG mistake ’cause her hand and arm got all infected.
Peep #1 totally agrees with you. Bites are NOTHIN’ to mess around with.
Nissy #Niss4Senate
Angel AbbyGrace
When Abby bit me I went to my DR who prescribed antibiotics but she drew a circle on my hand and said if the redness or swelling goes beyond this circle you have to go to the ER. Guess what? Next day I was at the ER. Getting intravenous antibiotics. Abby’s $2500 bite. Glad you are doing better.
I hope your hand heals soon. I’ve been bitten and scratched but so far I’ve been lucky and haven’t gotten serious enought to get medical attention. But need to keep this in mind!
Pa and Babe are very cute. It’ll be wonderful if they find forever home together 🙂
easy rider
I hope the ole penicillin works and you feel better soon. I will share the little survivors of the hoarding on fb.
Alana Grelyak & Crepes
Good thing you got it looked at, for sure! We hope you feel better. Thanks for the warning. We knew about the redness but didn’t realize it would also bruise up around it.
My Three Moggies
Good post we should take note on cat bites even if they are small nibbles.
Good reminder for those who think a little bite is no big deal – it certainly can be a VERY big deal if left untreated! I hope Pa and Babe are just two of many who do find a forever home soon……I know there are so many waiting to move on with their lives away from the horrors of the hoarder.
Hugs, Pam and Sam
When Binga bit my human instead of the treat she was holding, she didn’t even wait overnight to go to urgent care. She got amoxicillin and hated it!