world smile day
Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Feline Funnies,  Holidays

Odd Cats Bring Smiles On World Smile Day & Other Odd Holidays

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)


Odd Cats Bring Smiles On World Smile Day and other odd holidays. Okay, so we’re little behind. Literally every day I ask my husband, what day is it? There is so much going on, the weeks are blurring into months at breakneck speed. There was nothing odd about Merlin but he always brought a smile to my face. Every single day. The odd cats I found are vintage and I hope they bring a smile to your face.

Our Black Cats Tell All book if finally been uploaded to IngramSpark for wide global distribution including Amazon. It takes a couple days to show up. We are ready for wholesale bulk orders for our print version. It’s you’d like to order 10 or more books for friends or resell as a shelter fundraiser please email me

Other holidays today:

It’s Wine Day today (isn’t that every day?)

Frappe Day,

Card Making Day,

National Day Golden Week in China, is the biggest week for tourism in China, when people have a week off to reunite with families and take trips.

and the end of the Jewish High Holidays is Sukkot a kind of harvest festival.

Have you ever seen a cat this big? It was a float at an exhibition at Balboa Park. Can you imagine kids these days being this free to climb up like that?

Black Cat, San Diego_kids_1935





















Another black cat, a little smaller and a few years earlier in Germany. They don’t look as enthralled as the other kids.



And since it is Caturday and on Instagram, Caturday is all about dress up, I had to find a vintage cat with style. Princess Mickey was in a show cat and won best costume. It goes to show qyou, cats being dressed up then and now is the same as ever. We probably have better variety since buying dresses off the rack didn’t exist. There were no Petco or other stores with costumes made in China. Cat lovers would resort to hand sewing their kitty couture and the attention to detail showed.

Princess_mickey_cat_show _1948

Are you celebrating anything today? Needless to say the entire month of October is Black Cat Awareness Month which we launched last year as part of our nonprofit initiative.


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