Cat Behavior 101,  Holidays,  Holistic cat care

New Holiday Hazards Cats Infographic

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

We’re excited to share our New Holiday Hazards For Cats Infographic.

If you’re as wildly busy as us, you have about a minute to spend at most blogs, more or less. That’s the reality of life these days but important info about our favorite subject: cats, must get out there. Do you have time to read long posts? How long is too long? Please share our mini version (at the end of the post) or longer one which includes fire hazards, toxic plants and chemicals.

Our cats loathe being dressed up in any holiday finery for more than a minute. Tiny Santa hats are tempting though. Will you be dressing up your cats this year? If you have a suggestion to add to the infographic, please leave it in the comments. Check out our detailed post about the #1 hazard especially if you celebrate Hanukkah.

holiday_hazards_catscat wisdom 101 holiday cat hazards infographic



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