Can We Have One Last Pettie Awards Vote?
We’re purring with gratitude to everyone (you know who you are) who voted for us in the Pettie Awards for Best Designed Blog.
May we ask for one last vote? Voting ends today (midnight PST) at Pettie Awards. VOTE Here Now.
A win for us is a win for the shelter cats I work with at New Rochelle Humane Society who if they could, would say thanks and purrs.
Congratulations to CK! You are our big giveaway winner of a custom made Googie Bed from Davies Decor.
Odin has grown fond of his Googie Bed and may not share it with any future foster cats. We’re having a day off. Well maybe my assistant is and will not be blog hopping much. No need to leave a comment today but a share is always appreciated.

Cynthia Southern
I voted too and wish you luck!
Bev Green
We voted too and now it’s all over..congrats to CK who i am sure is very very excited 🙂 big hug Fozziemum zx
YEAH! Congratulations to CK for winning that awesome bed! 🙂
We’re voting every day for you … off to cast our final ones.
Nerissa's Life
Yup, it’s crunch time, for sure. Only a few hours left. I’ve been votin’ every day, without fail. Every single day.
Nissy #Niss4Senate – tell the PM, today.
Angel AbbyGrace
Feel better Layla. And concats to CK!
The Island Cats
Wow, how awesome that CK won the bed!
Layla Morgan Wilde
OMG, Easy, you made my day by saying that!!!
The Swiss Cats
Concatulations to CK ! That bed is terrific ! Purrs
Brian Frum
We have been voting too! Hooray for CK, she will sure be stunning on that thing!
Sweet Purrfections
Congratulations to CK. Best of luck on the Petties.
Cathy Keisha
Many thanks Layla on a wonderful giveaway. You know when I win something, my shelter gets something of mine so it’s a win-win. Keeping my paws crossed that you and the shelter cats win.
da tabbies o trout towne
whoa…mega awesum…conga ratz two ewe CK on winnin yur bed & best fishes doodz in this yeerz petties ♥
Kitties Blue
We left a comment anyway so we could tell Odin just how precious he is. Concats to the winner of that cool bed. We’ve been voting in the Petties efurryday. When will you find out if you and your shelter have won? XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Layla Morgan Wilde
They announce the winners in September but we don’t have a date yet. And Thank-you for voting every day!
Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to CK!!!
Enjoy your day Layla. We hope you win for the shelter!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Laila and Minchie
Keeping our paws crossed for you for a win! We voted every day for you guys! And concats to CK for their win!
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
I have voted once again 🙂
I sure hope you win one of the prizes !!
BIG ConCATulation to CK !
That bed sure looks like a good place to hang out in 🙂
We voted – we wish we could have cast more than one vote a day!! Concatulations to CK for winning the pawsome Googie bed……Odin certainly likes his and I can’t blame him……it’s a well designed and cozy nap spot.
Hugs, Sammy (and Mom)
Good luck – I hope you win your Petties category!
easy rider
Of course, I vote every day. I will miss this morning ritual :o) Good Luck!!!