Wonderpurr holiday cat
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Mondays With Merlin: The Most Wonderpurr Time Of The Year

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Hello my lovelies, it’s me Merlin coming to you live from under the duvet. My mom Layla is with me transcribing on a laptop and claims I’m getting stinky. That’s what happens when you’re old and don’t self-groom anymore. I’ve always kept my furs kissable and April fresh but even my regular fresh air strolls aren’t doing the trick. Neither are warm wet cloths so yes, dear readers for the first time in twenty years this oldster is having a bath, today! I will provide a full report, if I survive.

It’s December and a brand new week of the most wonderpurr time of the year. Yeah right. If you’ve been manhandled by the indignity of a bath, do tell in a comment. I’m all ears if not all purrs,


Merlin (your cat friend who is soon going to look like drowned rat.)
[Tweet “Share if you think it’s the most wonderPURR time of the year for #cats #MeowMonday #Moanday”]

P.S. Do you feel lucky?With multiple winners, your odds of winning our snazzy Kitty Treadmill scratcher are about 1 in 10! The giveaway ends today. Hurry and enter with simply a comment at the GIVEAWAY POST.

Wonderpurr holiday cat



  • Sue Brandes

    Merlin my kitty Charlie knows how you feel. Every once in awhile he needs one too. Hard getting older. Purrs and kisses.

  • Kitties Blue

    Merlin, our hearts ache for you. That happened with our angel Louise when she got really, really old. We know your mommy was super gentle, and we bet she let you get back under the duvet as soon as you were dry. But Christmas is just around the corner, so many good things in your future. Focus on that! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  • Flynn

    I have never had a bath Merlin, but I don’t mind water so it might be all right. I hope it goes well for you and you come out smelling lovely.
    Eric used to like to get in the bath with mum or dad. He would lay on their tummies with his paws in the water and his tail floating.

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    No baths here!!
    Mom has done the bath thingy with other kitties but not this crew.It will be fine Mr Merlin!

    Luvs to you
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    dood…..if ya HAZ ta have a bathe…think oh it as swimmin in a nice warm pool surrounded by trout, flounder, mackerull, perch…


  • The Swiss Cats

    Merlin, we can’t feel your pain as we never got a bath, but we can imagine ! On the other side, you’ll be very happy to smell fresh again. We’re sure your mom will be very gentle and very careful during that nightmarish but necessary moment ! Purrs

  • Summer

    Well! I seem to have lost my comment with my big bathing ritual – or it wound up in the spam folder! Suffice it to say, Merlin, you won’t have anywhere near as huge a process to go through as me.

  • Summer

    Merlin, I get baths at least twice a month – every time I compete in a cat show, and an extra bath for practice if I’m only doing one show in a month. It is not my favorite activity but it is not as bad as some kitties make it out to be. And I bet you will just get one shampoo and maybe a towel to soak up the moisture and perhaps a quick blow dry, since you are short haired. Think of me, and my show baths – I get TWO shampoos (one clarifying, one regular cat shampoo), lots of rinsing, then TWO cider vinegar and water rinses, then more rinsing, then a soft water rinse (we have very hard water here). THEN I get wrapped in a towel to soak up the extra moisture, and a leave-in conditioner… and finally I am blow dried and groomed with two different sizes of combs and my britches get a touch up with a slicker brush. I have to admit, I look and feel amazing afterwards, but it is a big deal. You won’t have anything close to that to deal with.

  • Bev Green

    Oh Merlin…sorry you have to suffer the indignity of a bathie…but once you are out and floofed up and smelling purrtty again..you can relax..none of my kitties have ever had to have a bathie..but last night was bath time for two smelly doggies here…sheer chaos! but they smell great and feel lovely…as i am sure you will too sweet one…many hugs to Layla and still sending gentle hugs for her đŸ™‚ loves Fozziemum xx

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